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The Dojo (Open Rp)


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"I will go to sleep now and have alarm after eight hours. So I would be ready to get on move to next mission. I have already dug out the location of the person who is currently missing and this is known about Orokin artifact location" Damascus said but not so loud that anybody nearby heard what he said then he received a message from Red Veil not because he group directly but he does missions for them. (Hmm... I can drop in when I can to that one) Damascus thought as checked the message.

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(( Sorry for the lack of response again. ))


The Loki Prime had drifted away from Halcyon and Krelon while they walked together and made his way somewhere else in the dojo's hangar. He glanced about with a drifting sigh and began wandering.

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Kuranaii sat up from the couch and stretched out her forearms; awaking from a brief nap. She had glanced about the apartment to find herself alone. Getting up and pacing back and forth about the room, she soon brought her Warframe's interface up in the HUD and intiated a comms call to Halcyon.

Edited by Y0she
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With some difficulty, the doors slid open to reveal a smoking Mirage.

"No need to freak out, it's an e-cig." She took another drag, then stood up from her seat. "Anything I can help you with?"

"I'm Ruth. Well, my full name is Mari-elexer Gae'rnklet Nosh'te Ruth... but Ruth is a lot shorter." She held out her hand. "Need any help?"

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((I'm just gonna assume the smoking Mirage is talking to Halcyon then.))

"Hey, yea, I'm looking for a relative, this tall, white hair, gauntlet on her hand, I heard her over here, have you seen her?" He asked, indicating how tall she was with a hand.

Kuranaii sat up from the couch and stretched out her forearms; awaking from a brief nap. She had glanced about the apartment to find herself alone. Getting up and pacing back and forth about the room, she soon brought her Warframe's interface up in the HUD and intiated a comms call to Halcyon.

Halcyon didn't answer her call but instead sent her a message,

"Hey, what's up?"

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((I'm just gonna assume the smoking Mirage is talking to Halcyon then.))

"Hey, yea, I'm looking for a relative, this tall, white hair, gauntlet on her hand, I heard her over here, have you seen her?" He asked, indicating how tall she was with a hand.

Halcyon didn't answer her call but instead sent her a message,

"Hey, what's up?"


Kuranaii waited for Halcyon to answer the call, but instead she had received a message. She snapped her gaze to it and replied.

"Where are you?"

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Halcyon sighed,

"Yes, it's Kuranaii," he said, responding to the message,

"In the ship hangar, looking for Gynx, you're free to join me..."


"I'll be there within three minutes! If I'm not, there's something wrong. See you in a few!" Kuranaii ended the message there.


She twirled on her heels and brought along a few provisions, slinging them then pacing out the exit; the automatic door locking behind her and her features wavering in her speedy flight.

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At that moment, Kuranaii skidded into the Dojo's large hangar. Her eyes danced about the many parked Lisets and other Tenno cruisers dotted around the hangar. She made her way along a few catwalks before soon spotting Halcyon and Krelon.

She trotted up to the two swiftly, her Iliac syandana swaying and her features wavering as she abruptly halted behind the two.


"Hey." She chirped like a bird, her palms placed on her hips.

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"Alright kiddo, there's your dad/uncle/whatever. See you." Kate sat down again and continued smoking, giving Krelon a death glare in response to his morally questionable words.

"Bye!" Ruth called out to Gynx, making a little wave.

"Anything wrong?" Abra asked, seeing the small crowd around his ship.

"The kid's guardian came. Nothing to worry about." Kate kept her eyes unfocused, absently looking at the fake smoke the e-cig trailed.

"Good days." Abra nodded at Halcyon before dissapearing inside the ship.

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Halcyon note Krelon's reaction, not saying anything about that but offering a wave to Kuranaii,

"Hey, a little sleepy huh? How yah feeling now?" He asked, his question to Gynx hanging in the air.


Kuranaii strolled to Hal's side and kept her palms planted at her hips, tuning into the conversation with the syandana wrapping around her right calf.

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Kate chuckled as the little group left.

"Damn idiots... think a cigar and a sword is all they need to be badass... plus, you kinda stop being intimidating once you scream "mother" loud enough for everyone to hear."

She blew a "smoke" ring, feeling the nicotine high. "Ah... fourth wall awareness. Really opens up your mind."

"Kate? Have you been drinking again?"

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