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Different Mechanic For Certain Charge-Based Weapons.


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Charge based weapons...


Personally I kinda have a problem with weapons like the Lanka, Miter and the Ogris.

Unlike the bows which I guess make sense having to hold the trigger to charge it, I think that these weapons, especially the Lanka, should work differently.


I think these weapons would function much better if you didn't need to hold the trigger to "charge" the gun.

Instead it'll be much more functional if it's charging at all times, as soon as it can.

So when you're going to encounter another enemy, you can instantly engage them instead of waiting another 10 seconds for waiting the gun to charge up.


You could of course shoot faster with lower powered shots, but having these weapons charge when holding the trigger feels... weird.

Does anybody else have this problem with these guns? I think it kills the "power" these guns have.

They could've been much more worth researching and building if this is the case I feel.


If you have any other ideas, feel free to reply and let your voice known. I'm happy to know about some other ideas as well.



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What I'm bringing to the table is another unique version of charge weapons, charging when you're not firing.

The firing speed would be the same, and the sooner you pull the trigger the less power it has, but as you know, that's already the case.

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What I'm bringing to the table is another unique version of charge weapons, charging when you're not firing.

The firing speed would be the same, and the sooner you pull the trigger the less power it has, but as you know, that's already the case.


so more weapons like the stug, then?

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so more weapons like the stug, then?

What? No! The opposite! You have to release the trigger in order to make it charge!

And the less time you let it charge (keeping the trigger released) and then fire (Pulling the trigger) the lower the damage you do.

The stug charges when you HOLD the trigger, I want the opposite where it will always charge if you're not firing.

So when you're going to aim for someone, you can take him out faster, it would make the Lanka feel so much better.

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