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The Dojo (Open Rp)


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"Heheh. Remus and I had a good time, didn't we, Remus?" she said, still holding his hand.

Remus nods. "If you mean being geeks and talking about server overloads and my eyes being turned to soup by an overheating incident a good time, then yeah, we did."

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Remus nods. "If you mean being geeks and talking about server overloads and my eyes being turned to soup by an overheating incident a good time, then yeah, we did."


Server is totally not overloading because server is a real human bean and totally not a robot pretending to be a real human bean. 

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"They are so cool! Nice Tenno they are." Shay replied, her head resting on Belrev's shoulder.

Just so you know; from little I got to know you and Belrevs brother, I think that you two are pretty great to hang around with Erida said and leaned her head back a bit, looking at nothing in particular.

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Remus nods. "If you mean being geeks and talking about server overloads and my eyes being turned to soup by an overheating incident a good time, then yeah, we did."

((sorry for the late response, spent all day arguing about the event...))


Larissa laughs a bit.




Arthas turned his attention toward the same voice he heard earlier. Greetings. Nice to see you again. I presume that my Vauban friend did a good repair job? Arthas said. 

"Yes, he repaired my equipment to perfect condition. Thanks for helping me out there."




I see...My name is Erida Erida said to Larissa. Now Luna turned her attention to Larissa since her friends did it.

H-hi...My n-name is L-Luna Luna said shyly, not sure if she was a good stranger or a bad stranger. She wanted to know the tenno before she feels safe around her. 

"Hello, Erida. Nice to meet you."


She looks at Luna.


"Hey, I'm Larissa. Nice to meet you as well." she offers a handshake to Luna.

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"Yes, he repaired my equipment to perfect condition. Thanks for helping me out there."



"Hello, Erida. Nice to meet you."


She looks at Luna.


"Hey, I'm Larissa. Nice to meet you as well." she offers a handshake to Luna.



No problem. You could say that I have a sense to help other in need, but even I'm sure if that is a thing Arthas said and chuckled.



Luna slowly reach for Larissa's hand and slowly shaking it.

Luna is shy towards new tennos she meet, but she will get over it when she get to know you better Erida said to Larissa and Luna nodded to confirm Erida's statement.

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Just so you know; from little I got to know you and Belrevs brother, I think that you two are pretty great to hang around with Erida said and leaned her head back a bit, looking at nothing in particular.

"Thank you Erida." Shay smiled, watching a game of baseball, Tenno version on the TV.

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"Thank you Erida." Shay smiled, watching a game of baseball, Tenno version on the TV.

You are welcome Erida said and watched the game of baseball with Shay.


Meanwhile, Luna got occupied by looking at pictures that Erida took on her job, all of them containing kubrows in all size and shape.

Arthas and Fang casually talked to each other about the previous missions they have been on recently.

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As Shay watches the game with Erida, Belrev glances to Arthas and Fang's direction.

"Mission talk?" He asked, after finishing his glass of the red liquid.

Fang stopped to talk with Arthas as he heard the question and Arthas stopped as well. 

Indeed we were my humble friend Fang said.

We were talking about how our previous Exterminate mission on Ceres was. It went pretty well if you wonder Arthas said.

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"My previous mission was an assassination of a Grineer lieutenant." Belrev sighed, reading up on the news about his said mission.

Let me guess, it was a big Grineer with a hammer as his weapon? Fang asked Belrev.

You mean lieutenant lech krill? Arthas asked Fang, which he responded with: That guy.

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"Not Lech. Another Grineer, he went by the name Kaluz Zorm. He was evil. Very evil." Belrev replied, with a tint of anger. The things that Kaluz has done made Belrev sick. He was glad that he eliminated him out of the equation.

I see..at least that's one grineer less that we have to take care of. I wonder how his skull looked like, because the high in rank ones usually have the best skulls Fang said creepily and grinned under his helmet.

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"I will go get something to drink then hit the bed after plausibly few talks. I would like to hear what is going on" Mishane said "Feel free to do that... After cracking some Grineer and Corpus skulls. I would like to take a nap" Erund said and head to his hotel room. While Mishane head to a bar.

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"It was pretty ugly." Belrev smirked, prompting Shay to glare at him.

I'm sure he was. Its a shame that I wasn't there to see his miserable face when you killed him. Oh how I love the screams of dying grineers Fang said in a scary way.

Ok...I think you need to turn down with the creepy-pasta stuff. We don't want to scare these nice tenno's Arthas said in an attempt to calm Fang down, somewhat succeeding as he heard from Fang saying: I don't care if they get scared of me, because I'm used to it and you know it.

Erida leaned towards Belrev and Shay, looking at both of them and then said: That's Fang everyone; being a bit sick and wicked in his strange mind of his. Erida then chuckled and then leaned back to her spot, looking at the menu that could be seen behind the counter.

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"I share his views." Belrev said, with a smirk and chuckle.

Anyway...I think I will kick the bucket and catch some sleep soon. A warrior need to sleep sometimes in his or her life Arthas said and checked his inbox for anything new. 

Hey Shay, do you have a hobby? Personally I work at a Kubrow kennel at my spare time. I don't know if that counts as a hobby, but I'm having a blast being with my fluffy friends. From adults to puppies Erida said and brought out a set of pictures from her workplace. Every picture featured Kubrow's and sometime Erida with the Kubrow's.

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"Room is 72 Arthas." Belrev said to the Excalibur.

In response to Erida's question, Shay thinks for a moment. "Yeah I do actually. Hacking and stuff like that. Don't know why."

Arthas nodded to Belrev and before he left the bar, he said: Goodnight everyone. See you tomorrow.

Goodnight Arthas Luna said to Arthas as he left the room.


Maybe you are into technology stuff? I'm not that good with technology. The only thing I can do with it, is to hack consoles. Anything else and I don't have a clue Erida said to Shay and chuckled.

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"Likewise." Belrev and Celorn replied, drinking glasses of liquid.

"I love hacking into the Grineer comms and files. Juicy Intel is there." Shay replied.

I guess that makes you an expert at grineer text translation then? I think that language together with the corpus makes no sense to me Erida said to Shay.


Fang felt bored, decided to look around the bar for anything interesting. Only a few seconds later and he found something that caught his eyes; a stage with every possible instrument, together with a tenno band that seemed to be bored as well. Fang got an idea and started to walk towards the stage.

He jumped up on to the stage and walked towards the group of tennos.

One of them confronted Fang and asked him: "You know you aren't suppose to be here, right?".

You all seemed to be bored to death as I am, so I though we could spice up this boring evening Fang said and his little talk seemed to interest the others in the group, forming a half circle around Fang.

"What do you have in mind? It better be a good idea" the tenno said as he expected the Nekros to answer in a convincing way.

Trust me, you will like it Fang said and started to whisper his idea to the group. A short whisper later and the group agreed to do his idea.

They all went to the proper instrument while Fang walked towards the mic. He grabbed it, checking it and then said: Feeling bored out of your minds? Fear no further, because we are going to play a song that will rock your world. Figuratively speaking of course. The song we will perform is 

and just like that, the song started to play. 


Erida seemed to like it as she headbanging a little and Luna did a weak cheer to the band, barely not making any sound at all.

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