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Ash's Ulti Blade Storm


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Kia Ora,


Dear DE_Scott i hope you see this :)




For a Long time now iv been a tad upset at th dmg Cap on Blade Storm.


Blade Storm is one of the most Visually appealling Ulti's ive seen tis simply beautiful! However, I do believe that the Dmg output Does not befit the Ability.


Before i Forma'd His Aura Slot for Energy Siphon i was getting a cap of 2600 base Dmg no extra dmg and deffinatly no Crit dmg.


then after i forma'd is Aura slot, and got to lvl 12 I started to hit 2600 Base dmg again and was extremely excited about finishing the build. however i get to lvl 20 and realise that its not going up, then 30 and tis still the same.


In my personal opinion Ash is a Ninja/Assassin His Ulti Should Scale to the Dmg output of your current Melee and also a Crit dmg output as it should be Classed as a Backstab/focused points


In his Visuals you see him going for Spacific Points on the Body but his dmg is no where near what it would be.


As an Assassin/Ninja Ash's Ulti Should be quite Crippling/Slightly OP.


Ash is my most favorite Warframe, and i believe he is being underestimated.


Please if you see this Post DE_Scott message me with your thoughts and reasons behind the Dmg output of Blade Storm, in all else, Thank you Very much for your hard Work


Yours sincerely  Steve R G Daniels / King_Shinobi


Thank you

Edited by King_Shinobi
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Indeed ash is the most polyvalant warframe mixing stealth and lethal attack and blade storm should be scaled as the utility itself is slow to switch btw targets, so that the damage output and the slowness is proportional because right now we just get a slow utility that does way too little damage.

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Kia Ora bro


Couldn't agree more, the thought of Ash's abilities made me want to use him at an early stage due to the fact that it was said that he has the most ninja like features and abilities and this being a space ninja game... what would be better.

Sad to say that I basically acquired and straight away slapped a potatoe on him, only to find myself leveling him to get to 30 ASAP for mastery and shelved him.

I could only hope that Melee 2.0 will see his Ult buffed to make him viable again.

I would love to dust him off and chuck some forma's his way.


Just my 2c

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Ash's ult is the only ult in the game that is not affected by armor. I don't think you guys realize how HUGE that is...

That said the target cap and room/range limit is pretty garbage.

Also for the most part ASH almost feels like he wes designed purely for solo players due to the fast pace of the game and most of his abilities not being able to be used before half the map is cleared by most other frames.

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Sad to say that I basically acquired and straight away slapped a potatoe on him, only to find myself leveling him to get to 30 ASAP for mastery and shelved him.


Ash always been useful, I use it for rushing missions and alerts there's no better frame to get in a mission and get out without being seen. And its still viable if you invest some formas on to make a corrupted smoke screen melee build but its still sad that the ult can't be used as it should be and that the only usable ability for advance builds is smoke screen and shuriken.

Edited by SteinFactor
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Deffinately Knew that, and thats one good thing, but 2600-4700 Dmg (4700 when you ad the corrupted mod that adds to power strength) is seriously not that much, especially when you get to higher levelled enemies even though it has Armor ignore.

Ash's ult is the only ult in the game that is not affected by armor. I don't think you guys realize how HUGE that is...

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Deffinately Knew that, and thats one good thing, but 2600-4700 Dmg (4700 when you ad the corrupted mod that adds to power strength) is seriously not that much, especially when you get to higher levelled enemies even though it has Armor ignore.

You say that but enemies past 40-45 are not really planned... They exist to kind of sate higher end players but players get confused and call those enemies endgame when they're not. No mission starts enemies higher than 35 and by way 15-20 you just start getting enemies at level ~50 which I'm guessing is the devs intended max level enemy. So that in mind ash's ult still one shots level 40 enemies iirc which is fine.

I think people constantly confuse a lot of issues here. Damage wise his powers are ok for intended content but he's lack luster in most groups. That and high scaling enemies =/= endgame so stop trying to buff everything to oblivion.

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You say that but enemies past 40-45 are not really planned... They exist to kind of sate higher end players but players get confused and call those enemies endgame when they're not. No mission starts enemies higher than 35 and by way 15-20 you just start getting enemies at level ~50 which I'm guessing is the devs intended max level enemy. So that in mind ash's ult still one shots level 40 enemies iirc which is fine.

I think people constantly confuse a lot of issues here. Damage wise his powers are ok for intended content but he's lack luster in most groups. That and high scaling enemies =/= endgame so stop trying to buff everything to oblivion.

I'm an end game player, and I would like an end game resault for Ashes Ulti, have to use the Ulti on 1 enemy 3-4 times in an end game situation with maxed out Mods and build is not ideal. I have been Playing a long time, and supported the game a long time so, i believe i know what im refering to.


maybe 2 times i could deal with, but the result as current is just not that satisfying, espesclly when i can do far greater dmg (without armor ignore) with a Bow fully built.


