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The Dojo (Open Rp)


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The Tenno looks over the Excalibur and bows his head slightly. "Greetings." His voice was low and had a heavy accent of the old British kind. There was a slight beep from the console on his arm but he ignores it as that would be rude whilest in the middle of a conversation. He takes the Excalibur's hand and shakes it firmly. "A pleasure."

"As it is to meet you. I am Celorn, and the Excalibur you saw go in the Liset is my younger brother, Belrev. What is your name?" Celorn asked, fixing a few white streaks in his black hair subconciously.

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"As it is to meet you. I am Celorn, and the Excalibur you saw go in the Liset is my younger brother, Belrev. What is your name?" Celorn asked, fixing a few white streaks in his black hair subconciously.

He disengages his helmet. He has a rather thin face with almost peircing grey-blue eyes. His long dark brown hair is pulled back into a ponytail. "Lithron. A pleasure to meet you, Celorn."

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"So how did you get here Lithron?" Celorn asked, just as Belrev leaves the Liset. As Belrev walks towards Celorn, he is munching on a sandwich.

He gestures to the dark colored Liset. "It's how we get around, yes?" He fixes the ATTICA once more on his shoulder so it was comfortable.

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"I know that obviously. I was asking what brought you here, reason wise." Celorn sighed, watching his brother walk to them. As Belrev stops in front of the Excalibur's he looks at them as he eats. Celorn stares at Belrev with a poker face.


"Oh-" He shrugs slightly. "I needed a place to refuel my Liset. Not to mention get out of that cramped ship..." He rolls his shoulders slightly.

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"Noted. Belrev." Belrev replies, and glances to his brother. "Accompany us in the duel room Lithron." Celorn added.

The twins start walking off in the direction of the duel room, with Celorn inviting Lithron along the way.

Lithron shrugged. Having nothing better to do, he followed the two to the dueling area.
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Celorn messages Larissa, saying that he, his brother, and a new friend are on the way to the dueling room. "Instead of duel Bel. How about us vs dozens of Crewman?" Celorn asked, as the trio walks. "I can do that." Bel replied.

After a few minutes, the three Excalibur's approach the dueling room.

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Celorn messages Larissa, saying that he, his brother, and a new friend are on the way to the dueling room. "Instead of duel Bel. How about us vs dozens of Crewman?" Celorn asked, as the trio walks. "I can do that." Bel replied.

After a few minutes, the three Excalibur's approach the dueling room.

Remus Lithron slips the Attica off his shoulder, checking the magazine of bolts to make sure it was full before sliding it back into place on the Attica and sliding it back over his shoulder. He then checked the Nami Solo, looking over the blade before sheathing it again. Edited by OrlockCedar
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"Want to join in?" The twins ask, before heading into the dueling room. They both check the gauntlets on their right arm, the gauntlets of each twin matching their Warframe's color scheme. Belrev and Celorn walk over to a blue holographic console and type in numbers. With the occasional demotivational word spewing to each other.

"30 Crewman. Us two. Only our hands, legs, and hidden blades Cel." Belrev said to his brother, the older one nodding.

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Celorn messages Larissa, saying that he, his brother, and a new friend are on the way to the dueling room. "Instead of duel Bel. How about us vs dozens of Crewman?" Celorn asked, as the trio walks. "I can do that." Bel replied.

After a few minutes, the three Excalibur's approach the dueling room.

Larissa takes note of the message, and responds with a message saying that she's still waiting for her gear to be fixed, but will meet up with them soon.

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As Celorn cracks his knuckles, he reads over Larissa's message and nods. "Bel Larissa will meet with us soon, once she's done with her gear." Celorn told his brother, Belrev nodding as he cracks his neck.

Remus looks at the two young Tenno with a small grin. "You two go first." He moves over to a spot where he can watch, looking over his Attica once more before slinging it over his shoulder again.

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"Alright then." The twins say, as they activate the holographs. The holographs show and feel like actual Corpus Crewman, even with fake blood for effect. Belrev and Celorn stand back to back in the middle of the dueling room, as the Crewmen charge at the brothers. They smirk under their helmets as they start the battle.

