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The Dojo (Open Rp)


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Ben smiled at Luna but then the Kubrow started making noises that made him uneasy. Slowly he grabs the handle of his skana, prepared to fend of the Kubrow if need be.

*Odin quickly notices Ben grabbing for his Skana.


"Woah woah! Stand down there! It's ok!"


*Odin stands near Ben, (towering over him) making sure he doesn't take his Skana out.

Edited by Lonewolf115
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Hitomi giggles as Lucifon made pleased kubrow noises. He seemed to be enjoying Erida's attention. "I can imagine! My cephalon throws a fit whenever I have a kubrow with me. Did Cephalon Ordis get used to having a puppy on board?"

Well, my Hubrow was the third one he had onboard, after Fangs and Arthas'. You would think that he got used to it by now, but I guess not she said as she continued her belly rubbing on Lucifon.


Ben smiled at Luna but then the Kubrow started making noises that made him uneasy. Slowly he grabs the handle of his skana, prepared to fend of the Kubrow if need be.

Arthas raised his hand toward ben and did a no no sign towards him. 

I wouldn't think to do that. Neither the owner or Erida wouldn't like that and trust me, you don't want to see Erida angry, especially when she throws her anger against you. Just giving you a warning Arthas said to reassure that using the skana that Ben was ready to grab, wasn't the greatest idea coming from him.

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Ben smiled at Luna but then the Kubrow started making noises that made him uneasy. Slowly he grabs the handle of his skana, prepared to fend of the Kubrow if need be.



*Odin quickly notices Ben grabbing for his Skana.


"Woah woah! Stand down there! It's ok!"


*Odin stands near Ben, (towering over him) making sure he doesn't take his Skana out.



Well, my Hubrow was the third one he had onboard, after Fangs and Arthas'. You would think that he got used to it by now, but I guess not she said as she continued her belly rubbing on Lucifon.


Arthas raised his hand toward ben and did a no no sign towards him. 

I wouldn't think to do that. Neither the owner or Erida wouldn't like that and trust me, you don't want to see Erida angry, especially when she throws her anger against you. Just giving you a warning Arthas said to reassure that using the skana that Ben was ready to grab, wasn't the greatest idea coming from him.


"What's going on?" Hitomi asked, looking toward Ben, Odin and Arthas. "What?"


She looked back down at Lucifon, who had by this point become a very relaxed ball of fur, then to them. "Wait, wait! Those are happy kubrow noises, I promise!"

artorias: its no problem hitomi its true


She blinked and looked to Arthorias. She tilted her head to the side. "...Are you trying to flirt with me?"

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Arthas raised his hand toward ben and did a no no sign towards him. 

I wouldn't think to do that. Neither the owner or Erida wouldn't like that and trust me, you don't want to see Erida angry, especially when she throws her anger against you. Just giving you a warning Arthas said to reassure that using the skana that Ben was ready to grab, wasn't the greatest idea coming from him.

"I'm sorry Kubrows really make me uneasy" let's go of the skana but still keeps an eye on the kubrow

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"I'm sorry Kubrows really make me uneasy" let's go of the skana but still keeps an eye on the kubrow


"I'm really sorry. I can take him to lodging if he makes you really uncomfortable."


artorias: *sad face * another not my type *bleep*ing great


HItomi frowned a little. "I'm really sorry. I prefer female companionship and am in a relationship right now."

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"I'm really sorry. I can take him to lodging if he makes you really uncomfortable."

"no no, that wont be necessary. I need to get over this fear anyway. Last time a tenno brought along a kubrow during a mission I hid in a corner and refused to get out. Now is a good day as any to get over it." 

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artorias: *sad face* 

Ben moves to artorias and pats him on the back "Hey keep your head up, How long did you know her, 2 hours? If she would have said yes after that small amount of time it probably wouldn't have been a long relationship."

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"no no, that wont be necessary. I need to get over this fear anyway. Last time a tenno brought along a kubrow during a mission I hid in a corner and refused to get out. Now is a good day as any to get over it." 






Ben moves to artorias and pats him on the back "Hey keep your head up, How long did you know her, 2 hours? If she would have said yes after that small amount of time it probably wouldn't have been a long relationship."



artorias: hey i use to be a Casanova 


Hitomi tilts her head to the side. "...I'm really sorry?" She frowns and looks at the others, then back at Artorias. "It's nothing personal, I just have a girlfriend who I've been with for a long time. And I'm not really attracted to guys."

