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The Dojo (Open Rp)


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"Alright guys, let's move the train forward." Celorn shouted, as he went to the exit of the gardens and waited for everyone. "That includes YOU too Bel." Celorn glared at his younger brother, the 23 year old Belrev sighing. 'He won't budge. He will when I tell him who is here. Hehe.' Celorn said in his mind with a laugh.

"That and a certain Nyx entered the station."

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"Alright guys, let's move the train forward." Celorn shouted, as he went to the exit of the gardens and waited for everyone. "That includes YOU too Bel." Celorn glared at his younger brother, the 23 year old Belrev sighing. 'He won't budge. He will when I tell him who is here. Hehe.' Celorn said in his mind with a laugh.

"That and a certain Nyx entered the station."

Erida, Arthas, Fang and Luna followed Celorn in a group with each other and Erida got curios about this Nyx he spoke of. 

Who is this Nyx that you are speaking of? Is she nice? Erida asked Celorn, eager to know just a glimpse of this mysterious Nyx.

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A Tenno with a much older looking Proto Excalibur frame would be leaning against the doorway of the meditation gardens. The frame looks as though it had to be upgraded recently many times or it would fall apart. The Tenno had smi-long hair, one green eye, and one organic prosthetic that had a slight red glow to it. He had a very disgruntled expression on his face. This is Red.

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"She is the sweetest thing. Many many people attempted to capture her heart. They failed like the miserable people they are. Buttt a certain younger brother of mine did win her heart." Celorn smirked, pointing to Belrev who stood up from his bench.

"Also get up Remus, you will not escape this amazing adventure. Oh and hey there new guy!" Celorn exclaimed to BOTH of the Excalibur's.

Edited by (PS4)batman200087
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Red stood there before pushing off the doorway. "Lithron, I don't recall saying to could joke off to a bunch of Tenno you hardly know...or am I mistaken...? What order did I give you...?"


Remus simply looks to Red with a slightly worried look on his face before he slowly shook his head. "To refuel my ship and head out once it was done..."


Red tilts his head slightly. "And...care to explain why you aren't in you Liset taking off right now...? Like I told you to?! This is the third time I've had to pull you sorry rear out of some random Dojo! Get back to your Liset!"

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Celorn notices this, and stands watching the two. "Alright guys calm it. We met Remus, and hung out with him. No fighting here Dojo master's rules. Anyway with that out of the way, I am Celorn. Remus you can still hang out with us. "

Edited by (PS4)batman200087
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Thank for the clarification. Judgin' by the damage on ye warframe, it shouldn't take that lon' to repair Jack said as his steady hand holding the repair tool, slowly but surely repairing the broken energy system on her warframe. Sparks could occasionally be seen from his repair tool when he repaired.

((Does this mean he's finished?))

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((Wow I have had absolutely no motivation lately...))


Odin finally runs out of ammo, he puts his hand over the Gorgon barrel, seering red hot metal is on the barrel, even with his Warframe, it was still way to hot to the touch, his hand was only an inch away from the barrel and it started to sting. He holsters the Gorgon on his back, feeling the hot metal's warmth. He decided to go to the observatory and meditate, to stare at the limitless wonders of space, stepping on all of the bullets he made from the long spray of bullets he fired from the range. 

Edited by Lonewolf115
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