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Warframe 2016 - How Will Warframe Be In 2 Years ? Please Offer Your Opinion Or Sketces


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My opinion of Warframe's future summarized in inspired by the creator of Guyver sketches and comics


Robert Mezner








Alien Tech















Prime Warframe  Garments – Mantle




Organic combination of enemies to form a bigger foe


Edited by VoidGhost
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I remember Guyver. I have the series on DVD. Anyway, back on subject.


My predictions for 2016.


-Less Grind

-More Warframes (plz make earthframe plz make earthframe *fingers crossed*)

-More weapons

-New or reworked bosses (i would like a boss for Eris since Phorid was kicked out)

-Stalker and Harvester buffed so that they provide a challenge without being so difficult that people complain that their Soma's can't crit them to death in .5 seconds

-Game will be finished and out of beta

-No random and unnecessary nerfs

-More factions (allies or enemies)

-Grineer and Corpus less stupid in their defense methods. (Some stand there in your line of sight for way too long. They should know better).

-More lore

-We find out more about the Lotus and why we are blindly following her

-We find out more about the Orokin and the Sentients (the return of the Sentients perhaps?)

-An infested event happens sooner or later.

-While this would require a revamp of the entire game itself, i think the game should continue from where the tutorial leaves off. I wonder what happened to that Excalibur after he blacked out.


That is all for now.

will you people ever stop asking the Devs to buff the Stalker and the Harvester? you guys should think that there are also other people who play the game and who are not as powerful as you are in terms of equipment.

the Stalker was already made more powerful with the addition of a Dispel skill that pretty much removes effects like invisibility and damage buffs and also damages you, plus he has an Absorb skill which is an enhanced version of Nyx's own skill. what more would you want, to have him ride Ambulas? 

Edited by J.Joker
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In two years all guns and enemies will be removed.  Warframes will become cars.  Levels will become tracks.  This game is becoming a racing game...and the actual game keeps getting in the way of these idiots whos only goal is to join online games and race to the end.  Ive never seen so many people avoid loot and "treasure chests" in a loot based game before.

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Ive never seen so many people avoid loot and "treasure chests" in a loot based game before.

That's because those "treasure chests" aren't a good source of loot. The best way to get loot currently is by farming survival. Any other game mod is usually a waste of time in that regard, so most of us just focus on completing the mission as fast as possible.

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February 2016


Clantech no longer exists, all weapons need "1000 weapon parts" to craft, which you can farm like oxium in groups of 1 or 2, or you can pay $15+ depending on DE's mood the Wednesday when they introduced it.


5 new mission types have been added to the void, and we now have kunai, casta, boltor, hikou, soma, akstilleto, cronus, kogake, ankyros, pangolin sword, and bo primes, as well as a prime version of every frame except loki and rhino. In an effort to allow players to play whatever type of mission they enjoy most while they farm for prime parts, every single prime part has an equal chance of dropping at the end of every single void mission. DE says "we're working on fixing rng".


Invasions are now the only type of regular mission, it is labeled as a "real-time conquest system", so players feel like every mission they run has an impact. Payout for completing 5 missions on one node can be "3 weapon parts" or 5000 credits depending on faction.


Every Devstream is now a half hour of propaganda against the blasphemous heretic Nugget_ and his followers, followed by another half hour of fanart made by the children of the staff.

Edited by LovecraftJF
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February 2016


Clantech no longer exists, all weapons need "1000 weapon parts" to craft, which you can farm like oxium in groups of 1 or 2, or you can pay $15+ depending on DE's mood the Wednesday when they introduced it.


5 new mission types have been added to the void, and we now have kunai, casta, boltor, hikou, soma, akstilleto, cronus, kogake, ankyros, pangolin sword, and bo primes, as well as a prime version of every frame except loki and rhino. In an effort to allow players to play whatever type of mission they enjoy most while they farm for prime parts, every single prime part has an equal chance of dropping at the end of every single void mission. DE says "we're working on fixing rng".


Invasions are now the only type of regular mission, it is labeled as a "real-time conquest system", so players feel like every mission they run has an impact. Payout for completing 5 missions on one node can be "3 weapon parts" or 5000 credits depending on faction.


Every Devstream is now a half hour of propaganda against the blasphemous heretic Nugget_ and his followers, followed by another half hour of fanart made by the children of the staff.

Whia!wait a second, what's going on here? why is nugget at odds with DE?
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Well, there's a difference between being "at odds" and, in Nugget's case, giving quite called-for criticism of the game.

*ahem........details? I am kind of more interested in what I asked for rather than the wording of my post, you know........ I dont bloody care what the proper wording is to ask, as long as the message gets across.


