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The Dojo (Open Rp)


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*alex just realizes tony is naked* "ah! im so sorry! uhhhh... heres your clothes for you to change into, sorry for uh..." *blush*

Tony puts on in his clothes feeling a loss of dignity in the fact that he was kicked in the face by a woman, he has know for a day while he was taking a shower.

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          A lonely Vauban was gliding slowly through the solar system. He noticed a large floating object in the middle of space. He flew over to it and noticed a hangar. He then navigated his ship into the floating object to discover that it was inhabited. After he had landed his ship, and was walking out into this hangar, he looked around at all these people. All these warframes! 

          "Why are all these people here?" The Vauban asked himself

Edited by Mr._Expert
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Droben sputtered for a moment before exclaiming, "Balderdash! I love people! Now and then they just steal my things, break my stuff, kill my friends, y'know. Stuff that people do."





Miranda read Crimson's message and paused for a moment, debating her course of action. After a sigh, she dismissed the message without response and continued pruning the tree that she had been working on.

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A lonely Vauban was gliding slowly through the solar system. He noticed a large floating object in the middle of space. He flew over to it and noticed a hangar. He then navigated his ship into the floating object to discover that it was inhabited. After he had landed his ship, and was walking out into this hangar, he looked around at all these people. All these warframes! 

          "Why are all these people here?" The Vauban asked himself

((My Mary-Sue senses are tingling...))

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          A lonely Vauban was gliding slowly through the solar system. He noticed a large floating object in the middle of space. He flew over to it and noticed a hangar. He then navigated his ship into the floating object to discover that it was inhabited. After he had landed his ship, and was walking out into this hangar, he looked around at all these people. All these warframes! 

          "Why are all these people here?" The Vauban asked himself

(i dont think he read up on anything about this rp session)

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White just simply nodded. "You are right about the social part. I'm more here merely taking a rest between my hunt, and figured the best place to learn galactic news is from a group of other Tenno." He said, motioning to everyone else. "......... and my name is actually taken from one of the sides of the combined cryopod I woke up in. 152-White-45A."

Edited by WhiteTimberwolf
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          A lonely Vauban was gliding slowly through the solar system. He noticed a large floating object in the middle of space. He flew over to it and noticed a hangar. He then navigated his ship into the floating object to discover that it was inhabited. After he had landed his ship, and was walking out into this hangar, he looked around at all these people. All these warframes! 

          "Why are all these people here?" The Vauban asked himself

*Before the ship lands his radio flares to life* "This is the Dojo tower, what is your business here"

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Droben nodded. "I see. So when you woke up and asked yourself what your name was the first thing that came to mind was... to look at the side of the nearest people-fridge and name yourself after that. I have to tell you, that is by far the most original way to name yourself that I have ever heard. Congratulations." Droben's words dripped with sarcasm.

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After a long day of being chased by a guy with blood on his hands,throwing up all over, getting kicked in the face by his now roommate and being seen the nude, tiny decides to crash on the couch. He lies down and relaxes thinking about was the deal is with this place.. I mean this would be a slaughter house if the stalker and friends (g3/zanuka) came. As he talks to himself he starts hearing scratching at door. He walks over, and pulls out his Cronus, he opens the door and a giant hairy creature tackles him. Except it's not attacking him it's, licking him..

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Droben cocked his head and turned his gaze to Kate. "Why Mira?"

Kate shrugged. "Mirage. It was the only word I could remember; scratch that, the only fragment of a word I could recall. I liked it; "Mira" is an old word that meant "look". I took it as a reminder."

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"Well, what do you have in mind, Droben? I'm technically homeless until Abra comes back from building his and Felix's trade empire." She pouted. "Even worse, there's a weird Monsoon lookalike here I may have - accidentally - turned into my archenemy."

Edited by Achaix
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"Well, what do you have in mind, Droben? I'm technically homeless until Abra comes back from building his and Felix's trade empire." She pouted. "Even worse, there's a weird Monsoon lookalike here I may have - accidentally - turned into my archenemy."

"The hotel here provides free rooms, you know. Or, if you're willing to shell out some cash, I believe they have premium rooms as well."

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After a long day of being chased by a guy with blood on his hands,throwing up all over, getting kicked in the face by his now roommate and being seen the nude, tiny decides to crash on the couch. He lies down and relaxes thinking about was the deal is with this place.. I mean this would be a slaughter house if the stalker and friends (g3/zanuka) came. As he talks to himself he starts hearing scratching at door. He walks over, and pulls out his Cronus, he opens the door and a giant hairy creature tackles him. Except it's not attacking him it's, licking him..

Alex walks in through the open bedroom door half-dressed, and seeing tony being slobbered upon says, "oh yeah that's right, you haven't met Tucker yet, I had him moved over to the hotel from my ship."

Edited by bomberkidd
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