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The Dojo (Open Rp)


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((Zephyr may be 6f. But Oberon is practically 8f.))

((Not entirely sure that I agree with you on this. At all. And even in a scenario in which I agreed this to be true - hyperbolic or not - strictly from a geometric point of view in order to not hit the beak structure one would have to either unnaturally arc their spine, putting themselves off balance and in pain, or be substantially taller than their opponent. As in, more than the size of one and a half heads. And once again, I am protesting the attack made against her forehead, which no matter how one construes it may not be hit given the current circumstances just as certain parts of Oberon's head are shielded by his horns.


But whatever, arguing with someone on the internet never got anybody anywhere.))


Miranda lashed backwards and rebalanced, taking a moment to observe the stance of her opponent before she dove back in.

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((Hey, don't get your knickers in a twist))

Trying his best to ignore the spots in his vision and get back into balance, the Warbeast deflected the blows, but the stinging pains told him he was missing a few.

Already he was getting bored; this fight had none of the intensity, brutality and righteousness as the showdown with the Conquistador and his chariot.

He would rather end this soon and get back to his bonsai-

NO. I am Warbeast...

Are you? Because this fight is pointless.

Let me end it.

Suit yourself.

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((If my knickers were in a twist, there would be substantially more profound Caps lock abuse and purposeless swearing.))


Miranda rolled her shoulders and took a step forward, completely out of any semblance of a fighting position yet again. She cocked her head. "Something wrong dear?"

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((Ah, thank you. I wasn't looking that far back.))


"Oh please, that was what, five minutes ago? And what would you prefer? Have her go into the world with no knowledge of colorful language? Or how children are..." Miranda looked at Ruth and shivered. "The earlier she grows up the better it is for her, you, and me. And everyone on this station."

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Abra had no answer for that question, and looked at the girl, absent-mindedly waving back at the Frost Prime. He looked back at Miranda and said the one thing that he had to fix, had to complete.


"She has no one left... except me, but this afternoon puts in question just how qualified I am. Of course she'll have to grow up fast."

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Vale quickly materialized his corrupted Excalibur, the liquefied armor plates forming around him and hardening into tenno steel over infested flesh(i don't know what warframes are made of but go with it plz) and tapped Abra on the shoulder. "Should I deal with this?" he whispered.



Edited by nooshroomerplus
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