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Nekros Shadows Of The Dead Improvement Suggestions


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Shadows of the Dead (SotD) is a great utility tool. It combines damage with crowd control and is one of the more unique abilities in game. While it scales well with enemy level it still needs a bit of tweaking to maximize its potential.


Soul Punch interacting with SotD

My first suggestion is for kills with Soul Punch to gain priority over normal weapon kills. These kills will gain precedence over normal kills in the list for SotD and will only be overwritten by another Soul Punch kill. Essentially it means that all kills by Soul Punch will be at the top of the list while normal kills will take their place below them. Right now it's very inconvenient for a Nekros if you want to have excellent shadows for SotD but yet be able to kill everything without 'spoiling' your pool of shadows. Often times I had to actually avoid killing things even when they're right there in front of me so I can summon a full squad of heavy units instead. It will make soul punch more viable and let Nekros choose his Shadows easier without having to be selective with the targets you kill.


Shadow pool showing up on UI

Currently, keeping track of your Shadows in your soul pool can be really tiring and confusing. Sometimes you're not sure if that unit was your kill or your teammate's. It gets difficult to know how many good units you have usable for Shadows of the Dead as well. What I propose is a little list at the side of the screen (the left side seems a bit empty) where it lists the names of the next set of units you are able to summon in SotD. It could even be merged with the list of teammates and only shows up when you hit Z. Then at least we will have an idea of what our next batch of shadows is and be able to use them more effectively.


Manageable list of Shadows

My last suggestion involves more work but gives players more control over SotD. The idea is that a list of recent kills will show up on your UI when you hit a button. You can then reorder the units you want to summon next. This gives it more flexibility but may slow down the pace of the game a bit since Nekros players who want a good set of Shadows will have to open up a UI to adjust it instead of being able to choose his targets immediately with Soul Punch as in my first idea.


Thanks for reading this and I hope SotD will receive some love eventually :] Please comment if you have any feedback about my ideas, pros and cons alike.

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Nice idea, of course that'd put more work on the table for DE but I think they could do something with SotD to help make it a bit more manageable so as to utilize this potentially amazing Ulti more effeciently.  


Thanks for the feedback :D It'll definitely cause more work for DE :/ but I think my first 2 suggestions hopefully wouldn't be too much work but the third one does seem a bit too burdening maybe.

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wut about using desecrate for that?


if you target a dead body and use desecrate the body will drop nothing but will be given top priority in your spawn list


Interesting idea as well o.o But the target system might get bugged. Dead bodies don't appear in the same location for different players in the same game so it might cause an issue there but definitely still worth a try :D

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