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The Dojo (Open Rp)


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Miranda leaned against the wall for a moment before the light padding of kubrow feet gradually grew louder before an abrupt stop, as a familiar black and silver-grey kubrow sat by Miranda's legs, several weapons dropping from it's jaws. Miranda patted the beast. "Good job." She then bent over to pick up what was clearly a Lanka, though with some mutations and custom parts prodding out here and there, as well as a classic sicarus prime and a silva packed inside of an Aegis. Miranda nodded off and disappeared into the far end of the arena, riding on a gust of wind.




Droben smiled. He wasn't exactly one for card games anyway. He rolled over forcefully, putting himself in a position above Kate. "Fair enough." He dove in.

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Damascus was able to track where Miranda went and he dashed in to darkness himself "When it shall begin" Damascus said slightly louder. Damascus knew that darkness is his best friend thanks to that he can see well in the dark and he has few tricks hidden on his sleeve.

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((Not gonna be that easy, friend.))


In actuality, Miranda was nowhere in sight. Between the constant swirling gale, sending loud gusts of wind throughout the arena and the constant displacement of scent, Miranda would seem to be everywhere and nowhere at once, any evidence of her location being swept away and moved around. Silently, she waited for Damascus to appear in her crosshairs.

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*Several times later...*

Both lied on the bed, exhausted.

"Droben." Kate panted. "We've stayed on this bed, doing nothing but each other and card games, for over a day."

She rolled off the bed, her stomach grumbling. "I'm starving."

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Miranda heard somebody pulling the trigger and bullets dropped her Sicarus and next shot went past of her ankle leaving painful mark there. Damascus was at the floor but he was suddenly replaced with Decoy but Miranda was able to hear reloading of the sniper rifle. This should tell Miranda that Damascus is more than good sniper "I have to admit training on landing shots on high speed targets and using it on combat did good" Miranda heard from somewhere between left and behind.

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Droben popped to his feet. "Alright then, I know just the place." He extended his hand out to Kate as he stood above the laying girl.


((Okay, no explanation as to how he found Miranda but okay...))


As a bullet slipped by her pistol Miranda grabbed it, mildly startled. Additionally, the sudden but negligible impact on her ankle was disconcerting, but she shrugged it off. Brazenly, she stepped into the very centre of the arena and dropped her rifle and pistol. She then extended her arms. "If you wanna play this way, I only have one thing to say to you. F*ck you. Show some skill, you missed a still target ya dumb@ss!" With that she absorbed the nearby energy orb and sat against the wall of a nearby building. With a snap of her fingers, turbulent gales began sweeping around her, forming an impenetrable sphere of warping air. Another snap, and four tornadoes appeared in front of her, spinning out of control.


Interestingly enough, each twister was of a different colour. One green, with swirling putrid liquids and gases. One blue, with arcing electricity and warping static fields. One as orange as the raging flame that it carried. And one white, trailing hail, ice, and leaving a constant trail of frost as it passed. Miranda closed her eyes in relaxation as she rested her head and back on the wall, sitting quite casually.

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Miranda saw that she was switch teleported on top of the electric floor and she was able to hear decoy being placed and it disappeared because of switch teleport but she wasn't able to see anybody and soon Miranda will land on the electric floor. Damascus might be close and preparing for next shot.

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Mid-air, Miranda was propelled forward by a sudden gust of wind. Landing gracefully in the centre arena, she put her hands out again and sighed. "Really? More games? I can do this all day if it tickles your fancy. Let's not waste my time here, shall we?" Again, she sat down, and absent-mindedly looked at her Lanka and wiped off some smudges.

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Miranda was able to hear footsteps around the arena some of the light and some of them oddly heavy. "So what kind of fighting you are expecting from me? I am cold" Damascus said sounding to be somewhere high. "And also not really feeling like sending somebody to hospital wing... Perhaps" Damascus said this sound like that he had jumped down.

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Like a lady, she took his hand.

And pulled him down whilst hoisting herself up.

"Before you ask, I did that 'cause I felt like it."

Abra stood uneasily, glaring at the monstrosity before him. Forcing his energy into his metal arm, turning it solid gold and ivory, he shouted. "This hand of mine glows with an AWESOME POWER! IT'S BURNING GRIP COMPELLS ME TO SMITE YOU!"

