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The Dojo (Open Rp)


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Kuranaii had nodded her head at his statements intriguingly and she followed him inside the room. The room was a tad small but it put this aside by looking outstanding. There was a single bed, as Halcyon had pointed out, a couch, a medium-sized dinner table with two chairs, a bathroom containing a shower, bath, toilet and sink; and finally a dressing room.

Kuranaii was rather pleased by the apartment and went over to the couch, sprawling her entire frame on it. Before laying on it she had brought her Iliac syandana onto her front to avoid crushing it, and placed it on her lap. Then she placed her palms on the behind of her head and rested against an arm of the couch.

"This is nice." She said simply, although she really meant it; it was a pretty good apartment.

She crossed an ankle over the other and glanced at him. "So; a harlot? Huh."

" I though that was understood as a joke, more of a pickpocket or street urchin in actuality." He said, chuckling lightly and walking over to bang his head against a wall. "What use would a harlot have of pick pocketing? And I'm not exactly promiscuous." He continued, sitting against the wall instead, his Yamako syandana flowing around him as he looked up at Kuranaii,

"I'll be sure to specify jokes when I make them, or just make them blitheringly obvious. I know you've only been awake for a couple days, but you would be interested in some sort of hobby? Most Tenno have something like an instrument or a job to relieve stress with after a mission, I'm sure the dojo is equipped with the means to get into such an occupation of time." He told her, still reeling at the stupidity of his statement earlier.

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" I though that was understood as a joke, more of a pickpocket or street urchin in actuality." He said, chuckling lightly and walking over to bang his head against a wall. "What use would a harlot have of pick pocketing? And I'm not exactly promiscuous." He continued, sitting against the wall instead, his Yamako syandana flowing around him as he looked up at Kuranaii,

"I'll be sure to specify jokes when I make them, or just make them blitheringly obvious. I know you've only been awake for a couple days, but you would be interested in some sort of hobby? Most Tenno have something like an instrument or a job to relieve stress with after a mission, I'm sure the dojo is equipped with the means to get into such an occupation of time." He told her, still reeling at the stupidity of his statement earlier.


Kuranaii's right palm smacked her head in dumbfound. "OH! My, I really do take things seriously nowadays." She chuckled embarrassingly and sat up from the couch to look at him, her head shaking in self-disappointment.

She was glad of the quick subject change made by Halcyon and she soon sat on the couch normally, then soon bringing her calves underneath her pelvis. "I do mediate often and I do things like gymnastics and the like. It's necessary when you are a warframe of swift movement." She said calmly, "So I guess that counts as something to relieve stress."

Kuranaii smiled faintly beneath the helmet.

Oh yes, the helmet.

Her palms had rose to the neck of it as she soon twisted and pulled it off. The exotic helmet rested on her lap now as she flung about her facial appearance. Ah, long hair that had matched her color scheme, a dark blue with strands of orange. Her eyes were a bright blue with slight slit pupils. Along her cheeks and forehead were the symbols for air and wind, in blue and orange.

To the point, she still looked vibrant and exotic even without the helmet.

Kuranaii had shown off a smile to Halcyon now; one that he could actually see. She had said nothing, simply allowing him to examine her facial appearance.

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Halcyon looked over her face for the first time, exotic, riveting, it captured his attention, and he watched her carefully for a moment, shrugging when she smiled, he'd have to be careful, she was captivating, her hair holding its own beauty all together while her eyes seemed to home in on his consciousness, adding a, however slight, feral aspect to her. He grinned, deactivating his helmet and holding his facial expression as the helmet's sides slotted back and collapsed into the nape of his warframe. His features chiseled, his hair and eyes bland, short blond hair spiked his head while sky blue eyes gave his face a friendly look, a prominent jaw stood stubble less, he'd always wanted to grow a beard, but something about his phased cells made his hair never grow. On his cheek what looked like a burn of ice stood out, somehow not yet a scar.

"I'm afraid my face is the part of me that's prettiest, I'm a bit of a tinkerer, and only welding helmets are required when doing so, so, let's just say I've got a couple scars on me." He chuckled.

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Seeing some hidden compassion inside the mysterious Zephyr, Ruth sat down on the bench, smiling at Angela.

"Hi, Aggie!"

A smooth movement, and the unruly miniature branch was sliced off.

Abra hadn't had the chance to check up on his little bonsai tree lately, so he relished the opportunity.

This little one is almost done... maybe I could try to breed a bonsai cherry blossom? I'd need to find an actual cherry blossom tree for that, though...

His Codec ringed, interrupting his rest.


The grave face of a Corpus merchant appeared on the holographic display and scrutinized the Tenno's appearance. "I need a favour."

Abra sighed, but nodded.

"Do you remember the Myrmidon, Oberon?"

He unconsciously balled his hands into fists. "... Yes. Toughest fight I've had in years."

"The Board of Directors made their new R&D Holder start developing new models for mass production. They're calling them MCES."

"... Maces? That's... a bit silly."

"No, MCES. Manned Combat Environment Suit." The informant seemed annoyed, but continued. "They won't be as dangerous as the Myrmidon, but the Board sees the MCES as a chance to "level the playing field", so to speak."

"That's bad."