I believe His ulti should be based on Crit, and Scale to your Melee He is an "Assassin/Ninja" and they go for 1 attack Kills i can deal wieth lvl 40-45 Enemies simply with my Bow, even most higher lcls 1 shot with a bow, but cant 1 shot with an "Assassin's/Ninja's" ulti?


So im not trying to Buff everything to Oblivion, but i am trying to Give Ash The respect He deserves! He is spoken down on by most, yet he is one of the Best Warframes. everyone who adores Loki talk smack about Ash, and there is a constant Battle between them.


I dont mind his other abilities so much, tho i believe Shuriken shoud inflict a slight bleeding effect. Teleport is fun tho i think it could be Target and cursor based and smoke screen when built properly is fine too.


but my issue is Blade Storm, Visually fantastic but when max built ends up with 4600 dmg armor ignore, yet a bow or any other wep can be built for 10K, 20K 30, dmg with or without Armor ignore His "Ultimate's" dmg is a joke compeared to the Ultimates of other frames too.


btw, i do see what you are saying, i just disagree with some of it, so therefore, lets agree to disagree i dont want to have an argument :)

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I have to agree with thread author on this one. I'm glad you gave in a bit with the OP comment xD but I think this ability definitely needs an overhaul focusing on strengthening the ability. Aesthetically I enjoy everything about this character and in the time I've put into this game there is no frame I have desired more than a true ninja Ash (I mean come on, ninjas play free). That being said, in all this time I still haven't invested into Ash for the reasons mentioned as my starter frame was Loki and though I did not enjoy the look of him his abilitys fit the role I needed him for and it was not worth it for me. Loki is a TRICKSTER, a role he fits well, but this game needs a NINJA. I can only purchase platinum sporadically and love warframe as I see the devs have put a lot into making sure it is accessible for all incomes. In conclusion, I just don't have the slots for ASH... but if this is addressed by DE I know I could scrape something up to get them.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I don't know. Killed the grustrag three (or however you spell it), solo with Ash's blade storm just fine.



Wasn't nearly as challenging as doing it on Loki (and I rarely kill the 3 of them SOLO with Loki).


I think his Blade Storm is just fine. Especially, in Endless Defense when MPrime stops chain reacting. You probably couldn't ask for a better survivability ult on high-end missions, especially with Energy Siphons making it spammable. By the time it's done, you've mostly recovered your energy.

Blade Storm keeps chugging along when MPrime and Rhino Stomp fail. But the enemies still have to be MPrime'd for Blade Storm to really display it's power at that point.

And if you go high enough, Blade Storm ends up being the sole skill that can keep carrying the team further.

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I'm an end game player, and I would like an end game resault for Ashes Ulti, have to use the Ulti on 1 enemy 3-4 times in an end game situation with maxed out Mods and build is not ideal. I have been Playing a long time, and supported the game a long time so, i believe i know what im refering to.


maybe 2 times i could deal with, but the result as current is just not that satisfying, espesclly when i can do far greater dmg (without armor ignore) with a Bow fully built.


I believe His ulti should be based on Crit, and Scale to your Melee He is an "Assassin/Ninja" and they go for 1 attack Kills i can deal wieth lvl 40-45 Enemies simply with my Bow, even most higher lcls 1 shot with a bow, but cant 1 shot with an "Assassin's/Ninja's" ulti?


So im not trying to Buff everything to Oblivion, but i am trying to Give Ash The respect He deserves! He is spoken down on by most, yet he is one of the Best Warframes. everyone who adores Loki talk smack about Ash, and there is a constant Battle between them.


I dont mind his other abilities so much, tho i believe Shuriken shoud inflict a slight bleeding effect. Teleport is fun tho i think it could be Target and cursor based and smoke screen when built properly is fine too.


but my issue is Blade Storm, Visually fantastic but when max built ends up with 4600 dmg armor ignore, yet a bow or any other wep can be built for 10K, 20K 30, dmg with or without Armor ignore His "Ultimate's" dmg is a joke compeared to the Ultimates of other frames too.


btw, i do see what you are saying, i just disagree with some of it, so therefore, lets agree to disagree i dont want to have an argument :)

I'm not AGAINST a buff for Ash's Blade Storm, but I will argue that it's NOT necessary and it's just fine when properly synergized with teammates.

For example, most Vauban's like to spam Tesla onto Rhino, as a net, or even on their own sentinels... why? At higher levels you can just spam it onto a well-built Ash, and have him use Blade Storm to deliver the total power of your Tesla's to entire groups of enemy. A Teleporting Tesla Technique of sorts. Zero risk to team, and when he's done, he'll be teleported back to be reloaded with Teslas.

Have a Nova in the party? Have her MPrime the blokes. Rhino's there too? Have him use Roar.

