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The Dojo (Open Rp)


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"I've had enough of this" Crimson's right arm transformed into a blade grabbing the Zephyr by the neck with his left hand and pinned her to the wall aiming the blade at the Zephyr's face.

((Dude, that's not cool, Auto-hit is a big no no in the RP world, that includes here!)

The Nyx stopped and frowned as she sensed the thoughts of violence once more "Hmm...Well Eve, looks like things are about to grow out of hand...."

Edited by Drakeardian
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OOC: It's fine, let's just say that she got hit. BTW I am purposely avoiding using her name until it is relevant.


IC: The woman hid her fear behind her mask, and tried to keep up her sense of tact.


"Honey, you do know that what you're doing is against the rules, right? You may want to let me down before things go poorly. If you want, we can take this to the dueling arena." The Zephyr looked over to the Trinity for a moment before looking back at the Loki. There was a faint flash of energy across the Warframe. 


"And if you are so set on acting like this, I could always show you just how much more fragile Loki's are as opposed to Zephyrs. Tell me, how many shields do you have?"


The Zephyr nodded her head down to the chest of the Loki, where a solitary sunset-orange Castana was pulsing.


"The choice is yours."

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"Oh really, a Loki with a high amount of shields. I somehow doubt this. On the other hand, Zephyr users such as myself are renowned for our excessive amount of protection. So please, enjoy my gift to you. I rarely give out castanas for free but for you, I'll make an exception."


The castana detonated into a flare of orange electrical arcs, relaying in between the two warframes and arcing across some of the trees, striking one of the Trinity's sentinels. In the momentary confusion, the Zephyr slipped out of the Loki's grasp and left the room, casually throwing over her shoulder, "Consider anger management classes, you could use some help!" before slipping into a large lobby/marketplace. Seeing a sign and briefly sniffing herself, the Zephyr began a light jog towards the bath-house.

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OOC: What do you mean, "And passing out?"


P.S. Agreed, Bachus, let's get back onto track shall we?


IC: Passing a Tenno wearing a Nyx warframe, the Zephyr turned to look briefly, a mixture of contempt, fear, excitement, and the lightest tinge of sadness running through her mind. She was about to release some angry, sarcastic remark when, to the annoyance of some poor Corpus merchant, she tripped over a cargo crate lying on the ground, falling flat on her face.

Edited by Sylverblu
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"Feeling shocked, literally. That Zephyr... Just never mind. What are you doing?!?!" Crimson shouted raising his fist as to where to punch The Valkyr but didn't.

"well i came through here seeing you sleeping like a lazy Kubrow. but obviously you dont need help" she said giving him a light punch to his castana wound which sended immense jolts of pain up his spine

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"Just a... question... Are you just gonna leave me in the hallways?" Crimson was still holding onto The Valkyr's leg "Help me atleast?"

"ungh...fine" *she lifted him onto his feet* "maybe you should consider a visit in the med bay"

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"Thanks." Crimson was struggling to stand up. He leaned against the wall still holding his chest "Help?"

"more help? what are you a little chicken? i thought you guys are all soooo tough where did that all go?"

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"It doesn't mean that becoming possessed makes you strong. What are you on about? I saw you struggling to stand up yourself! Beasts of the battlefield... Some of you are just slaves!" 

"Dont you dare to call me that again"

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"GAAH" He fell to the floor out cold with a small trinkle of blood running out of his chest claiming she burst a blood vessel.

"you think you are funny? huh? HUH? i want to see you in those labs its not a joke i want to see you captured for years YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW ONE FEELS AFTER SUCH A NIGHTMARE"

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Crimson was barely awake "Oh please... I'm a demon." He went unconscious.

"i swear to the lotus this is the last time i help you if you go on like this" *she pulls out a medicine she took at the med bay fixing up crimsons wound*

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OOC: *COUGH* Crimson isn't a demon he is just described as one the glowing horns are reference to a demon but it is merely Orokin controlling him.

still confused i would belive it if you say hes channeling energy but like this

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"I need details... I said before." Crimson's horns flashed red for a few seconds. "I'm a demon..."

"uhh what now? first of all hows that important? second channeling energy does not mean your a demon abd third youre the wierdest guy i ever met"

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OOC: It's like a virus . Bad Energy is taking over the Good Energy explaining Crimson's weakness with Lys punching him also making him corrupt and bloodlust

youre almoast too wierd for my taste :|

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OOC: It's like a virus . Bad Energy is taking over the Good Energy explaining Crimson's weakness with Lys punching him also making him corrupt and bloodlust. He isn't actually a demon. I kinda agree on the third  :/


OOC: You can say both at the same time. It is Orokin controlling him and Energy coursing through him made by the Orokin. Hard to describe :/


OOC: *COUGH* Crimson isn't a demon he is just described as one the glowing horns are reference to a demon but it is merely Orokin controlling him.

The Orokin are all dead so how could one be cotrolling you, how and with what could Lys infect you with if Tenno are already infected with the Technonyte virus, which at this point is more or less apart of their anatomy, but still

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