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The Dojo (Open Rp)


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Agatha walked back into the dojo, Looking quite angry beside an apologetic Vale. 


"Why are you still mad?" He asks. "Nothing, just that my Mirage smells like explosive farts now." She replied, the anger almost making her forehead simmer.


"Hey, I told you, stay back from me when I use my corrupted Slash Dash or Super Jump. It makes a fire ring around it."


"By fire ring, do you mean that cloud of fart gas you released into my face? and Warframe?"


"OK, OK. My Excalibur is a bit wonky. But you gotta remember it's just a bunch of armor plates held together by infested tissue. The sparker on  me is a bit faulty."


"Still doesn't excuse you for farting in my face." Agatha muttered before briskly walking away.

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After the sudden self-dismissal of the two that she had been talking with, Miranda rolled her eyes and continued walking, passing by Abra and friends absent-mindedly. She couldn't seem to maintain focus while she was walking.




Meanwhile Droben was off doing who knows what. ((Seriously, I straight up forget where Droben is))

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