"No sh!t, Inspector." Dariel's face still seemed regal despite the vulgar expression. "Our economy, however... it thrives in war. All that research, all those workers, PMCs... it'll be gone. Just drop a few MCES and any battle is a walk in the hypothetical park. I tried to convince the Board, but they're deaf to anyone lower in the Hierarchy."

"... Let me guess. You want me to eliminate everyone and everything linked to this Mace Initiative?" Abra would say yes, of course; these Maces could wipe out the Tenno completely...

"You'll need help. All the help you could get. You must put an end to this project. Dariel out."

The display deactivated, leaving Abra alone.


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Halcyon looked over her face for the first time, exotic, riveting, it captured his attention, and he watched her carefully for a moment, shrugging when she smiled, he'd have to be careful, she was captivating, her hair holding its own beauty all together while her eyes seemed to home in on his consciousness, adding a, however slight, feral aspect to her. He grinned, deactivating his helmet and holding his facial expression as the helmet's sides slotted back and collapsed into the nape of his warframe. His features chiseled, his hair and eyes bland, short blond hair spiked his head while sky blue eyes gave his face a friendly look, a prominent jaw stood stubble less, he'd always wanted to grow a beard, but something about his phased cells made his hair never grow. On his cheek what looked like a burn of ice stood out, somehow not yet a scar.

"I'm afraid my face is the part of me that's prettiest, I'm a bit of a tinkerer, and only welding helmets are required when doing so, so, let's just say I've got a couple scars on me." He chuckled.


"Heh. Scars are alright, but they don't look great on me. Albeit, they do on you; makes you look like a tough guy." Kuranaii said smoothly with a hint of allure, her own 'feral' eyes fixing on his appearance. He was captivating to her as she was to him, it would of seemed.

Kuranaii rose to a stand from the couch and outstretched both arms, her helmet still on the couch with the syandana returning behind her back with gentle sways.

She glanced about the room after eventually bringing her palms to one another and locking together in front of her hips. "Hmm..." She pondered a little; thinking of something to do.

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"... Yeah. Did I ever tell you about the Attack on Phobos? Some of the enemy wore combat suits - prototypes, sure, but one of them was nigh unkillable." Abra showed Vale a picture of the Myrmidon's broken remains, a human hand poking out of the wreckage.

"They are new technology, these "Maces"... but they're just as tough as three Harvesters, and the Corpus plan on mass producing them."

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"Heh. Scars are alright, but they don't look great on me. Albeit, they do on you; makes you look like a tough guy." Kuranaii said smoothly with a hint of allure, her own 'feral' eyes fixing on his appearance. He was captivating to her as she was to him, it would of seemed.

Kuranaii rose to a stand from the couch and outstretched both arms, her helmet still on the couch with the syandana returning behind her back with gentle sways.

She glanced about the room after eventually bringing her palms to one another and locking together in front of her hips. "Hmm..." She pondered a little; thinking of something to do.

After quite a while, Halcyon gave up, unable to think of something to do, he looked at Kuranaii,

"Sorry, I'm just stumped on what we should do, were you able to think of anything?" He asked, playfully generating a pen and pad of ice as a gag. The pen wouldn't work, and the ice was simply a flare slate of frost, but he hoped it would at least incite a chuckle.

Edited by ultimatumcore
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"Tro Abra's the only family I have left." Ruth said simply, her purple eyes dimming. "Padr and Madr... they're gone."

Miranda remained staunchly unphased by this news. "So... You followed him? Why? I'm sure you could've gone with a friend or something rather than some multi-personality PTSD stricken soldier?"

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The dodecahedron-shaped Sentinel shifted the armor plates around its orange eye. "I'm a Warrior AI, sonny. Highly offensive motherf*ckers like me snoop around like you do, makin' sure nobody tries nuthin. And if they do..."

The Warrior's pixelated eye split in five sections, revealing a heavy caliber kinetic pulse shotgun. "I just do my thing. Besides my individual badass nature, I can shift into a pretty nice helmet (AR, UV and IR sold separately) and a kickass blunderbuss."

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"... Didn't have much of a choice. The bombs wiped out everyone else in Stickney; we were lucky. Besides, he's my uncle." Ruth hugged her knees, then quizzically looked at the Zephyr. "What do you mean, sensible? Like you?"

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Character Reference:



Optional music:



The door that leads to the hangar hisses open, a single Tenno walks out, covered head-to-toe in the Oberon warframe. The 'frame is a dull grey, almost silver, with elaborate, red and black markings adorning the chest, stomach, and cloth, markings associated with that of the Immortals. On his back is a Paris Prime, the string hung over his shoulder so that the bow faces backwards when on his back. He reaches back, adjusting his Magistar slightly, weary from the journey it seems. He steps to the side of the door, as to not block any Tenno from entering or exiting the hangar, the door hissing closed as it senses him moving away. He stands straight, his head and shoulders high as he surveys the room, noting things of interest such as other Tenno and the signs pointing to other places. He remains where he is, his right shoulder drooping slightly, the Paris Prime resting on it shuddering slightly.


After a moment, his shoulder comes up again, he shifts slightly. His posture, despite being straight and official, suggests how truly weary the Oberon is. One could surmise that this Oberon takes the responsibility's of withholding the balance very, very seriously.

Edited by Darkshifter98
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