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The Dojo (Open Rp)


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He nods slowly. "Don't get me wrong, I enjoy my job. I mean nothing helps the blood flow than stopping a server from near overheating in your face. Took some severe over heat exhaust from one of our servers to the face. Fortunately we keep medical staff on site at all times. They were able to repair most of the damage, but not all of it." He turns his head slightly to show some nasty burn on the side of his neck. "Eyes didn't survive the exhaust so I had I get mechanical prosthetics. Help a lot more when I'm making repairs."

"Ouch...that must have hurt a lot. I don't know if my eyes were ever normal-looking, having always been blind. It's not exactly the easiest job in the world, working on servers, without proper vision, but it's...interesting, to say the least."


She begins drinking her drink.

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"Ouch...that must have hurt a lot. I don't know if my eyes were ever normal-looking, having always been blind. It's not exactly the easiest job in the world, working on servers, without proper vision, but it's...interesting, to say the least."

She begins drinking her drink.

He takes a sip of his drink and nods. "I could imagine it must have been a struggle. At least you don't have to wear your Warframe helmet when you swim. These things are good, but they are rather cheap and are not waterproof."
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"Understood Arthas." Belrev replied, walking over to the reservation desk. A few minutes later Belrev got the keys to a room, going by the number 72.

As Arthas and his group wandered around the hotel, Belrev and Shay wandered also inviting Erida to come along. Shay wanted to talk to Erida more, as the Nyx found her nice to hang out with. Meanwhile Arthas and Luna would encounter Tenno chatting, a casino room for bets and such, and plenty more fun things to do. As Belrev and Shay walk, he speaks over the comm frequency that Fang put in. "The group's reserved room is number 72." He said, as he walks with his arm around Shay.

Celorn waits at the door, for his Proto Excalibur friend.

Fang was the one who responded back to Belrev and said: Good to know. I will met up with you once I have explored this hotel a bit more. He then continued to wander around the hotel.

Arthas and Luna went into the casino as the other did, watched in the background at the group in order to get a better understanding of these tennos. That is what Arthas did anyway while Luna looked around the casino, feeling more nervous with all the new tennos in the room. After a while they decided to follow the other group to the bar and sat down close to them. Arthas then noticed that Larissa had arrived at the same room. He waved to her and said: How was my Vauban friend?. Luna shyly hid behind Arthas, still feeling a bit nervous after the whole casino part.

After that Erida peaked at the conclave match she saw, did she wanderer to the bar. She didn't enjoy the "boring" conclave match that was going on. Erida entered the bar and spotted that almost everyone was in the bar, except for Fang who was probably still wandering around the hotel. She waved to her friends as she sat down close to Luna, trying to calm her nerves. Erida's help seemed to work on Luna as she felt less nervous.

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"Alright Fang." Belrev replied over the frequency, moving over to the second bar with Shay. The two occupy two stools next to Arthas and Luna. Celorn then occupys the seat next to Belrev's left.

"So the whole gang is here! Cept for Fang since he is exploring."

I'm sure he will be here any seconds now. He is the one who usually finds the "hidden" things in an area, so that's probably why he is taking longer to come over here Arthas said, looking at the menu on the wall behind the bar desk.

I heard that our room number is 72....Lets hope that the room is decent and not a trash of a room. Because I don't like when a hotel have poorly maintained rooms, making the price of the rent not worth it Erida said and looked around the bar out of boredom.

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I'm sure he will be here any seconds now. He is the one who usually finds the "hidden" things in an area, so that's probably why he is taking longer to come over here Arthas said, looking at the menu on the wall behind the bar desk.

I heard that our room number is 72....Lets hope that the room is decent and not a trash of a room. Because I don't like when a hotel have poorly maintained rooms, making the price of the rent not worth it Erida said and looked around the bar out of boredom.

"Bel showed me the room, and its beautiful!" Shay said, playing with Belrev's hands.

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"Bel showed me the room, and its beautiful!" Shay said, playing with Belrev's hands.

That's good to hear. Does this room have enough beds for everyone or must some of us sleep in a sleeping bag? Which I could do if anyone needs to sleep in a bed more than I do Erida said to Shay casually.


