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The Dojo (Open Rp)


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Mishane listened what is going on in the bar and looked around. (I guess there is something to celebrate about but what?) Mishane thought as took a chair to seat and pulled out data pad.

After the song was done, Luna decided to stretch her legs by walking around. She have been siting a pretty long time now. She stood up and started to wander around the bar. Several seconds later and she spotted a tenno who had a screen in front of this tenno. Luna approached this tenno, getting her usual "getting nerves around new tenno" vibe.

H-h-hi.....are you n-n-new here? she said with a very shaky voice, making it obvious that she was in fact very nervous.

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After the song was done, Luna decided to stretch her legs by walking around. She have been siting a pretty long time now. She stood up and started to wander around the bar. Several seconds later and she spotted a tenno who had a screen in front of this tenno. Luna approached this tenno, getting her usual "getting nerves around new tenno" vibe.

H-h-hi.....are you n-n-new here? she said with a very shaky voice, making it obvious that she was in fact very nervous.


"At ease kinsman. Even if I am Mag Prime. I might be worse than you in combat" Mishane said as looked at Luna. "Name is Mishane" Mishane said and continued using the data pad. "About time you connect" plausibly familiar voice of a marksman was heard from data pad. "I have my own things to deal with" Mishane said "Apologies. Well you ready for this?" same man said "I am ready to navigate you. What's the mission?" Mishane responded. "Lotus wanted me to hunt down a VIP who is currently interrogating another VIP in this facility" same man said.


"Specify" Mishane said "Basically capture and rescue mission" same man said "You never take any easy jobs, do you?" Mishane asked "I am the best sharpshooter and marksman in this system. Of course I get to sent to missions what some Tenno are not ready to take on" same man said. "Good lessons to me on how snipe. Video feed online... Now" Mishane said and screen shows world where this man is from right side of the helmet view. Man switched his weapon's two magazines.

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I guess that makes you an expert at grineer text translation then? I think that language together with the corpus makes no sense to me Erida said to Shay.

Fang felt bored, decided to look around the bar for anything interesting. Only a few seconds later and he found something that caught his eyes; a stage with every possible instrument, together with a tenno band that seemed to be bored as well. Fang got an idea and started to walk towards the stage.

He jumped up on to the stage and walked towards the group of tennos.

One of them confronted Fang and asked him: "You know you aren't suppose to be here, right?".

You all seemed to be bored to death as I am, so I though we could spice up this boring evening Fang said and his little talk seemed to interest the others in the group, forming a half circle around Fang.

"What do you have in mind? It better be a good idea" the tenno said as he expected the Nekros to answer in a convincing way.

Trust me, you will like it Fang said and started to whisper his idea to the group. A short whisper later and the group agreed to do his idea.

They all went to the proper instrument while Fang walked towards the mic. He grabbed it, checking it and then said: Feeling bored out of your minds? Fear no further, because we are going to play a song that will rock your world. Figuratively speaking of course. The song we will perform is

and just like that, the song started to play.

Erida seemed to like it as she headbanging a little and Luna did a weak cheer to the band, barely not making any sound at all.

"Yep. Since we are on the topic of Grineer, some Grineer can actually be nice to Tenno, which is VERY rare. Bel met one a while back, he is a Lancer. They get along great I guess." Shay responded, with a smile.

Since Fang started to play the song, Belrev and Celorn turned around from the bar and looked to the stage. They both raised a glass to Fang and his band.

Edited by (PS4)batman200087
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"At ease kinsman. Even if I am Mag Prime. I might be worse than you in combat" Mishane said as looked at Luna. "Name is Mishane" Mishane said and continued using the data pad. "About time you connect" plausibly familiar voice of a marksman was heard from data pad. "I have my own things to deal with" Mishane said "Apologies. Well you ready for this?" same man said "I am ready to navigate you. What's the mission?" Mishane responded. "Lotus wanted me to hunt down a VIP who is currently interrogating another VIP in this facility" same man said.


