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The Dojo (Open Rp)


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Echo stood back. "Ooooh fiesty one..." He said. "What about my friend? He's umm... pretty lonely now." He said. "He's ok! He is good with women. I guess he would be better than me."

"who? do i know him? ...mhhh i guess not"

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"Greatest weakness? Hmm... From what should I start? Oh wait there is none. I don't drink alcohol. I am all the time aware of my surroundings. I can see in the dark. I have never felt fear anymore. I am the man who has already lost everything once. And I don't have anything to loose now. I have met my fear and I came victorious. I have violently shred off an arm from Stalker and took his despairs as my trophy" Damascus said he seems to be extremely sure about what he has said and stared at Miranda's eyes.

Edited by Revel72
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Echo put his hands together. "Ok so... wait a sec..." He sent Crimson a message. "Hey come to the training rooms." The message wrote. "I'll go. I'll let Crimson talk to ya before your friend comes and umm see you soon..." Echo said before he walked out and Crimson walked in a few seconds later. "Are you the person I had to talk to?" Crimson asked as his helmet had more scratches.

"if your friends with echo then probably" *she raised an eyebrow*

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"Anything else to be questioned then?" Damascus asked as his eyes turned back to four colored and he pulled out card deck and started shuffling it his eyes changed color to blue possibly giving away fact that Damascus is thinking about something.

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Crimson looked ar Rota's body and then into her eyes. "Nova rookie...you have rookie eyes." He said as he put his hands on his hips. "How long have you fought against Corpus and Grineer?" He asked.

"is that important? i dont think echo sended you here to ask something about me"

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Crimson nodded his head. "I guess he wants me to go out with one of you correct?" He asked as he looked at his bionic arm.

"i dont care what he wants...my friend will arrive here in two days....shes staying in my room"

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Crimson smiled behind his helmet and looked at Rota. "Well umm... I am a... Loki... I'm not that much of a good talker..." He said. "I am just... I am like 22..." He said.

"Im a nova im 20... i kick echo in the face ...sounds like a good profile for me"

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Crimson sighed. "Well I guess it is... I'll see your friend later and hopefully..." He said before he switch teleported her so she was near the exit."I'll see you." He got his Lex and shot at the targets.

"ok...bye...i see you in two days" *rota walked out* (finally hit Mastery Rank 17 /)^3^(\  )

Edited by Bachus
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Agatha finished her second whiskey and ordered a third. "Hm, seems nice. At least you have a family to go back to. Me, I'll just follow the Admiral's orders until I die. That's pretty much it for me. No home to go back to, no family to support." She finished as a third whiskey was poured into her glass. Her communicator beeped and she opened it up, revealing a message from her friend, Ariel, in communications. It simply read: "Something is wrong, very wrong."


Oaker felt like the most suspicious man in the dojo, looking around every corner and behind him at all times. He could feel a large amount of sweat on his brow and his heart beating like a drum. He soon found what he was looking for: a policing sentinel. Steeling himself he stood straight and proclaimed to the internal microphone on the shade, "I have a crime to report."

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"Family... a blessing and a curse, as the Corpus say. Ever since the Gravidus Dilemma, I've spent less and less time in the field. Warbeast to the Grineer, Destructor to the Corpus." He chuckled. "Those were my names."

He saw her glance at her communicator. "If it's urgent, go. I'll pay."

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"There is someone I absolutely hate though. She took everything from me. My family, my identity, my whole life really." She began to ramble as she downed another whiskey, her alcohol tolerance fairly low. "I hate her," Agatha chuckled, "I guess revenge is just about as much as I live for," she mumbled into her glass.


Ariel ran through the alleyways of the dojo, attempting to reach her friend in person. Her short red hair was kept in an odd mushroom cap shape around the Zephyr's head, but few questioned it. Reaching the restaurant she barged right through the front doors and past the confused drone spouting things about paying and reservations.

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"Don't say that." Abra's metal arm bent the knife he was gripping. "Never say that. Vengeance will consume you without fail. You must avoid that path." A single tear rolled down his cheek. "I was sorely tempted to seek revenge after... after a friend of mine died, but I quickly realized that no matter what I did, she would never return to me."

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Spurned onwards by Agatha's advances, he kissed her passionately on the lips, metallic prosthetic at her hip and natural hand on her back.

One of the drones hovered nearby awkwardly. "3XCU53 M3, T815 15 4 PUB71C 35T4B7158M3NT..."

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Ariel found her best friend locking lips with some stranger, both of them obviously drunk. pushing away the drone and pulling Agatha back by the hair, she injected a serum into the drunk girl's neck before slapping her awake.


"Sorry 'bout her, can't hold her drink well," She smiled as sweetly as possible at Abra as the brain stimulant took its effect.

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