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"What's going on?" Hitomi asked, looking toward Ben, Odin and Arthas. "What?"


She looked back down at Lucifon, who had by this point become a very relaxed ball of fur, then to them. "Wait, wait! Those are happy kubrow noises, I promise!"


She blinked and looked to Arthorias. She tilted her head to the side. "...Are you trying to flirt with me?"

Arthas chuckled as Hitomi looked panic. He then put a hand on her shoulder and said: Its ok, we won't harm your kubrow in anyway. We couldn't do that even if we wanted to he said and nudged his head a bit toward Erida. Erida noticed that Lucifon did look dirty and smelled like blood and dirt. Looks like someone won a free bath she said and throw a ball close to her. Moment later and a bathtub appeared from the ball. It was one of her Vauban friend's "greatest" invention: a portable bathtub. Inside of the bathtub you could see that it was already filled with warm water and beside the bathtub there was a brusher and a kubrow friendly soap. She grabbed the brusher and waved the kubrow to come to her, to received his needed bath.


"I'm sorry Kubrows really make me uneasy" let's go of the skana but still keeps an eye on the kubrow

I'm sure you got your reason too and thats fine by me, but please, don't use your skana for self-defence against an innocent kubrow. If you have to, just push him away from you gently so he knows that you don't like being near him. I'm sure he will understand

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Arthas chuckled as Hitomi looked panic. He then put a hand on her shoulder and said: Its ok, we won't harm your kubrow in anyway. We couldn't do that even if we wanted to he said and nudged his head a bit toward Erida. Erida noticed that Lucifon did look dirty and smelled like blood and dirt. Looks like someone won a free bath she said and throw a ball close to her. Moment later and a bathtub appeared from the ball. It was one of her Vauban friend's "greatest" invention: a portable bathtub. Inside of the bathtub you could see that it was already filled with warm water and beside the bathtub there was a brusher and a kubrow friendly soap. She grabbed the brusher and waved the kubrow to come to her, to received his needed bath.


I'm sure you got your reason too and thats fine by me, but please, don't use your skana for self-defence against an innocent kubrow. If you have to, just push him away from you gently so he knows that you don't like being near him. I'm sure he will understand

*Odin noticed the ball being thrown onto the ground, exploding into a bath. Whistling to it. 


"Woah, I have never seen technology like this before! How did your Vauban friend make this? I have only seen stuff like this for our Specters." *He walks around the bathtub, amazed.

Edited by Lonewolf115
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The sudden movement petrified Ben, making him curl up awaiting the strike of the kubrow. After hearing the loud splash the kubrow makes in the tub he looks what happened and stands back up relieved. 

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*Odin noticed the ball being thrown onto the ground, exploding into a bath. Whistling to it. 


"Woah, I have never seen technology like this before! How did your Vauban friend make this? I have only seen stuff like this for our Specters." *He walks around the bathtub, amazed.

Our Vauban friend usually do these kinda stuff in his spare time and let us test them. So far they haven't tried to kill us and that is always good Erida said and giggled, then continued: He always seem to surprise us with one of his amazing inventions. I could show you more of his inventions later if you want to.


Hitomi seemsto be genuinly confused as to why artorias is so upset over her being in a commited relationship, but her attention is drawn away by lucifon, who doesn't even wait for the bekoning to go intothe tub. He jumps on in, making a large splash.

Erida let out a giggled as she saw Lucifon jumped into the bathtub and soaking her with the water that splashed on to her. I'm surprised that you didn't run away. Most Kubrows wouldn't want to take a bath, but it seems that you are not one of them. This will make this a lot easier Erida said and used the water to first wet the kubrow, then applying the soap to then start the scrubbing, which most kubrows like the most about the bath.


The sudden movement petrified Ben, making him curl up awaiting the strike of the kubrow. After hearing the loud splash the kubrow makes in the tub he looks what happened and stands back up relieved. 

Luna giggled to see Ben being so scared for the kudrow, thinking that it would jump on top of him. Here I thought I was the scared cat most of the time.

Arthas chuckled and put a calming hand on Ben. Then he said: If he jumps on top of you, I promise I will tickle him away from you.

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