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The Dojo (Open Rp)


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Halcyon stepped from his hotel room, determining he had stayed idle long enough, he went along, following the signs for quite a while toward the control room, having learned to read said signs a few moments earlier. He was nearly there, and slowed to a wall, not wanting to seem desperate as he looked for Vladof, he saw a Vauban up ahead, helmet deactivated with a cybernetic eye patch and pipe, a strange hat on his head, uniform, but unique, it looked like the picture he'd seen of the guy, and he stepped closer, calling out with a questioning voice.

"Vladof? Is that you? Cuz if it is, have I got a deal for you." Halcyon said, glad to see his search hopefully coming to an end.

Edited by ultimatumcore
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*Vladof looks to the gentleman in question expectingly, it seems he is on break and is taking the time to enjoy his pipe in his own little office.

Meanwhile Shyla has finally gotten the Kubrow sleep, allowing her the night off for that dinner she was invited to (apparently). She moves to her room taking off her warframe and putting on something more civilian, puts a pink silk oriental blouse and matching set of pants. The clothes tailored to cover her infested limbs, her right arm and left leg mostly, feeling it appropriate if they're going to be eating at the nicer restaurant in the Dojo 

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"Oh, is this a bad time? Cuz I need a bit of cybernetics work, but your pipe looks fresh, and I wouldn't want to intervene." Halcyon said, respectful to those he wanted help from. "I'm kinda stuck in my Frost Prime warframe. I've been trying to find a way to remove it, but by now I think the best way is to simply chop off an arm and remove it, then I can get it repaired and replaced." Halcyon explained, wondering if this person, riddled with Cybernetics, could help.

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*Vladof chuckles as he gets up from his reclined position on his desk and examines the cybernetic limb causing the problem. He grabs a toolkit from his desk and begins to carefully unhinge parts of the arm rather than brutally removing it until the entirety of the arm is removed* "I vill being to give ze arm back in time" *he says in his heavy russian accent only in english cus looking up and translating russian phrases was annoying* "It is not being sized properly, i fix that.

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A Liset escaped Earth's exosphere, and soon approached the general area of the Dojo, with its destination headed for the Dojo. A Vauban named Yvlo and a Nova named Zarine was in the Liset, looking out from the windscreen of the Liset. As the Liset came within close proximity of the Dojo, Yvlo moved to the controls, pressed the communicator to speak to whoever was in charge of the Dojo, and said through it, "This is Yvlo, requesting docking at the Dojo. I have two people on board, including me.". 

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"Thanks, it's been, leaking, in reverse, crippling and hobbling me, I couldn't ever activate any abilities because it would release so much could into the warframe it would kill me under most circumstances, not to mention it got caught on something inside the warframe, making sure I couldn't remove it. I really appreciate it, just send me a PM later when it's done and I'll come and cover the costs of your valuable time." Halcyon said, amazed at how simple it had been, te Vauban had used tools he'd beer seen, twirled screws that'd never been there, he shrugged it off, waving goodbye to Vladof as he went.

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A Liset escaped Earth's exosphere, and soon approached the general area of the Dojo, with its destination headed for the Dojo. A Vauban named Yvlo and a Nova named Zarine was in the Liset, looking out from the windscreen of the Liset. As the Liset came within close proximity of the Dojo, Yvlo moved to the controls, pressed the communicator to speak to whoever was in charge of the Dojo, and said through it, "This is Yvlo, requesting docking at the Dojo. I have two people on board, including me.". 

*The Dojo staff preforms a quick background check of the two individuals before speaking, if everything is clean they'd be allowed aboard.* "Welcome aboard the Dojo, if you have anything to claim report to the security desk, otherwise keep your weapons holstered and enjoy your stay"

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Sigma was happy but hungry, so Halcyon proceeded on the way to his ship, trying to pet Sigma every now and then to realize his arm had been removed to be repaired, they both shrugged, and walked into the hangar, getting in the ship, Halcyon grabbed the bag of kubrow food and had to open it one handedly, he then fed the kubrow and stepped out of the ship, signaling to Sigma to stay and activating his carrier to follow him. He stepped off the Liset and watched as another ship landed in the hangar, intrigued, he walked over to it, his only hand raised in greeting.

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"Understood.", Yvlo replied, then turned to Zarine and spoke up, "Well, at least I'm good in that regard. Anything to declare from you before we enter, lest we end up in a big misunderstanding, like last time with your team thinking that you were mutilated and dead when they found a Nova body and you were missing for a week?". 


"Nothing, ", Zarine replied, "and that time, I was preoccupied with you, if you remember. You took me someplace for that week, and ended up causing quite a scare with both of our teams. But it was a nice week, and I needed it after the three-hour defence just before. Shame we did not get to enjoy these times a bit more during that war.". 


"I'll try to make it up in here, and to the best of my ability. How does that sound?", Yvlo answered back as the ship started to do its docking procedures, and cuddled Zarine, "You know, you still have that morning dew smell on you, even if your original body was gone.". 


"I still do?", Zarine asked, surprised, since she thought that the smell would not transfer over to her new body, but she smiled as she heard Yvlo said it, since she knew that Yvlo liked her for it, amongst other things.


"I wish it would stay that way.", Yvlo softly replied, and kissed her lightly on the cheek while the ship landed at the docking bay, and Zarine blushed slightly. Once the cephalon Al announced that the ship has landed, they broke off from each other, and walked down the boarding ramp together, entering the Dojo and heading towards the security check. Once they arrived at the security check, Yvlo asked the security guard stationed at the checkpoint, "Is there anything we need to give around here, or can we go through?". 

