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The Dojo (Open Rp)


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Kuranaii strolled to a booth in the restaurant and slid inside it. She brought her legs up to her chest then led them on the table, her back pressing against the seat and her palms tapping on her knees.

She lounged there in the booth, gazing out the window to her left; waiting for the others to order food.

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Krelon looked at Halycon and raised an eyebrow before sitting next to Kuranaii.


Kuranaii watched Krelon, eyeing where he sat and faintly frowned as he chose to sit next to her.

She remained lounging in the booth with her feet propped up on the table.

She glanced at Krelon and asked softly, "How's the rib?".

Edited by Y0she
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Kuranaii watched Krelon, eyeing where he sat and faintly frowned as he chose to sit next to her.

She remained lounging in the booth with her feet propped up on the table.

She glanced at Krelon and asked softly, "How's the rib?".

Halcyon observant as ever, sat across from Krelon and smiled,

"Excellent, now I can actually talk to you, two." He said, glancing at Kuranaii.

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Halcyon observant as ever, sat across from Krelon and smiled,

"Excellent, now I can actually talk to you, two." He said, glancing at Kuranaii.



Krelon smiled. "It is fine... How's your stomach?" He asked looking at her legs.


Kuranaii's legs shifted over one another while propped up, replying to Krelon;

"My stomach's fine now." She chirped.


Soon Halcyon came on over and she smiled at him behind the Tengu helmet. 

"Yep!" She said, swiftly manuvering herself over the booth's table and plonking herself onto the other side of the booth next to Halcyon, sharing a smile at him beneath the helmet and re-propping her legs back onto the table, her feet pointed at Krelon.


"Oomph, there we go..." She said quietly, soon throwing her left forearm over Halcyon's neck and pulling him closer so her right fist could rub at the top of his helmet while she maintained him in a head-lock.

"You did good in that duel, Halcy!" She said, her words mixed with a giggle.

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Halcyon, a slightly sarcastic look on his face, deactivated his helm and tried to get Kuranaii off him, giving up after a second and looking at Krelon,

"Here in the dojo, actually, she was arriving from a mission, and I was, recovering from other things." Halcyon said, rotating his left arm in it's socket as he said recovering.

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Krelon smirked and tapped his fingers on the table. "I'm getting umm... The Temaki." He said.



Halcyon, a slightly sarcastic look on his face, deactivated his helm and tried to get Kuranaii off him, giving up after a second and looking at Krelon,

"Here in the dojo, actually, she was arriving from a mission, and I was, recovering from other things." Halcyon said, rotating his left arm in it's socket as he said recovering.


Kuranaii tightened her left forearm around him and yawned slightly, nodding in agreement. "Yep."

She then sat up a little, plonking Halcyon's head on her lap, "What's a Temaki?"

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Krelon sighed. "It's a Sushi of course." He said as his eye darkened again and went in a trance.


"Oh!" She exclaimed and nodded, glancing at the menus nearby. Her right palm went and grasped it, flicking through the pages. Her elbows casually went to rest on Halcyon's head, implying he hadn't moved it.

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"I'd like the Futomaki and Ebi Nigiri," Halcyon said, still captured by Kuranaii.


"Hmm..." Kuranaii's right hand went and tapped her chin before shrugging.

"No idea. Someone want to decide for me?" She placed her menu down and exchanged glances between Krelon and Halcyon.

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Krelon smirked. "I'll give you the Uramaki." He said. "The inside out roll where the rice is out the layer with tobiko or sesame seeds."


Kuranaii nodded her head and smiled faintly behind the helmet. "That sounds nice. I'll take it." She chirped.

She leant back, her legs still propped up on the table rather casually with her feet stuck out in the air and her torso slumped on the back of the seat. Halcyon remained with his head on her lap, Kuranaii rhymthically tapping her right fingertips along the window on her right.

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Krelon shook his head. "No! I was just thinking about the food and your legs are blocking half my vision."


"Sure, sure. Whatever." She said with the faintest of smiles before gazing back out the window, flexing her feet around slowly.

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"Hey guys what's up?" Gynx asks the assembled group at the table.


Kuranaii's head arched over to the small girl, Gynx, and offered a gentle wave while still remaining slumped in the booth.

"Hey. Gynx, is it?" She chirped at the girl, her frame squirming a little in attempt to get comfier.

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