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The Dojo (Open Rp)


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"They're throwing bombs!" One Phobian yelled outside, his tan skin paling. "Save yourselves!"

Abra and the others rushed outside, seeing the dark fleet above and hearing explosions in the distance.

"No..." Uri dropped to his knees, holding his clueless daughter close. "Not like this..."

"Padgr? Wact gibn noe?" Ruth asked, eyes wide.

"Nothing, Ruth. Close your eyes."

"Padgr?" The nine-year-old girl looked at her uncle. "Tro Abra? Wact gibn noe?"

"Close your eyes."

Ruth looked up at the sky, and a Volihawk was reflected on her purple eyes. She saw the blue sky turn dark, but witnessed the sun grow bright.

It's all right, dearest child.

A hoarse whisper. "Mama?"

The bombs fell, and the world went white.

((Translated Phobian:

Father? What's going on?

Father? Uncle Abra? What's going on?))

Edited by Achaix
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The antimatter fission bombs fell, striking the ground and destroying everything within 10 meters, before sucking in things within 50 meters and re-releasing their mass as energy to everything within 100 meters. Ariel and Agatha stood outside, watching as the carnage unfolded upon the city. "We have to get out of here!" Ariel screamed, before accessing a void vault and activating her Zephyr, Latron Prime, Nukor, and Skana prime, while Agatha unleashed her Mirage, Dread, hikou and Dakra Prime. "Look!" Agatha pointed at the drop pods descending on the destroyed settlement, intent on wiping out the survivors and any defense force left. "You sure you want to to do this?" Agatha said, looking her friend in the eyes. "Yeah. They have strayed from the Path of the Revolution. They are the true betrayers." Ariel replied, stepping out into the unknown.

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"Doing something weird in the kitchen."

Abra cried, holding onto the broken body of his brother. Uriel painfully patted him on the shoulder, then started to sing between bloody coughs. "Ooh, child, things are gonna get *cough* easier..." His gaze unfocused.

Abra closed his eyes. "Ooh, things' will be brighter..." He completed the tune with a heartbroken sob.

He saw Ruth nearby, miraculously unharmed, but with a haunted look in her eyes. He looked up at the ships above, feeling his sadness harden into anger, then hatred...

And finally...


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Miranda stood up and approached Kate. She looked as though she was in deep thought for a moment before shaking her head and extending her hand. "Sorry, I've just been a bit... moody lately. I'm Miranda."


In reality, Miranda was preparing to smash Kate's face against the table (a heavily practiced maneuver) if she was foolish enough to take her hand.

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Kate took her hand...

And tossed Miranda overhead, crashing into another table.

"Body language, son! You gotta watch it."

Abra unsheathed his Galatine Prime, his blue energy turning red.

"Time to sow the fields with blood."

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Felix grabbed Kate's hands, holding them behind her back, and pointed a Bronco Prime at Miranda. "Stop it now." He said, his voice commanding. "Sorry if this is a bit extreme, but I'm hoping we can diffuse this situation before it's starts."

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"You cannot stop me. I, who stood against Sentients. I, who faced Death and spat in its face. I am no longer Abra. I am the WARBEAST!" He lunged at the Excaliburs, blood red energy covering him.

"Uncle?" A small girl with dead purple eyes fell to her knees, crying. "Make it stop..."

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"You caused this! You... you made... my niece... CRY!" Ignoring the terrified Tenno before him, the Warbeast saw the pods dropping with the murderous reinforcements.

Without another word, he - it - howled, racing to the killers, his Galatine slicing into them.

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Agatha watched as a rebellion member slashed a fleeing family. Ariel shot the rogue tenno with her latron, arms still visibly shaking. "You OK?" Agatha put her hand on her friend's shoulder. As ariel was about to respond, a shattering cry came from down the street, the sandstorm the bombs creating obscuring the owner of the voice, but the two of them ran towards it, while a battle between Oaker's ships and the other 4 Freedom Fleets continued.

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Miranda caught herself without much effort, being no stranger to typical barfight maneuvers. She rolled her shoulders and cracked her other hand. "Yes, because pointing a gun is known for being a fantastic way to diffuse a situation. We've got a real genius here." Miranda turned around to face the rest of the restaurant's inhabitants. "Everybody! Over here! This man is the future, his problem solving skills are unprecedented! Amazing, truly amazing," she turned back to Felix, "Please, give us another display of your expertise in diplomatic affairs. Oh wait, nevermind."


With a snap and a flourish, Miranda generated a self contained field of swirling winds. "Honestly, you people really seem to overestimate the potency of bullets. So... classless." She turned to face Kate. "Now as for you, cutie, if you'd like we can take this somewhere where the world's most disappointing police officer can't ride his high horse."





Droben rushed as he prepared a dish of what he called, "Fish and assorted plant sh!t," a surprisingly delicate mixture of rare ((cooked rare, not exotic rare)) fishes, berries, and herbs.

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Kate - or rather, Kates - smiled. Five identical Mirages grinned. "Classless, eh? You've no idea who's classless here."

The Mirages and Zephyr began a staring contest, which culminated with...

The Kates dancing.

Which was, admittedly, extremely disorienting due to the number of arcing limbs.

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Miranda leaned back onto her table, having completely forgotten about the insignificant Hydroid attempting to be a threat. Her lips twitched a smile, and her eyes held the faintest glint of enjoyment, though the Zephyr was anything but lighthearted.


Silently, Leviathan had made his way to Miranda's side and joined into the staring contest.

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The Warbeast stood knee deep in corpses, red lines - reminiscent of bloody tears - smeared across his face by hand. The dark knight turned his gaze skyward, to the dark ships with the emblazoned word: "Freedom".

"Freedom... is this truly freedom? To smell the stench of a fallen friend? To hear the cries of fatherless children? To feel nothing but sorrow, madness and rage?"

Fresh tears fell on the ground.

"If this is freedom... I wish to remain a servant, a slave."

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"But freedom - true freedom - is different. It must be earned for oneself. It must be bled for... it cannot be forced onto others."

More soldiers - Phobian resistance fighters - stood by the Warbeast, hearing his words, letting the teachings enter their souls. He turned to the men; scarred, dirty, but strong and willing.

"We will show them. Our bodies are feeble things, but we will fight tooth and nail to show them."

"Our freedom - our soul - will never die."

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