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The Dojo (Open Rp)


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"I'm looking for my niece, Kuranaii isn't feeling like doing anything right now, so I'm heading to everywhere Im pretty sure she'd be, but no luck, so I can was thinking about asking for Omega to use his radar to find her, but I was gonna head to my ship to check first." He said, shrugging, "You doing alright? I heard you earlier..."

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Orlock finally reaches his ship, and steps inside. He lets out a sigh as puts his Angstrum, Tiberon, and Heat Dagger back onto the racks of weapons he had. He then steps onto the platform to remove his Warframe. He keeps his boots and pants on, and slips on a black T-shirt. After that, he walks into the cockpit, and sits in the swivel chair he added into his ship. As he sits down, the map of the Solar System opens up and he looks over the different holographic planets with a small sigh. 

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Orlock closes the hologram and gets out of the chair. He moves over to grab his Lex and holsters it into his thigh holster before walking back out of his ship. he quickly pulls his Lex out of its holster, and gives it a quick spin in his hand, making a hushed "bang" before spinning it again, and holstering it.

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The Loki Prime sighed deeply, sat in a rather dark room that had worn walls and a mistreated floor. A derelict part of the Dojo, some would state. The only light given off was the flashlight from the Loki's suit. He constantly shined it about; but he felt safer in the dark for whatever reason.


He was still shivering from the Frost Prime's attempt at coaxing him out, but he remained quiet and got out safely. But now he was at a dead end, and he was ready to make the relishing choice to head back into the vents and escape; this room had been a nice, little calm spot for him, but ever since that Zephyr and the Frost arrived, he had trouble getting in and out.


Slowly, the Loki Prime ducked into the vents, an ever-so gentle bang going off at each of his limbs. He slowly crawled his way through the vents, memorizing the way out; the vents were still a little chilly at the Frost's usage of it earlier.

It seemed like he was in the vent for half an hour before getting out into Suite Fifteen's dressing room. He hadn't heard any of the Zephyr's movements, but he did hear a door shut, but it wasn't the dressing room's door so he knew, because it was open. He rose to a stand and slithered himself out of the dressing room door.


Glancing about in the small living room, from the single bed to the shut bathroom door, he heard a toilet lid opening and was relieved he'd got in at a good time. 


Darting for the automatic front door, he escaped.


But bumped into the Frost Prime Halcyon's back.

Edited by Y0she
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Halcyon raised an eyebrow, turning and drawing his Dual Zorens simultaneously, the two blades at the neck of a Loki Prime behind him. He froze(mind the pun) sheathing the Dual Zorens and bowing slightly,

"My apologies, I don't know why, but that reminded me of something from a long time ago." He chuckled, "You alright there?"

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Halcyon raised an eyebrow, turning and drawing his Dual Zorens simultaneously, the two blades at the neck of a Loki Prime behind him. He froze(mind the pun) sheathing the Dual Zorens and bowing slightly,

"My apologies, I don't know why, but that reminded me of something from a long time ago." He chuckled, "You alright there?"


"Wha-..?" The Loki Prime stuttered, suprised he wasn't given a slashing by just coming out of someone's apartment. He gulped down nervousness and spoke out. "Oh er-.. I'm fine-.. er yeah." Despite the honorable Loki Prime warframe, he spoke like an adolescent; infact, his height was almost of one.

Edited by Y0she
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((Halcyon didn't see him coming out of his apartment.))

"What? He asked, "He surprised me."


The Loki Prime scratched at the back of his neck awkwardly and looked over his shoulder at Hal's apartment. "Eh-.. huh.. I should erh, go?"

He was pretty lost for words.

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Halcyon looked at the already sheathed weapons on his back, raising an eyebrow,



"Even if he meant to do it, no one deserves what those would bring for a simple fight," He chuckled, looking back at the Loki Prime, "Yea, yer good, just try and watch your step from now on, alright young one?" He said, clapping a hand on his shoulder before turning back to Krelon,



"So what are you up to?" He asked with a shrug.

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Halcyon looked at the already sheathed weapons on his back, raising an eyebrow,



"Even if he meant to do it, no one deserves what those would bring for a simple fight," He chuckled, looking back at the Loki Prime, "Yea, yer good, just try and watch your step from now on, alright young one?" He said, clapping a hand on his shoulder before turning back to Krelon,



"So what are you up to?" He asked with a shrug.


The Loki nodded at Halcyon and quietly observed them conversate. He glanced back at the apartment and sighed. He sort of just stood there nearby Hal and Krelon, patting down his thighs. Still on his back were the Soma and the Dakra Prime, aswell as the Brakk holstered on his right thigh.

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They would pass a Tenno wearing the boots and pants of a Proto-Excalibur, and a black T-Shirt. He would have a Lex holstered at his side. He combs his curly black hair with his fingers before nodding a greeting to the three Tenno.

Edited by OrlockCedar
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The Oberon pauses, for quite a bit actually, both puzzled and impressed at how she quickly dropped the subject. He turns his head slightly left, then down, as if trying to remember what he had asked before. His head perks up. "Ah, yes, right. I had asked what had brought you here, out of all the other places for Tenno to rest. Certainly less crowded ones, no doubt."

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