You have any idea how much damage that Ash will be delivering with everything going at once?


I couldn't capture the big (VERY VERY BIG) damage number that popped up on occasion, but I had like 20+ Teslas on me at this point. Ash turns into a Nuclear Teleporting Plasma Globe. 

Here's an example with just a fellow Vauban I happened to meet on Xini earlier. They didn't want to do 50+ waves, but it's a proof of concept. Everything here is dead.



If you still really really think that Ash needs a major buff... Just consider, that you may be doing something wrong... and that you could enhance your playstyle just a bit.

Edited by Jathniel
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I'm not AGAINST a buff for Ash's Blade Storm, but I will argue that it's NOT necessary and it's just fine when properly synergized with teammates.

For example, most Vauban's like to spam Tesla onto Rhino, as a net, or even on their own sentinels... why? At higher levels you can just spam it onto a well-built Ash, and have him use Blade Storm to deliver the total power of your Tesla's to entire groups of enemy. A Teleporting Tesla Technique of sorts. Zero risk to team, and when he's done, he'll be teleported back to be reloaded with Teslas.

Have a Nova in the party? Have her MPrime the blokes. Rhino's there too? Have him use Roar.

You have any idea how much damage that Ash will be delivering with everything going at once?


I couldn't capture the big (VERY VERY BIG) damage number that popped up on occasion, but I had like 20+ Teslas on me at this point. Ash turns into a Nuclear Teleporting Plasma Globe. 

Here's an example with just a fellow Vauban I happened to meet on Xini earlier. They didn't want to do 50+ waves, but it's a proof of concept. Everything here is dead.dno7ie.png


If you still really really think that Ash needs a major buff... Just consider, that you may be doing something wrong... and that you could enhance your playstyle just a bit.

All you did is highlight how great other Frame's powers are and how mediocre Ash's is. There's nothing you just suggested that can't be accomplished by other means. IN FACT the mere suggestion that BStorm is palatable by overloading one dude with every buff you can throw at him illustrates just how craptastic it is.

Ash's 1 & 4 suck balls outside of solo play. There's nothing they can do that a forma'd PBoltor, PLatron, Soma, Penta, Ogris, Castanas or other top tier weapon could do in a FRACTION of the time with a FRACTION of the hassle. Ult's are supposed to be ultimate. BStorm just plain blows.

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Sorry Jathniel, ima have to agree with Trickshaw, the whole point of me posting this forum about Ash's Ulti is to bring to point that WITHOUT the buffs of other frames, or help from other frames abilities etc, His Damage is below good, My paris Prime, before Forma ing did a bass damage of 5K dmg, and a crit of 20K so why is His Ulti only a Base of 2.6K? non-corrupted and 4.3K with the Corrupted mod on? and why should i Forma the &#! out of Ash to achieve a better result of 4.3k? (maybe slightly more) just to max the Corrupted mod????? :(


YES.... Ash's ulti is all true dmg, and armor ignore, however, its not enough for a late game player like I!


I want Ash's Blade storm to be Stand alone without the NECESSITY of Buffs from other frames, not a real OPness but a good genuin buff that is based on his Characteristics


Edit: Also, Who actually gets the kill if y9ou are covered in Tesla? -_- its Vaub....

Edited by King_Shinobi
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Jathniel seriously I don't want my Ash to be a freaking Christmas tree covered with illuminated balls and a freeloader begging for others buff. Ash is an assassin damn it show respect. As if any of AC characters beg for someone help to get their target dead, they just pop in and get the damn work done that's what I want from my Ash.

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This game cannot be balanced from a "Late Game" perspective.


Question to ask about Ash: Can he be used for every stage of every planet? Can he solo? Do his abilities have some sort of synergy for group play? That is the point that matters. "Late Game" is a self made challenge, not the main indicator of balanced vs not balanced. 


So does 2600 get you through most of the planets, if not all?


BTW My favorite frame is Excalibur (well Excalibur, Rhino, and Zephyr) and his Ult is... -_- you know about it already. 


Ashe's #1, That buff I would be more than ok with. for what it does, it should cost 10 power... seriously

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This game cannot be balanced from a "Late Game" perspective.


Question to ask about Ash: Can he be used for every stage of every planet? Can he solo? Do his abilities have some sort of synergy for group play? That is the point that matters. "Late Game" is a self made challenge, not the main indicator of balanced vs not balanced. 


So does 2600 get you through most of the planets, if not all?


BTW My favorite frame is Excalibur (well Excalibur, Rhino, and Zephyr) and his Ult is... -_- you know about it already. 


Ashe's #1, That buff I would be more than ok with. for what it does, it should cost 10 power... seriously


It's actually 3140, but yeah.  Blade Storm could use some kind of mechanic that boosts its damage vs stronger enemies (maybe amplify damage to a degree when it hits few targets.)

Edited by RealPandemonium
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