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The Dojo (Open Rp)


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Agatha groaned as the hangover arrived, knocking her out of her drunken state, at least for now. when her eyes focused they found a familiar mushroom cap or red hair. "Ariel, what happened?" she mumbled, alert but a bit dizzy. "Ya got hammered and macked on lover boy right here," Ariel replied, jabbing a finger at Abra, "by the way, that was a stimulant to stave off the effects of alcohol, but it only works for a few hours before the real hangover kicks in," She explained to him before turning back to her friend, "We got bigger problems though. The other fleets have excommunicated Admiral Oaker and us and are making their move on the council. They're attacking the Phobos Settlement." "Wait, WHAT?!" Agatha replied, "I thought we weren't going to attack civvies?"


((I'm taking a hiatus to get my stuff together for the next 2 days so If you want I bequeath my characters to you for now Achaix))

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((Nah, I'll wait.))

"Phobos..." Abra breathed. Wrenching the injector from Ariel's hand, he plunged it into his neck and injected what was left of the stimulant. Looking at the shocked Zephyr, he growled one word, feeling an old hatred surge.


*Some time later...*

"That's my ship. Modified Void Drive, augmented calibrations on the weapons. It will suffice."

Pulling the two with him, they entered the Druid. A Sentinel looked at Abra sleepily. "Joe, begin takeoff. We have to get to Phobos, fast."

As the Carrier darted away, Abra shoved a Star Map into Ariel's hands. "Type in the coordinates."

Edited by Achaix
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Crimson chuckled a little. "Hmm... yeah. You seem friendly. I'm just a leader of my faction or clan really." 

"nice to meet you crimson ...so since rota doesnt know im already here what do you say wanna show me around?"

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Halcyon ate quickly, not paying attention to the food, but enjoying the relative warmth of the restaurant with his helmet deactivated, he had wanted to switch out the default Frost Prime helm for a Squall or at least an Aurora, but it too had been sealed, leaving his helmet deactivated, he made mental notes about the faces in the restaurant, waiting to pay for his meal. A waitress soon approached,



"That will be 4 k credits,"



"Thank you very much, every thing was exemplary." Halcyon said, leaving an ample tip and walking away, his helmet resealing automatically as he stood. He could deactivate the function completely, technically, but wouldn't, something, someone from his past wouldn't let him, he'd left the Hydroid in a locker near the communal baths, after realizing the Oberon appeared to be absent, and proceeded to follow the signs to the medical bay, or tried to, eventually finding himself in an out of season snowy garden, frost covered the trees, snow carpeting the floor, he stepped into the room, unsure, and something awoke inside him, some memory, some way of thought that had never occurred to him, Frost Prime had been built around him, he hadn't simply unlocked it, Frost Prime itself, came into being as a result of his personality, he was Frost Prime, and no one, including himself, could take that from him. He dropped the key to the locker with the Hydroid inside, and it buried itself in the snow, never to be seen by him again. He realized his Frost Prime needed to be fixed, not removed, and he turned, looking for the one named Vladof.

Edited by ultimatumcore
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"Unless you have anything to say that's worth hearing, which I find doubtful, then no," Miranda said.

"Have you any questions however, I would be glad to enable you in your stupidity."




Droben placed down another card next to the three on the bed, this one an ace of clubs. "The turn."

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"Heck... Believe me. I have done stupid things like I drank a lot once and it was only time I drank alcohol and while I was drunk. I gone to do some... Funny things if we think from your angle" Damascus said as his eyes changed color in to four colored. "Say what about a duel after this? I am eager to have myself warmed up if I do get a mission" Damascus finished.

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Miranda arced backwards, a satisfying crack emanating from her spine. After a sigh, she looked back up at Damascus. "Why not?" Miranda hopped out of the water, completely exposed for a moment before stepping into her Warframe casually. "Ready whenever you are, I'll just need to pick up some things before we start."

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Damascus grabbed his towels and raised up from the pool starting to dry himself up went to wear his Loki Prime armor. He pulled out his sniper rifle Miranda was able to see that... It is quite big for Damascus kind Tenno. "I am ready. You can pick the arena" Damascus said

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Miranda cared little for Damascus' gun and was unphased by it. After a smirk, she let out the small comment, "Compensating for something?" before she fiddled with some controls on her warframe, eventually settling on a single setting. After turning off the display, she started for the arena based off of a Europan Conclave without explanation.


Meanwhile, a while off a kubrow jolted up, his collar vibrating. As he gathered several items in his mouth, through a series of vibrations not dissimilar to morse code, he was alerted as to the location that he needed to reach.

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Damascus changed his sniper rifle parts and inserted another magazine on side of the weapon. Pulled out his handgun checked the magazine of it. Switched another inside of it. Bullets were colored emerald green on this magazine as he followed Miranda. When they were inside of the arena he just looked around. "Hmm... Basically normal Corpus environment" Damascus said.

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Abra ignored the ping of his communicator as the Druid took off. Pushing the ship as fast as he could, he prayed that they'd get to Phobos before...

His eyes went white.






BUT NOT FOR LO$4:&8:%8:572:--'&108108108









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