"Specify" Mishane said "Basically capture and rescue mission" same man said "You never take any easy jobs, do you?" Mishane asked "I am the best sharpshooter and marksman in this system. Of course I get to sent to missions what some Tenno are not ready to take on" same man said. "Good lessons to me on how snipe. Video feed online... Now" Mishane said and screen shows world where this man is from right side of the helmet view. Man switched his weapon's two magazines.

Luna wanted to say something, but seeing as she seemed to be busy with something, she decided not to and walked back to where she sat before. At least she knew her name and then she just realized that she didn't tell her name. She felt somewhat embarrassed as she forgot to tell her name. Maybe she would get a chance later to tell Mishane her name once she wasn't busy with her "thing".


"Yep. Since we are on the topic of Grineer, some Grineer can actually be nice to Tenno, which is VERY rare. Bel met one a while back, he is a Lancer. They get along great I guess." Shay responded, with a smile.

Since Fang started to play the song, Belrev and Celorn turned around from the bar and looked to the stage. They both raised a glass to Fang and his band.

Sounds like this lance is a nice guy to hang around with. Anyhow, I have also met some kind Grineers, mostly after an invasion mission. Some of them talked with me casually, some felt honored to fight me and so on. Personally I prefer the ones you can talk with "normally" with. It's a shame that you don't met that type of Grineers that often, but hey, at least some of them got some silly stories or jokes to tell Erida said and chuckled lightly.


The song ended and Fang with his temporally band bowed to the cheering crowd. Fang grabbed the once again and said: Would you like more? then give us a suggestion on a song and we will do our best to perform it. The band looked at each other, not expected this to happen. However, they didn't have anything better to do. They all just shrugged to each other and then waited for the Nekros to choose the next song.

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"The Lancer's name is Bofu by the way. I too prefer the ones that you can talk normally with. Bofu is actually living at our HQ too, he is so fun to be with. Although when other Grineer spot him with Bel, they start ridiculing him. Then Bel gets angry and so on. He acts as the second older brother for Bel and Cel. I can't tell you how many times Bofu had to break up Cel and Bel from fighting." Shay responded, with a chuckle remembering that day.

Edited by (PS4)batman200087
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"The Lancer's name is Bofu by the way. I too prefer the ones that you can talk normally with. Bofu is actually living at our HQ too, he is so fun to be with. Although when other Grineer spot him with Bel, they start ridiculing him. Then Bel gets angry and so on. He acts as the second older brother for Bel and Cel. I can't tell you how many times Bofu had to break up Cel and Bel from fighting." Shay responded, with a chuckle remembering that day.

It sounds like that "Bofu" is a ton of fun to hang with. I remember one time during an invasion mission when I supported the grineer, that there was a heavy gunner who came running toward me (after the mission was done) and asked me how to best take care of her nails. I was surprised to hear that from a female grineer, so I of course chuckled rudely. Luckily for me she didn't get offended by my rude behavior. I gave her some tips on how to take care and make them more prettier. You could hear how happy she was with the new knowledge I gave her Erida said and brought out a picture with her and the heavy gunner, doing a selfie. She showed the picture to Shay.


artorias: hey

As Luna sat on her seat beside Erida, listening to the conversation and looking around. Suddenly she saw a familiar tenno and waved to him, signaling that they were over here.

Edited by WolfmanX9
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artorias: hey luna *smiles* no one talks to me why?

Maybe because you haven't properly introduced yourself to these tennos. It pays of to be polite, trust me Luna said to Artorias, putted a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

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Mishane soon was done on navigating her friend. "Mishane I got a word from my friends at asteroid fields that something is going on. I am on my way to investigate that next" Mishane's friend said as she got message from Lotus. "I see it. You are heading where?" Mishane replied "I am heading to the border of asteroid field to see what is going on" Mishane's friend said "Alright. Good thing that I have decided to do something at bit normal" Mishane said "We all. Choose our paths. I choose to be soldier and I will be one what is too tough to hell to bite" Mishane's friend said.


