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The Dojo (Open Rp)


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As Celorn and Odin interact, Belrev groans. The food for the twins arrive, unbeknownst to Celorn. Belrev faces Larissa, and points to her food. "Food is here. I advise eating before it gets cold." Belrev said preparing himself for the chicken he received.

"Of course!" she says in response.



*Odin shakes his hand firmly his hand also twice the size of Celorn's.


"It's a pleasure to meet you three. *He smiles* My names Odin." He said to them warmly


*He releases from Celorns handshake and attempts to handshake Belrev and Larissa.

Larissa offers her hand to Odin for a handshake.


Nice to meet you, Odin." she says. The lower parts of her suit continued to spark a bit.


Err...don't mind that. That's just...it's nothing." she tells Odin.


((edited because I apparently can't remember to put an end quote on things))

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"Of course!" she says in response.



Larissa offers her hand to Odin for a handshake.


Nice to meet you, Odin." she says. The lower parts of her suit continued to spark a bit.


Err...don't mind that. That's just...it's nothing." she tells Odin.


((edited because I apparently can't remember to put an end quote on things))

*Odin noticed the spark, tilting his head a bit.


"Yea. I noticed that. Heh. How long has your suit been damaged for?"


*Odin grabs a menu and looks through it, and after a few moments, he orders a simple Bacon and Cheese Hamburger and fries; with a shot of whiskey and a glass of water.

Edited by Lonewolf115
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Larissa puts her helmet on and looks at Arthas.


"Whew! Thanks. I'll try to find a more permanent solution to the issue. Do you know any Vaubans? Surely there's a workshop I can repair my helmet with somewhere!"


She notices her armor spark a few times near the waist.


"Oh dear, now that's malfunctioning. Now where did I put my map..."

Arthas chuckled as her warframe seemed to slowly brake itself. Then he said: I could call my Vauban friend to come over here and fix the helmet for you, free of charge


Annie gets up to watch him painting. "...Yah know, I never did learn how to do anything like that," She says, head tilting to the side. Lucifon for his part moves to stick his nose near the table to see what's going on. Pumpkin joins him, curling up by his feet but looking up at the same time.



As Fang painted the skull, detail for detail, but that didn't stop him from chatting. I didn't learn this in just a day. It took some time, about a week or two, before I started to become good at this. This also helps me to calm down in stressful situations and I rarely get stressed. I don't react strongly as most tenno would do you could say Fang said as he was about half-done with the skull.


((I think I'm going to try coloring speech text to see if I like that))


Larissa's helmet sparks again, and it suddenly shuts off, causing her to panic.


"AGH! Can't see!" she yells, before bumping into a wall. The helmet's HUD reboots shortly afterwards.


"Sorry to leave so suddenly, Arthas, but I need to find some tools and materials before my helmet dies again! Nice meeting you!" Larissa shakes his hand, picks up her Spectra and backpack, and speedily walks out of the room. She stops to open her backpack and find her dojo map. Once she finds it, she takes note of where a workshop might be, and begins walking there.

((Fits with your color scheme of your warframe :P))

Arthas waved goodbye as he said: Nice to met you too and take care!. Once she was gone, he headed back to the garden where his friend were, looking at Fang painting a skull.

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*Odin noticed the spark, tilting his head a bit.


"Yea. I noticed that. Heh. How long has your suit been damaged for?"


*Odin grabs a menu and looks through it, and after a few moments, he orders a simple Bacon and Cheese Hamburger and fries; with a shot of whiskey and a glass of water.

"Not too long. I was kinda Tonkor'd by an ally by mistake..."




Arthas chuckled as her warframe seemed to slowly brake itself. Then he said: I could call my Vauban friend to come over here and fix the helmet for you, free of charge

"Oh hey, Arthas! That would be very nice of you."

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((Just so you know; this conversation is before you left Arthas))

I call you once he is here Arthas said.

((that's kind of confusing...dunno what to do))



Belrev and Celorn are currently arguing over the last chicken strip. The two voices bicker and fight against each other, as they point to the chicken strip.

Larissa takes the chicken, splits it in half, and lays each half in front of Belrev and Celorn.



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The words 'imbecile' and many others even worse than that, were flowing between Belrev and Celorn as they argue. "You useless example of a-" Belrev stops short noticing the cut pieces of the last chicken strip. Celorn sighs and punches Belrev on the arm a bit hard, the younger Excalibur returning the favor.



The twins look at each other, then look at Larissa.

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The words 'imbecile' and many others even worse than that, were flowing between Belrev and Celorn as they argue. "You useless example of a-" Belrev stops short noticing the cut pieces of the last chicken strip. Celorn sighs and punches Belrev on the arm a bit hard, the younger Excalibur returning the favor.



The twins look at each other, then look at Larissa.

*Odin quietly watches the twins. amused, remembering when he was a kid.


"You guys remind me of my brother and I when we were little, we did this all the time." He said to the twins, laughing.

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((just Ignore it for now. Arthas will send you a message in a near future))

((alright, thanks))



"All brothers have a love hate relationship." The twins both said to Odin. "Bel is younger than me by one year. I am 24, and he is 23." Celorn briefly told Odin.

"You should see Us with our third brother Denger. Practical yelling match between us three."

"Hey, I'm also 24. I don't have any brothers or sisters, though. At least, none that I associate with."

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((alright, thanks))



"Hey, I'm also 24. I don't have any brothers or sisters, though. At least, none that I associate with."

"Ah so you are 3 years older than me. heh heh."


"Ooo we have another 24 here!" Celorn exclaimed happily, quickly shunning himself at the sudden looks of other Tenno glancin towards him. Belrev watches with amusement, as he eats his piece of the chicken strip.

*Odin looks around, even he was a little embarrassed.


"Kinda keep it down there bud." 


*After he said that, his food arrived his mouth watering.


"Oh sweet Lotus, I haven't eaten actual food for months...."

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"Alright alright Odin." Celorn replied chuckling. Celorn moves his attention elsewhere and watches a conclave match on the wall mounted tv, not hearing Odin's statement.

"You haven't had food in months Odin?" Belrev asked curious as to how he is even alive.

*Odin's mouth was stuffed with food. He held up one finger, swallowed, and explained.


"Oh hell no, big man's gotta eat *Laughs*. I just had..... *Shutters* Goop. It had the daily amount of nutrients... but my word... it tasted awful. Everytime I think about it I just get sick, but right now... *He stares at his half eaten plate of food* I am enjoying this!" 


*Odin proceeds to stuff his face.

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Belrev visibly tightens his fists, remembering the things he had to do during his imprisonment. Celorn immediately knows what his brother is feeling, and pats him on the shoulder. "Bel. You had to kill them." Celorn growled, in disbelief that his brother still feels for that happening.

"Larissa. Join me outside please. I will tell you exactly what my brother had to do." Celorn firmly said, briskly leaving the restaraunt.

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Belrev visibly tightens his fists, remembering the things he had to do during his imprisonment. Celorn immediately knows what his brother is feeling, and pats him on the shoulder. "Bel. You had to kill them." Celorn growled, in disbelief that his brother still feels for that happening.

"Larissa. Join me outside please. I will tell you exactly what my brother had to do." Celorn firmly said, briskly leaving the restaraunt.

"Alright." she says as she gets up, pats Belrev on the shoulder, and follows Celorn.

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Outside of the restaurant Celorn leans on the wall, rubbing his forehead. "Good you are here." Celorn said, his voice barely audible. "Do you remember when my brother told you about the prison Larissa?" Celorn asked, his lips showing a thin line of sight anger.

"Yeah, I do...you alright?"

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