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The Dojo (Open Rp)


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"Anywhere really. We could all eat at one of the restaurants, We could combat train again, We could go to one of the hotels also. They have pools and springs. We can do ANYTHING." Celorn then made a rainbow motion with his hands, with a chuckle.

Edited by (PS4)batman200087
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Belrev smirks looking down, Shay noticing this and lightly punches his arm with a small giggle.

"Alright let's get to the hotels. Could use a movie watching marathon." Celorn said as he exited the gardens, Belrev and Shay following. "Keep up guys." He called out to Remus, Fang, Erida, Arthas, and Luna.

Edited by (PS4)batman200087
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Larissa is unsure of how to properly thank Jack, so she quickly gives him a hug and steps back.

Jack didn't expect the hug from Larissa, He did a surprised sound and as she let go of him, he scratched the back of his head, chuckled and said: Ye are welcome. If ye ever need anythin' repair; call me. Jack handed her his job number, which also had a picture of him, the logo and name of his own company.


Belrev smirks looking down, Shay noticing this and lightly punches his arm with a small giggle.

"Alright let's get to the hotels. Could use a movie watching marathon." Celorn said as he exited the gardens, Belrev and Shay following. "Keep up guys." He called out to Remus, Fang, Erida, Arthas, and Luna.

Coming! Erida said to confirm that she was ready to leave and walk behind Celorn, Belrev and Shay with her friends. Arthas, Fang and Luna started to walk with Erida as they all left the garden, heading toward (presumably) the hangar.

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Celorn leads the group of Tenno towards a hotel. A very nice looking one at that. Celorn approaches the golden door, and holds it open. The hotel is colored gold, with various Tenno moving about in the hotel.

"Go on inside! Bel will make the room reservation. Also a new conclave match is on, and a bunch of other stuff too. Forgot to add, a movie marathon is going on too!" Celorn said as he held the door open for his companions.

Edited by (PS4)batman200087
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Celorn leads the group of Tenno towards a hotel. A very nice looking one at that. Celorn approaches the golden door, and holds it open. The hotel is colored gold, with various Tenno moving about in the hotel.

"Go on inside! Bel will make the room reservation. Also a new conclave match is on, and a bunch of other stuff too. Forgot to add, a movie marathon is going on too!" Celorn said as he held the door open for his companions.

The group of friends took a good look each to inspect the hotel, once they got the signal to Celorn.

Erida decided to take a peak at the conclave match for just a moment.

Luna stayed close to Arthas, being unsure in this new place.

Fang decided to look around and lastly, before Arthas wandered around the hotel with Luna, he shared his communication line with Celron, Shay and Belrev. If you want to talk to us, use this frequency and one of us will respond Arthas said Celorn, Belrev and Shay, started to wander around the Hotel with Luna walking behind him.

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"Understood Arthas." Belrev replied, walking over to the reservation desk. A few minutes later Belrev got the keys to a room, going by the number 72.

As Arthas and his group wandered around the hotel, Belrev and Shay wandered also inviting Erida to come along. Shay wanted to talk to Erida more, as the Nyx found her nice to hang out with. Meanwhile Arthas and Luna would encounter Tenno chatting, a casino room for bets and such, and plenty more fun things to do. As Belrev and Shay walk, he speaks over the comm frequency that Fang put in. "The group's reserved room is number 72." He said, as he walks with his arm around Shay.

Celorn waits at the door, for his Proto Excalibur friend.

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Jack didn't expect the hug from Larissa, He did a surprised sound and as she let go of him, he scratched the back of his head, chuckled and said: Ye are welcome. If ye ever need anythin' repair; call me. Jack handed her his job number, which also had a picture of him, the logo and name of his own company.

She smiled and said: "I..heheh...Thanks." she accepted the number from him, said goodbye, and walked out of the workshop with her repaired helmet on.


She pulled out her radio, and sent a message to Celorn.


"Hey Cel, I'm done in the workshop. All of my stuff is fixed now. Where are you guys at? I'll meet up with you."

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Celorn pulls up his white holographic projector, and answers Larissa's message with his voice.

"Well currently we are at the hotel. We met ALOT of new people, so be prepared to introduce ya self. Bel is walking around with his girl Shay, and he got us a hotel room. Conclave match is tonight, movie marathon, and some news broadcasts will be on in the room later. So yeah basically that. Friend of mine and I will be going to the casino here to bag creds before the fight on the tv. Hurry up Larissa!"

He ended the transmission, and closed his voice/holograph projector.

Edited by (PS4)batman200087
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Celorn pulls up his white holographic projector, and answers Larissa's message with his voice.

"Well currently we are at the hotel. We met ALOT of new people, so be prepared to introduce ya self. Bel is walking around with his girl Shay, and he got us a hotel room. Conclave match is tonight, movie marathon, and some news broadcasts will be on in the room later. So yeah basically that. Friend of mine and I will be going to the casino here to bag creds before the fight on the tv. Hurry up Larissa!"

He ended the transmission, and closed his voice/holograph projector.

Larissa received the message, and quickly rushed over to the hotel. She walked into the casino, and waited at the door for Celorn to show up.

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Celorn already at the casino pokes his head in from the side, and widens his red eyes in amazement. A grand gold casino style poker table sits in the middle, various Tenno betting and playing the famous game. Along with Tenno arguing and accusing each other of cheating. On the sidelines of the poker table, Tenno play slot machines and generally interact with each other. Even Tenno waiters scurry around the casino, giving drinks to the fellow Tennk customers. Celorn has never seen anything so beautiful as this casino.

He walks in quickly, and approaches Larissa. "Hi!" He simply said waving.

Edited by (PS4)batman200087
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Celorn already at the casino pokes his head in from the side, and widens his red eyes in amazement. A grand gold casino style poker table sits in the middle, various Tenno betting and playing the famous game. Along with Tenno arguing and accusing each other of cheating. On the sidelines of the poker table, Tenno play slot machines and generally interact with each other. Even Tenno waiters scurry around the casino, giving drinks to the fellow Tennk customers. Celorn has never seen anything so beautiful as this casino.

He walks in quickly, and approaches Larissa. "Hi!" He simply said waving.

"Hey! Who's your friend? she says. "This is quite a nice place!"

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