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The Dojo (Open Rp)


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The petite Nyx nodded her head softly, her forearms now cradling her stomach.

She ushered out in a soft, stuttery voice; "T-Thank you." Then, she began into the depths of the med-bay.


The Nyx soon saw a Trinity and Excalibur talking together, and assumed the Trinity was the 'Elith' person. Slowly approaching, she stared at the two with weepy eyes until they were done.

*Elith looks right to the Nyx* "Oh what's wrong dear?" *She says in a motherly tone guiding her to a medtable and whispering to Orlock to go to the Foundry to get his limbo frame*

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*Elith looks right to the Nyx* "Oh what's wrong dear?" *She says in a motherly tone guiding her to a medtable and whispering to Orlock to go to the Foundry to get his limbo frame*


Before the young-appearing Nyx could say anything, she was guided to a medi-table and she sat herself ontop of it. Her nose snifled briefly and her palms went to rest on her thighs.

Her head still sunk, she had a deep frown on her lips and her eyes were glistening; ready to cry once again.

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Before the young-appearing Nyx could say anything, she was guided to a medi-table and she sat herself ontop of it. Her nose snifled briefly and her palms went to rest on her thighs.

Her head still sunk, she had a deep frown on her lips and her eyes were glistening; ready to cry once again.

*Elith sat atop the table beside her setting an arm around the crying girl cooing her softly*

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*Elith sat atop the table beside her setting an arm around the crying girl cooing her softly*


The Nyx Prime took a slow and deep breath, feeling a little re-assured by her motherly presence; but it was going to be hard to over-come what happened.


Finally, she spoke; "I-.. I was in a mission-.. recently-.." She took two quick breathes as if she was dying from lack of oxygen.

"-.. I was with-.. my only relative-.. my cousin, he looked after me..." Her head shook, "B-But..."

She hadn't finished her sentence before she pretty much dug her face into the Trinity's shoulder; her point was across anyway.

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The Nyx Prime took a slow and deep breath, feeling a little re-assured by her motherly presence; but it was going to be hard to over-come what happened.


Finally, she spoke; "I-.. I was in a mission-.. recently-.." She took two quick breathes as if she was dying from lack of oxygen.

"-.. I was with-.. my only relative-.. my cousin, he looked after me..." Her head shook, "B-But..."

She hadn't finished her sentence before she pretty much dug her face into the Trinity's shoulder; her point was across anyway.

*Elith gently puts her other arm around the sobbing Nyx, letting her cry in her embrace*

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*Elith gently puts her other arm around the sobbing Nyx, letting her cry in her embrace*


The Nyx sat there sobbing for a minute or two before leaning back and wiping her teary eyes with her fingers.

She glanced up at the Trinity and said softly, "T-Thank y-.. you."

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The Nyx sat there sobbing for a minute or two before leaning back and wiping her teary eyes with her fingers.

She glanced up at the Trinity and said softly, "T-Thank y-.. you."

*Elith nods softly* "Of course sister, feel free to stay as long as you need, I'll be here to help"

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*Elith nods softly* "Of course sister, feel free to stay as long as you need, I'll be here to help"


The Nyx nodded her head once again, looking up to Elith and speaking in a noticeably more mature voice. "E-Elith, isn't it?"

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*Elith nods* "Yes I'm Elith...what's your name?" *She says, then turning her head towards Gynx* "And how are you feeling?"


"My name is G-Gladis." She said softly, a faint smile coming from her before slowly averting her teary eyes towards a 12 year-old laying on a bed.

The Nyx Prime's head found it's way onto Elith's shoulder as she asked a question to the girl.

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(Who's Gyx again?)

Elith is waiting in the medbay as Orlock shows up, she smirks "Hello again, I heard the treatment was quick"

Fae meanwhile is in one of the training rooms doing some routine exercise it seems, primarily kicking a bag

Orlock nods. "Yes indeed. Thank you again." He does a small bow, smiling under his helmet.

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Orlock nods. "Yes indeed. Thank you again." He does a small bow, smiling under his helmet.

*Elith Nods at Orlock* "You're frame should be waiting for you in the Foundry, tell them I sent you and you'll get set up."

hhmmmmmmmmmm frost prime asks hey does anyone know who i can hook up with

((Are you new to RP by chance friend?))

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*Elith Nods at Orlock* "You're frame should be waiting for you in the Foundry, tell them I sent you and you'll get set up."

((Are you new to RP by chance friend?))

Orlock nods "Thank you again." He does another small bow before turning to leave, accidentally bumping into the Nyx Prime

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