Belrev charges ahead into a Crewman, landing a fist into his stomach before chokeslamming him. Moving his fist, he swiftly punches the Crewman's throat, a gasp of air escaping from the Corpus. Backflipping away, Belrev leaps over Celorn, and engaged five Crewmen. On Celorn's side of the room, he is reflecting swings from five crewmen, landing in various punches and kicks. Belrev simotameously kicks a Crewman away, while landing a quick deep punch into another Crewman's chest. The young Belrev seemingly switches between targets, landing punch after kick, and even suplexing a few times.

A mass array of thuds and groans echo in the room, as Belrev attacks the now seven crewman with tremendous speed and strength, including Celorn axe kicking a Crewman sneaking up on Belrev. "C'mon Remus join in!" Celorn yelled to Remus from inside the room, as he smashes two Crewman heads together.

Edited by (PS4)batman200087
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A young mag enters the dojo. Appearing sullen , she walks quietly to the meditation gardens.

Eirda was the first one to spot the mag and walked toward her in a non-threating manner. 

Hi, I haven't seen you before. I'm Erida, its nice to meet you She said and pointed towards the black and read menacing look Nekros. She leaned close the mag and whispered with one of her hands covering in the derection of the Nekros: Don't worry about my Nekros friend over there, he is not that mean as he look. Just don't anger him and you will be fine. Erida then leaned her hand toward the mag and waited for a handshake from her, wondering if she was going to take her friendly gesture.


Larissa patiently waits for her equipment to be repaired.


Still wearing her backup helmet while Jack fixes the other, she messages Celorn letting him know that she got to the workshop alright, and to tell Belrev the same.


"Nice to meet you, Jack. Nice workshop you've got here." she says.

Jack said as he was halfway of fixing her helmet: Its not really me workshop, I only brought me tools with me. Say...what is your name lady? ye got a name don't ye?


Hitomi waved to Arthas as he returned. Annie sighed.


"Yeah, well, I like to know what they're doing before they get into my line of sight. Sometimes communication between Tenno in a mission does not go well."

Arthas waved back to Hitomi and greeted her with a traditional tenno bow.

That's why I like to only talk when it is possible to do so. Otherwise it can be a distraction during battle

You know that teamwork is the key to successfully complete the mission, right?

IF I'm not with you guys, then I personally prefer to my thing solo and so far it seemed to work

I guess I can't change how you do it. Just be careful so you don't get yourself killed

Trust me, I know what I'm doing

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Jack said as he was halfway of fixing her helmet: Its not really me workshop, I only brought me tools with me. Say...what is your name lady? ye got a name don't ye?

"My name? Larissa."


Her backup helmet's energy runs out, and shuts down. She can't see, so she takes the helmet off.


"Not to rush you, but my backup helmet just died. So I'm blind until you're done with my helmet. Take your time though, cause I'm not going anywhere. Hehe."

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"Alright then." The twins say, as they activate the holographs. The holographs show and feel like actual Corpus Crewman, even with fake blood for effect. Belrev and Celorn stand back to back in the middle of the dueling room, as the Crewmen charge at the brothers. They smirk under their helmets as they start the battle.

Belrev charges ahead into a Crewman, landing a fist into his stomach before chokeslamming him. Moving his fist, he swiftly punches the Crewman's throat, a gasp of air escaping from the Corpus. Backflipping away, Belrev leaps over Celorn, and engaged five Crewmen. On Celorn's side of the room, he is reflecting swings from five crewmen, landing in various punches and kicks. Belrev simotameously kicks a Crewman away, while landing a quick deep punch into another Crewman's chest. The young Belrev seemingly switches between targets, landing punch after kick, and even suplexing a few times.

A mass array of thuds and groans echo in the room, as Belrev attacks the now seven crewman with tremendous speed and strength, including Celorn axe kicking a Crewman sneaking up on Belrev. "C'mon Remus join in!" Celorn yelled to Remus from inside the room, as he smashes two Crewman heads together.

In seconds, Remus would have he helmet engaged and would be rolling behind cover a spot of cover with his Attica as he picks off Crewmen with professional sniping skill. One or two bolts was all it took him to lay down a Crewman.
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Belrev snaps a Crewman's neck, before headbutting another, with Celorn breaking a Crewman's arm and kicking his head in. Belrev then kicks the leg of a Crewman breaking it, as he then stabs the head with his hidden blade. "Nice move Bel." Celorn smirked, as he slammed another Crewman's head into the wall. "Thanks Cel." The younger twin replied with a smirk, as he snaps a Crewman's neck before neck slicing another with his blade.