Leaping and reading a mean left hook, Abra saw his life flashing before his eyes. Sophia, Kate, Alain, so many others... they would be safe.










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Miranda yawned and continued to recline, quite comfortably positioned against the wall. "Oooh, you're, 'cold,' that scares me. Just sends shivers up my spine. Please, don't hurt me, please sir, please!" Miranda laughed. "If you think that you're intimidating, you are wrong. If you think that you are able to scare me, you are wrong. And if you think that you are going to beat me, well, I think you see where I am going with this." 




Droben made a pouty face for a second before chuckling and getting himself back up. After hopping into his warframe there was a loud hiss, followed by a groan from Droben as the cracks, tears, and burns in his skin began to heal. Once more, the unprecedented youth could be seen in his face as he looked almost more like a boy than a man. But as intensity once more took over his look, the boyhood was gone, and Droben in all that he was, was back. He took Kate's hand and started walking.

Edited by Alad_VI
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"I am here you know" Damascus said Miranda saw Damascus standing inside of the turbulence and he slammed his Bo Prime towards Miranda's knees. He did his best on fighting against the current.

Edited by Revel72
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((Yeah... no... you're using something called definites, which pretty much means that you're saying, "My character does this, this, and this, and there's nothing you can do about it. Try to avoid it in the future.))


As Damascus attempted to enter the turbulence, he would find himself pushed back. The wind was, after all, strong enough to easily deflect any bullet. Miranda laughed as she saw the warp in the wind's path. "Oh silly boy, so brazen, so confident." She beckoned, and all of the tornadoes began to close in on Damascus. Meanwhile behind her back, Miranda was drawing her Silva.





Droben smiled for a flash before his face was an odd mixture of playful and serious. "Do you want to be? I wouldn't be hurt if you said no, but I certainly wouldn't be hurt if you said yes. Either way, you're a fun girl, and I can see myself spending more time with you in the future."


"Oh and also, as far as the random healing sh!t goes, it's a whole bunch of biochemical radiation nonsense that stems from how warframes work and biology and void and all sorts of scientific bullsh!t. If I'm being honest, I didn't really listen that well when it was being explained, but pretty much it boils down to the frame can take my affliction for me to a certain degree, seeing as it's all Orokin and sciencey and whatnot. I can explain it more some time."

Edited by Alad_VI
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Damascus spotted the tornadoes closing in and Miranda had putted hand behind her back "Well... Ain't you poetic person. Even if you speak like a drunken grineer" Damascus said as switch teleported Miranda on his place, leaped on side of the building and leaped away from line of sight. (Stronger than usual Zephyrs... Hmm...) Damascus thought. He has stored a lot of energy on his warframe for this fight but he has used more than half of it right now.

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"Well... We can spend our time like this if you want" Damascus said voice came from roof top. Extremely slowly Damascus was regenerating back the spent energy. Damascus was doing tricks with his cards but paying attention what Miranda is doing. (If she is able to create that kind of tornadoes what might happen when she is full of energy) Damascus thought.

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Miranda looked up and waved childishly. C'mon, take the bait, she thought to herself. "I'm fine with that. Of course, I do plan on getting dinner later so I'd rather not waste too much time here." A faint sound played within Miranda's helmet. Only one more orb and I'm full. Good.

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Halcyon proceeded throught the Dojo, utterly lost, wanting to obviously find the person who could help, or at least the foundry or weaponshop, but sounds of fighting drew him near. He'd completely forma'd out his ability polarities, afraid of what might happen if he were to accidently activate a snow globe, and had filled the empty spaces with things to make him physically stronger and faster, as a result, he had extreme durability and stamina, his shields capping out around 12 hundred, his health near 800, his armor close to that which Valkyr starts with. But no abilities put him at an extreme disadvantage to other warframes. He loved observing fights, and liked the sound of the raucus battle going on in a near room, he relied on hearing, gusts of wind, sniper shots, even a stray bit of banter flowing into his attuned ears. He stepped into the room, and his eyes widened at the scene before him, his helmet UI could pick up on residue of energy used, and both fighters had used quite a bit. Tornadoes racked the room, a Zephyr chilling (Frost Pun!) on an energy spawner, barely a scratch on her, the opponent no where to be seen, but looking at the forms of residues left behind, it looked to be a Loki, and one not afraid of expending energy. He leaned against a wall, content to simply watch.

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