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The Dojo (Open Rp)


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Droben laughed for a beat before sighing. "Why not?" He placed his hand on Kate's face gently for a moment. "Looks like you'll just have to hear my life story later then." He dropped his hand. "So, where will this alleged, 'hangout,' (complete with air quotes) happen?"

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*Somewhere, very far away...*

Abra felt her gentle hand on his face, smelled her rich perfume, saw her beautiful face. "Am I in heaven?"

Sophia shook her head, still smiling passively. "No. You'll have to go back."

He wanted to stay. "Why?"

"My sister needs you, Abra. After Alain ran off with his alien friend, you're the only family she has left."

"She's a big girl now -"

"Take care of Kate, Abe. Take care of them all."





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Crimson remained to sleep on the sofa. Minutes later he rolled off and kicked a glass that was on the floor from yesterday and it  smashed the wall making a loud smash. "F**k! God damn it Crimson!" He shouted at himself as he got up and sighed furiously.

*in the room next to him were some noises* "what in the name of the lotus is going on over there?"

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Crimson heard them saying. "Is going on over there?" And he picked up all the glass shards and put them in the garbage. "Aw Crimson... you disgrace." He said as he sat back on the sofa.

"sounded like broken glass...you think someone is hurt?.........." "nah hes fine i bet he dropped something because hes clumsy"..."oh if you say so...are you sure we shouldnt check just in case?"  "no...thats my last word"

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Damascus waited Miranda to move but got call on his phone. He pulled it out and kept eye on Miranda "Pyefa 'Pilot' Genda" Damascus said as he had checked who is calling Miranda was able to hear that Damascus started speaking in Corpus language the closed the call "Now that sounds like a mission" Damascus gasped and was thinking.

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Damascus came to Miranda "Draw?" Damascus asked as aligned his hand "I need to prioritize mission over this duel. If I want to keep this contact and not reveal that I have changed. I will need to do this mission for Corpus. More I do missions for the enemies more intelligence I can fish from them" Damascus said.

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Miranda sighed and shoved Damascus out of the way, weapons hanging from limp arms. "Coward," she called as she reached the exit and stepped out. She headed for a nearby restaurant reputed for its high quality and sat herself at a table, ordering a simple dish as she sat alone.





"You'll see," Droben said, leading her to the very place of his employment.

Edited by Alad_VI
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(That is same thing what everybody says) Damascus thought and went to his ship. Checked whats new after seeing it all he dust off towards the space station what was left empty but has had been taken on use again by some criminals. He changed his outfit to his old armor this is copy but has same things as the old one.

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Abra opened his eyes, feeling the hot Phobian wind caressing his face.

"He's awake. Fetch your mother and his friends, Ruth."

A little girl covered in a dirty white cloak bowed and ran out of the Settlement.

Sitting before Abra was a short and stout figure enveloped in a dark brown robe riddled with holes. The man pulled down his scarf to reveal bright green tattoos and glowing emerald eyes.

"Brother?" Abra croaked, his throat dry.

"Who else?" Uriel-ferix Gae'rnklet Nosh'té Stephen smiled, offering a steaming cup.

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Abra wrenched the cup from his brother's hand and took a long draught. "What happened?"

Uri chuckled. "Deus Ex Machina."



Ruth walked back into the stony abode, leading Agatha and Ariel. Agatha took the cup and drank, gagging at the taste. "F*ck is this?"

"Language." Both Abra and Uri chided. Uri continued. "It's a healing mixture that Abra invented; two parts water, one part Desert Skate spinal fluid, and a pinch of rock salt, all boiled by a flame fed by Oxium and then frozen with Cryotic, finally being left to melt. The salt's just for taste."

Agatha frowned. "Well, that explains why my headache's gone."

"It also works on hangovers."


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...then a four sided shape...

((A tetrahedron, also known as a perfect triangular pyramid if you feel like getting fancy))


Miranda took a sip of the drink that had just arrived. Did she know what it was? No, of course not. But the alcohol content was high enough for the waiter to question her when she ordered it, so it must be good. And so with her plate of dinner and glass of sorrow, Miranda did what she did best and started to drown herself in her alcohol. All the same, some things are just to irritating to escape with a few numb nerves and an even number mind.




"Yes ma'am?"


"Some champagne please."





Droben entered the restaurant with high hopes - maybe he'd get a chance at impressing Kate. "Alright, I'll be right back out, take a seat why don't ya?" He located a somewhat more desolate part of the restaurant, populated only by a smiling Zephyr with a glass of Barnaut. Droben disappeared into the kitchen, stripping his frame as he did so.

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The tan woman's eyes blazed as she looked back to Kate. With a stone face, she waved back, slowly and apathetically. Should I go after her? It'd be easy. That face says it all... weakling. She scanned Kate up and down quickly. Not worth the effort. Miranda turned back to her glass of champagne which she began to swirl for a moment before she took a sip of that bittersweet drink.

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Eduardo Imavachev Icandeso. Conqueror of worlds. He smiled at his name. His parents had thought him to be some great conqueror, even as they were killed in the Purge of Charon. he felt the index finger of his metal hand twitch, a common occurrence when he was angry. or excited. He continued to smile as the Djibril exited warp, right over the Settlement of Stickney crater ((an actual crater on Phobos BTW)). Turning to his command deck and his amassed 80 ships still in warp, he vowed to live up to his name. "All forces. Initiate Operation Fallen Skies. DEATH TO THE COUNCIL!" he screamed as the Djibril released hundreds of bombs onto the unsuspecting residents below.


((BTW is Abra conscious?))

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