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The Dojo (Open Rp)


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Halcyon was busy checking the logs, noticing that the Oberon he'd come looking for didn't seem to be in attendance, but to other people seemed promising, the most promising, the chief medical officer, second most, Vladof, being chief technical officer, it also mentioned he specialized in prosthetics and cybernetics, and at that point, Halcyon was ready to give an arm and a leg to get out of that Frost Prime, or at least not be constantly cold, only problem was he'd come in contact with neither of those two people and had no idea where they might be. So for now, he simply followed the signs to the on site restaurant, hoping to find someone there who knew where Elith was.

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"T-true." Agatha replied. Taking a sip of her new whiskey, the image briefly flashed through her mind: The smoking bolto in her hands, his neck pouring blood, eyes glazed and unfocused and lips moving in a silent prayer. She flashed back to the present, the sounds of battle still fresh in her ears. "Where are you going next?" she asked, hoping to change the topic.





"We're moving on the council Oaker," The voice of his brother resounded through him, the weight of those words moving the breath from his lungs. "Damn it Ed, we're not ready for that kind of thing yet. Hold off!" Oaker replied. "No, brother. We are not holding off. The council has become complacent. They will never suspect a full scale assault. IF you do not join us we will declare you our enemy. Are you sure you should take that risk, Oaker?" Ed said through the encrypted intercom before disconnecting the channel, leaving Oaker in the dark comm room, and with only his thoughts.

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Echo sighed and chuckled. "Just calm down..." He said as he walked a bit closer. "I can... umm... pay back. You can hit me... not like that but punch or kick me." He put his arms to the side. "As much as you want but not too fatal."

*he got a hard punch to the face* "that really helped"

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"I am not sure. Perhaps Felix and I will go to our new facilities and expand our company. Maybe I'll go back to Phobos and visit what's left of my family. Or maybe I'll walk the worlds, helping people in the way."

He stared into his glass, lost in thought.

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"Hmph... I guess Rosaline Saras hasn't heard about the. Legend Agent named by person. Who was able to with his bare hands tear in half even a bombard. Legend Agent was quite infamous and even more feared by the Grineer and Corpus back then. When he had lost everything" Damascus said "One of the best infiltrators and snipers in the galaxy. Heck he would be able to found out a hole in security here if he would want to do so" Damascus finished.

Edited by Revel72
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Something twitched in Miranda's mind. "You seem to be mixing me up with somebody else. My name is Miranda." Instinctively, she reached for her back where she expected to find a weapon. When it was met only with bare skin, she swore silently.

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"I ain't here to hunt you. Even if I was blinded by a Saryn once. I didn't get a grudge because I have bigger thorn of grudge on my side what came from Grineer and Corpus. Legend Agent was able to be known as last survivor of Alone Long Shot name Pyefa 'Pilot' Genda who few days ago. Changed his name to Damascus Genda. Me" Damascus said "If you think I am one of those follow the Lotus forever. You would mix me up with somebody else" Damascus finished as stared at Miranda but now his eyes were colored green.

Edited by Revel72
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Miranda's eyes opened as she rotated, finding herself in a sitting position by the bank, half submerged and half elevated. Her voice was irritated and spoken through her teeth. "You seem to be mixing me up with somebody else. My name is Miranda." Once again, the faint taste of nonexistent champagne danced across her tongue, though this time it was bitter and cruel.

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"Hmm..." Damascus hummed as looked on Miranda "So Miranda... Who is going to start the conversation about something else then? Go ahead you can ask whatever you want about enemy fronts. I know everything. It was... Easy to get close of Corpus and Grineer back when I used to be a human" Damascus said and started thinking how Miranda will react.

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Echo smiled. "So I can go out with your friend?" He asked. "I won't go too far..." He said before chuckling to himself.

"no i wont allow it .....or....maybe it works better when i say i rip your arms and legs out and reattach them somewhere else"

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