Fang entered the bar after a long while, sat down close to his friends. Arthas greeted Fang and said: Good to see you finally arrive to the "meeting" we are having here.

You know me; the one who seeks the most and if you wonder; I didn't find anything of my interest Fang said as he brought out a tiger painted skull from his inventory and look at it. The skull had the colors of an albino tiger; white with black stripes.

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He takes a sip of his drink and nods. "I could imagine it must have been a struggle. At least you don't have to wear your Warframe helmet when you swim. These things are good, but they are rather cheap and are not waterproof."

"Heh, it must look silly to wear your helmet when you swim. Hey, we should probably go meet the others."

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"Wellll. It has three bunks, and four regulars. Enough for our whole gang here! It also has a really big TV, a pool or spring whatever it's called outside, a kitchen, and a game room." Shay replied, out of breath with a giggle.

Erida chuckled at shay for not taking a breather in her sentence. You know you got to breath in and out, right? I don't want to be the one doing mouth to mouth on you if you passed out Erida said and giggled.

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"Hey hey I know! Besides Bel will do that if it ever happens." Shay smirked, nudging Belrev on his side. The Excalibur did a small smile to himself, as the Nyx never fails to make him laugh. Or blush madly like he is now.

On the other hand, Celorn is currently counting his won credits. How he loved winning creds from angry Rhino users.

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Remus nods slowly. "Yeah. We probably should go meet back up with them." 

She gets up from her seat, and walks to the door.

"Coming? We can go walk around to find the others while I message Cel asking for their room number or something. " she says to Remus.


She messages Celorn, asking for the number for the room they're staying in.

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She gets up from her seat, and walks to the door.

"Coming? We can go walk around to find the others while I message Cel asking for their room number or something. " she says to Remus.


She messages Celorn, asking for the number for the room they're staying in.

Remus nods, standing slowly as he gently takes her hand.

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She gets up from her seat, and walks to the door.

"Coming? We can go walk around to find the others while I message Cel asking for their room number or something. " she says to Remus.

She messages Celorn, asking for the number for the room they're staying in.

Celorn counts his credits, when suddenly his inbox makes a ping sound. He opens up the holograph projector, and writes back to Larissa.

'Room 72. At the bar with Bel and Shay on the other side of the room. Including Arthas and his gang.'

He sent the message and resumed his counting.

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Erund and Mishane where walking towards the hotel "So what you are going to do?" Mishane asked "Catch up on things... That syndicate thing was something what I should read about really quick even if I am not part of them at all" Erund said "Reading shouldn't be bad. I don't really have anything to catch up on" Mishane said "Good to you" Erund said as they arrived to reserve apartment one from both.

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"Well well look who finished her chat. Welcomeeee back Larissa!" Celorn greeted to the Banshee, Belrev nodding as his own welcome back greet. "Welcome back Larissa!" Shay said with a laugh.

"Heheh. Remus and I had a good time, didn't we, Remus?" she said, still holding his hand.

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"Hey hey I know! Besides Bel will do that if it ever happens." Shay smirked, nudging Belrev on his side. The Excalibur did a small smile to himself, as the Nyx never fails to make him laugh. Or blush madly like he is now.

On the other hand, Celorn is currently counting his won credits. How he loved winning creds from angry Rhino users.

I was just messing with you Erida said and chuckled lightly. So Shay, what do you think of our my friends? Erida asked Shay.


They approach the bar where the others should be, and they find the group.


"Hey everyone." she says, to let them know they were there.

Arthas turned his attention toward the same voice he heard earlier. Greetings. Nice to see you again. I presume that my Vauban friend did a good repair job? Arthas said. Erida also turned to this tenno she hasn't met yet and asked Arthas: Do you know her?.

You know the voice I heard earlier? She was the one I heard

I see...My name is Erida Erida said to Larissa. Now Luna turned her attention to Larissa since her friends did it.

H-hi...My n-name is L-Luna Luna said shyly, not sure if she was a good stranger or a bad stranger. She wanted to know the tenno before she feels safe around her. Since Fang already had his body turned away from the bar, still looking at his albino skull, he just simply turned his head toward Larissa and said: Hey. I'm Fang, the one who harvest skulls to clean and paint them.

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