"That I believe" Mishane said with some happiness.

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artorias: i have tryed they ignore me and its tenno not tennos

Keep trying, you will find someone to talk with or as Arthas would say: "If the first you don't succeed, keep trying and you will succeed" Luna said, trying to lift Artoias gloomy mood to a positive one.


The mic from the stage once again came back to life as Fang spoke in it once again.

Since no one has come up with a suggestion as of yet, I though I could choose one of my favorite songs. Don't worry, its not something overused or bad. I and these talented tennos will now perform

Fang said and the band started to play the song's intro, starting the song. During the part when the growl came, Fang used his terrify ability to make the growl more (as the name of the ability suggest) terrifying, making the growl echo throughout the whole room. This enchanted growl made the lights in the room flicker for the moment the growl was heard from Fang.
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artorias: hmm luna wanna go on a date

Luna didn't know what to say since she got flattered and confused at the same time. She tried to sound neutral as she responded with: Um....Maybe not now....Perhaps later, when I'm a little more comfortable with this place.

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Appearance: IXanVf9.png?1

Standing in the center of a training room with a singular hand on the hilt of a Nikana stood a lone Valkyr frame. Standing in front of a training dummy with a singular hand on the blade. Sitting in the corner was a pale grey Kubrow with walnut tone fur on the bottom jaw and lower areas. The Kubrow sat silently watching It's master, his ears flattened against his head. Yet still even though the Kubrow was anxiously waiting, the Valkyr stood stock still. As if waiting for the perfect, precise moment to strike. After enough time for any passing Tenno to peer in the windows of the room the Valkyr placed her left foot behind her and with a very swift movement. Grabbed the blade into her right hand and swung straight out at the dummy. Effectively slicing it in half. Sheathing the blade immediately after the blade had left the target she moved over to kneel down in front of the Kubrow and pet him. "Good Boy." She then stood up and shifted slightly. Her Imperator Style Syandana swayed slightly as she shifted. She picked up a Paris Prime alongside it's quiver and placed the quiver onto her back using a magnet, and shouldered the bow. She then turned to pick up two Magnus which were painted the exact same colours and attatched them to her legs, again with magnets, and turned to leave for the exit. Beckoning her Kubrow to follow.

Edited by Pwn3rb0i
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As Shay smiled at Erida, Belrev and Celorn started bickering at each other.

"You took my glass."

"Uh huh. Sure."

"Give it back Celorn."

Belrev glares at Celorn, the older brother replies with a smirk.


Erida managed by mistake see the small argue between Belrev and Celorn. She giggle for a short bit and then said jokingly: Hey get a room you two. She giggled some more after her non-appropriate comment.

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Erida managed by mistake see the small argue between Belrev and Celorn. She giggle for a short bit and then said jokingly: Hey get a room you two. She giggled some more after her non-appropriate comment.

Celorn spits out his drink in response, while Belrev nearly falls back in his chair.

"NO." The two brother's said at the same time, much to the amusement of Shay.

Moments pass, as Celorn starts chuckling. "Bloody hell. What now Cel?" Belrev asked in irritation, his forehead resting on the bar counter. "You almost fell back you dummy." Celorn replied, laughing.


The casino room's noises filled the halls and surrounding areas of the Dojo, even reaching the training room.

Edited by (PS4)batman200087
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Celorn spits out his drink in response, while Belrev nearly falls back in his chair.

"NO." The two brother's said at the same time, much to the amusement of Shay.

Moments pass, as Celorn starts chuckling. "Bloody hell. What now Cel?" Belrev asked in irritation, his forehead resting on the bar counter. "You almost fell back you dummy." Celorn replied, laughing.


The casino room's noises filled the halls and surrounding areas of the Dojo, even reaching the training room.

Both Erida and Luna laughed for a bit as Belrev almost fell of his chair. 

Relax guys, I was only kidding. I just though it was funny that you two argued over a single glass. Its not like there aren't any more glasses in this bar Erida said, feeling slightly satisfied after her little silly joke.

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