"After this, Bel will show you why he is among the most Stealthy of Tenno." Celorn called out to Remus, as he bullcharged a Crewman.

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Belrev snaps a Crewman's neck, before headbutting another, with Celorn breaking a Crewman's arm and kicking his head in. Belrev then kicks the leg of a Crewman breaking it, as he then stabs the head with his hidden blade. "Nice move Bel." Celorn smirked, as he slammed another Crewman's head into the wall. "Thanks Cel." The younger twin replied with a smirk, as he snaps a Crewman's neck before neck slicing another with his blade.

"After this, Bel will show you why he is among the most Stealthy of Tenno." Celorn called out to Remus, as he bullcharged a Crewman.

Remus let out a slight chuckle as he shoots a Prodman that was coming up on Belrev's rear right in the helmet. The bolt traveled through the Crewman's helmet and made home in another Crewman's helmet that was lining up shots on Belrev. "I do hope he's better at sneaking than watching his six." He then picked off Crewman taking cover and trying to line up shots on the twins.

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Belrev gave a thumbs up to Remus as he shot his knee up into a Crewman's stomach sending the Corpus Soldier into the floor. Celorn notices this, and stomps his foot into the Crewman's helmet killing him instantly. Belrev slides underneath Celorn and throws a Crewman into another tumbling them down. Celorn rushes ahead at a fast speed, and unleashes a flurry of punches and kicks to surrounding Crewman. On the other side of the room, a loud scream is heard as Belrev stabs a Crewman in the back. He withdraws his blade from the Crewman's back, and rams his helmet's horn into the chest of a large Nullifier. Pushing his hands outwards, he removes his horn from the Nullfiers chest and looks towards Remus.

Belrev spots an Eximus approaching Remus from his left, and charges into the large Crewman. Making impact with the Eximus Belrev tackles him into the shadows of the room, only to come out a minute later with a Crewman helmet in his hand. "Remus! Cover Cel's right!" Belrev shouts to the Proto Excalibur, as he violently beats on a pair of Crewmen.

Edited by (PS4)batman200087
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Belrev gave a thumbs up to Remus as he shot his knee up into a Crewman's stomach sending the Corpus Soldier into the floor. Celorn notices this, and stomps his foot into the Crewman's helmet killing him instantly. Belrev slides underneath Celorn and throws a Crewman into another tumbling them down. Celorn rushes ahead at a fast speed, and unleashes a flurry of punches and kicks to surrounding Crewman. On the other side of the room, a loud scream is heard as Belrev stabs a Crewman in the back. He withdraws his blade from the Crewman's back, and rams his helmet's horn into the chest of a large Nullifier. Pushing his hands outwards, he removes his horn from the Nullfiers chest and looks towards Remus.

Belrev spots an Eximus approaching Remus from his left, and charges into the large Crewman. Making impact with the Eximus Belrev tackles him into the shadows of the room, only to come out a minute later with a Crewman helmet in his hand. "Remus! Cover Cel's right!" Belrev shouts to the Proto Excalibur, as he violently beats on a pair of Crewmen.

Remus nods to Belrev as he covers Cel's open spots. He hears a click from his Attica. Having no time to reload, he vaults over the cover he was using before pulling out his akJagara. "Cel! Back to back!" He stands to Cel's back as he pretty much blows Crewmen apart with each shot.

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"Noted Remus!" Celorn moves to Remus's back, unholstering his black and white Dex Furis. "Bel! Cover our sides!" Celorn exclaimed to his younger brother, as he lets loose a barrage of bullets into Crewmen.

Belrev nods to Celorn and pulls out his Galatine slowly. Slow as a turtle, all while holding a devilish smirk behind his helmet. He sprints forward, slicing and dicing Crewmen around him while shooting a singular Dex Furis with his other hand, at flanking Crewmen around Celorn and Remus.

The sounds from the room were so loud, that it was audible at the meditation gardens.

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