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"Oh! Awesome," Halcyon said, finally noticing Vladof and shaking out of his dejected mind process. "Thanks, how much for the fix?" He asked while Vladof attached the arm. The sleeve of the Frost Prime fit onto it perfectly, as promised, and he looked to Vladof, his question lingering in the air as he tested the joints.

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"That's good.", Yvlo muttered. Then, as he and Zarine went through the security checkpoint, he thought in his mind, "At least no one knew my early cryopod sleep. Except for Zarine, but I trust her immensely.".  


Zarine and Yvlo walked in the entrance of the Dojo, where they spotted a small map to show the directions. They walked over to it, and viewed the map, deciding where would they go to for their small dinner. 


"This looks nice, ", Zarine pointed towards a rather secluded restaurant on the map, "seems quiet and elegant. It would be a nice starter for our first actual date.". 


Yvlo peered at where Zarine was pointing to, and viewed the restaurant on the map. After thinking about it for a while, he straightened his back, and replied, "Looks good to me. That is, if we don't get lost while getting there.". 


"I think I can lead the way after seeing the map.", Zarine answered back, and led Yvlo towards the restaurant. 

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"Oh! Awesome," Halcyon said, finally noticing Vladof and shaking out of his dejected mind process. "Thanks, how much for the fix?" He asked while Vladof attached the arm. The sleeve of the Frost Prime fit onto it perfectly, as promised, and he looked to Vladof, his question lingering in the air as he tested the joints.

*He'd find the joints moving as smoothly as his real arm would, Vladof waves a hand off* "Is nothing. I am working with the new Cryotic minerals, was good challenge. But if wanting to donating the platinum for research you are being welcome to"

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Haclyon smiled, not worried about the arm, but worried about how the neural connect would react to such a radically upgraded form of his previous arm, Vladof had somehow calibrated it and attuned it perfectly. He looked at Vladof,



"I don't know about any platinum, I mostly work with credits, but I do have a couple hundred, thousand, cryotic I could donate, I already built my Glaxion and it's not like we're gonna need it for anything else," He reasoned, "And if you need any, unheard of materials, it would be simplicity in itself for me to retrieve them." He offered, activating a transfer request for his Liset's cargo. Ordis glitched and almost dumped the Cryotic onto the hangar floor before Halcyon sealed the cargo dump with a wave of his new cybernetic arm. His eyes bulged inside his helmet as he used his Frost abilities for the first time. He looked back at Vladof, barely able to contain his excitement, signaling to his Liset and shrugging.

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"You sure that this is the right way?", Yvlo asked Zarine as they walked around the corridors in the Dojo, seemingly not knowing where to go, "I mean, you may know your way around the Neural Sentry and the Void, but are you sure that you know your way around here? After all, this is made after the Old War.". 


"The structure looks similar to the old Dojo that my fireteam owned, ", Zarine replied as she continued to lead Yvlo towards the restaurant, "so I would know where to go. And we are here.". 


They arrived at the entrance of the restaurant, with its interior rather dim, but still bright enough to see what was inside the restaurant. They walked up to the receptionist, and Yvlo said to him, "You do have a table for two, right?". 


(OOC: The restaurant that Zarine and Yvlo are going into will be the restaurant that Droben, Kate and company are in. At least, from reading the previous posts, I think they are still are in the restaurant. Correct me if I am wrong). 

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*Vladof signals the drones to retrieve the Cyrotic, several carriers picking them up by the dozen and hauling them to who knows where.* "This is being good trade. If having problem else, be letting me know. And just be keeping sure not to making direct contact with Cryotic regulator in shoulder, it causes the Frost bite instantly, and the Tecnonyte adapter should be syncing soon with brain stem, so there might be being numb feeling in cybernetic arm"

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"You sure that this is the right way?", Yvlo asked Zarine as they walked around the corridors in the Dojo, seemingly not knowing where to go, "I mean, you may know your way around the Neural Sentry and the Void, but are you sure that you know your way around here? After all, this is made after the Old War.". 


"The structure looks similar to the old Dojo that my fireteam owned, ", Zarine replied as she continued to lead Yvlo towards the restaurant, "so I would know where to go. And we are here.". 


They arrived at the entrance of the restaurant, with its interior rather dim, but still bright enough to see what was inside the restaurant. They walked up to the receptionist, and Yvlo said to him, "You do have a table for two, right?". 


(OOC: The restaurant that Zarine and Yvlo are going into will be the restaurant that Droben, Kate and company are in. At least, from reading the previous posts, I think they are still are in the restaurant. Correct me if I am wrong). 

((I couldn't tell you if you were right, I haven't read that part, but I assume that's the dinner I was invited to as well))

*The waitress nods as she leads the couple to the table away from the others and hands the two a menu* "If you need anything just let me know" *she says with a bow before leaving'

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((I couldn't tell you if you were right, I haven't read that part, but I assume that's the dinner I was invited to as well))

(OOC: The dinner that Zarine and Yvlo are having is separate from that dinner, but probably in the same restaurant.)




Zarine and Yvlo viewed the menu together, while the dim light above them flickered ever so slightly every now and then. 


"I think I would like this one.", Zarine said in a quiet voice, and pointed to one of the entries on the menu for Yvlo to see.


Yvlo nodded, and viewed for menu for a little longer before making his choice. He closed the menu, and tried to get any waiter's attention by raising his hand. 

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((Guess I'm not waiting for Tuckr then))


He could feel it growing, on the left side of the middle of his 6-pack. And he doubled over in pain even as the Liset found its way towards the dojo. He had torn out the automated Ordis when he had acquired it. As the pain stopped he made the small ship zoom towards the hangers.

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