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The Dojo (Open Rp)


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"Hmm... Oh hi Echo" Damascus said as took place to sit down and started thinking "I think you might not know who I am really or do you?" Damascus asked while pulled out some kind of cards and started shuffling them time to time spin one of the cards on his fingers.

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"Loki Prime if I need to be pettifogger. Though I changed my both names to Damascus to make honor to be as predecessor of the fallen wearer of this very same armor. Just wondering myself did I really deserve this but a Nyx said that "Changes happens on things and persons. Now it was just my turn" Damascus spoke and set one card between his right hand's index and middle finger spun it between those fingers for a moment.

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"Just doing tricks what has burrowed on my mind long long time ago. How did you know about I and Rota have spent time at something?" Damascus asked as started shuffling the card deck with his right hand's thumb and pinkie. He looked around once to see if any kubrows had come to check out the action.

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Damascus thought about the part when Echo said that she was drunk and she wanted it. "Ain't blaming what she has decided to do. Unless you discriminate her after taking the chance of having wrong kind of fun" Damascus said as stopped shuffling the cards. Switched card between his fingers to another card and started spinning the card between his fingers.

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"No. Like I said I learned these long long time ago just bringing back the memories when I used to have people who were like brothers and sisters to me" Damascus said as the card between his fingers spin on top of his finger and stared at Echo while doing this.

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(Sigh.... I feel bad for knowing what song it was before it loaded...

Also, just checking, did Kate and Droben just bang inside of Felix's ship?)

((Yes. Watcha gonna do about it?))

Kate reached into a pocket of her now-discarded pants and took out a small white cylinder. She clicked a small button on it and took a long drag, the light at the end glowing red.

After a moment, she offered it to Droben. "E-cigarette?"

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"Because one card game in particular is hides in one of the core elements of the war too" Damascus said he did three really well done tricks with the cards. He picked up a card "Heart for the warriors who when they has lost their memories remembers their greatest partners of their life" Damascus said.

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Droben cracked his neck. "Still, not quite my style. I just can't really picture myself with one of those in my mouth. Just seems... off."

Mub's tripod reclined as it rolled over to Droben, opening a hatch to reveal a small, white bottle. "Thank you sir," Droben said, taking the bottle. After unscrewing the cap, he took a white pill out and swallowed it whole, putting the bottle back in it's place shortly after.





After finishing all that she could think to do in the garden, Miranda found herself a bench and put her head in her hands. A minute passed, then two. When she stood back up, she sent two messages out. One to Crimson, the other to Fae. The first stating a simple,


"We're done,"


and the second saying,


"I hope you understand, but I just don't think that gardening is right for me. Good luck."


A moment later she sighed and stood up, beginning the long walk back to the hotel room.

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"You haven't seen anything where I am capable of. Let us say that even with a card I can deal more damage on something than you can do with a Dread arrow. It is all about how you execute the move" Damascus said as putted card back on deck and shuffled the deck again.

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"Hehheh... I could demonstrate how these can deal more damage than Dread arrow but we are kinda wrong place currently. For that if we are exactly speaking about my cards. Anyway I hope you and Rota will have bright days" Damascus said as pocketed the cards and walked out of the kennel.

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Damascus came back to the apartments but now he had engaged thoughts about Rota. He was kinda disturbed about the fact that she had gone drinking maybe a bit too much what he had listened from Echo's mood and how he used his voice. He didn't like it.

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Damascus came back to the apartments but now he had engaged thoughts about Rota. He was kinda disturbed about the fact that she had gone drinking maybe a bit too much what he had listened from Echo's mood and how he used his voice. He didn't like it.

*suddenly he felt something bumping into him when he looked closer he could see it was rota* "oww cant you look where you g....ohh..its you"

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"Umph... *Damascus gasped on the impact* Sorry I was walking while had engaged thinking deeply about what you is going on currently at other parts of solar system" Damascus said and looked on Rota and took off his helmet somewhat pale colored skin and sky blue eyes. Some beard below the jaw.

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"Umph... *Damascus gasped on the impact* Sorry I was walking while had engaged thinking deeply about what you is going on currently at other parts of solar system" Damascus said and looked on Rota and took off his helmet somewhat pale colored skin and sky blue eyes. Some beard below the jaw.

"sorry...its ok....i was thinking ....i just didnt see you" *she got back up again* "wont happen again"

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((Whoops. I'm bad at reading. Sorry.))


Miranda looked up to the Rhino and felt herself tense. She could be witty, concoct some cruel dissection of every apparent flaw of this poor man, but she was tired. Miranda stood up and walked to the Rhino, hands hanging loosely at her sides. "F*ck you."

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"It was both of us. You don't need to look like lesser than what I am. Even if I am wearing a prime frame" Damascus said putted the helmet hang on his right thigh and took light grip from Rota's hands "You seem to be bothered by something" Damascus said as looked on Rota's eyes. He wasn't really amazed by the color of eyes he actually likes it.

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((Whoops. I'm bad at reading. Sorry.))


Miranda looked up to the Rhino and felt herself tense. She could be witty, concoct some cruel dissection of every apparent flaw of this poor man, but she was tired. Miranda stood up and walked to the Rhino, hands hanging loosely at her sides. "F*ck you."

"With someone as beautiful as you, I could only dream."

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