You said exactly nothing I wanted to know.

Edited by Legion-Shields
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- Full 3D virtual reality.

- Hoverboards as a mount.

- Big open maps alongside the old corridor shooter maps.

- Zanuka mounts.

- Emotes

- Bubble butt alt skins for all frames including males

- Warframe youtube music videos using the emotes set to avant-garde dubstep with mostly bubble butt twerking

- Devstream showing and giving away plat for the best bubblebutt youtube warframe music video

- Entire devstream doing bubble butt twerking emotes or trying to

- Grenades

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I actually want for this game are these:


- "Vor's Prize" and expanded tutorial maps (from its current tutorial content).

- Damage 3.0. (I expect this because of the negative comments made by players. Please don't hurt me. t-t)

- Full release of the Prime Warframes, from the current set of Warframes (from Excalibur to Zephyr, with exception of Nova and Valkyr, unless there will be a storyline for each Warframe).

- All Warframes are also been given balanced passive abilities to blend with the current active abilities.

- 90% of the growing amount of weapons are balanced, and will be increasing slowly to 95%.

- The Clan Dojo will have interactive furniture and furnishes (wall items) that simply replaces the current HUB entirely. While the private Dojo or Shuttle (if the players chose to be alone), will still gain most of the features of a standard Dojo.

- UI is at optimum complexity and user-friendliness.

- Codex is revisited as a laboratory hub for Dojos and Shuttles in order for fellow Tenno to use the data they from their enemies, exploiting their weaknesses and build weapons and exclusive consumables out of those findings.

- Corpus has extended to another star system.

- Infested becomes a true mobile faction, having Orokin Derelicts raid planets, asteroids, space stations and warships.

- Grineer has remodeled units, along with the Corpus and Infested.

- Primaries and Secondaries-type weaponry can be shared in two independent slots instead of relying on Primary-Slot/Secondary-Slot basis.

- Mods are remodeled as utility passives, increasing roles of a Warframe instead of entirely changing combat situations. (Such as removing massive mod increases like Health and Shields.)

- Darvo has his store visited by fellow Tenno through smaller shuttles. (This makes his transactions more secretive for the Tenno) ^-^

- All current bosses are reworked (plus, reworked the Hyena Pack as well). This also includes J3-Golem and Phorid.

- 5+ bosses will be introduced, including the new Corpus star system bosses.

- Tilesets like Shipyard, Magma, Open-plains, External-Spaceship Battles, Asteroid-Crust, Underwater, Space Cities and Corpus Metropolises, are released through dateline, respectively.

- Orokin Ancient City tileset is also released as a T4 key set.

- Suggested Cells mission type is released.

- Legendary mods are released as an exclusive for Cells missions.

- 15+ Warframes are released.

- Extractors are extended as Shuttle/Dojo utility and defense modules.

- Dojos and Shuttles can be attacked by any of the three current factions.

- Corrupted Tenno, as a sense of being against the Lotus and not controlled by the Orokin, being a new faction independent at eliminating all factions, including players, in the process.

- Storyline exists, and complexity will reach each enemy unit of a faction. (You will know the story why a Napalm should exist, for example.)

- Serious emotes are added, along with animations of working within the Dojo.

- 4 new puzzle games to solve when hacking doors.


I hope these are okay. ^_^;

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Okay y'all are way too negative about the whole thing. This is how I see it, and this is going to be a step-by-step of what leads up to two years.

-First off, there will be a frame freeze after 20 core frames. We may get more Primes, but once we have 20, there won't be any more for a few months.

-Sometime mid March we get Melee 2.0

-We will have 5-6 more major events between now and the end of 2014

-There will always be more weapons, but the sheer amount will begin to slow down come end of Spring '14

-Up until Fall of 2014, the next updates will be focused heavily on refining gameplay mechanics and ironing out gameplay bugs.

-We will have 2-3 Boss makeovers before Fall '14.

-We will receive 2 more frames between now and Fall.

-We will get 3 more tilesets between now and Fall, not including Planet Lobbies.

-Planet Lobbies will probably arrive late Spring/early Summer '14

-Fall 2014 is a striking point. We will see more visual upgrades, meaning more boss revamps, tilesets, and enemy types/variety really implemented here. Gameplay has been the main focus at the moment.

-Winter 2014-15 will be the story phase. Story is not the main focus, because in a beta you are testing for the gameplay, not the story. Whatever story DE formulates for this game will be theirs and theirs alone, not to be hindered by the fanbase.

-Spring 2015 will be exiting Beta. By now, all bosses have been revamped, most planets have unique tilesets, there will be extra hidden bosses and MAYBE a new enemy faction. Story will be complete as well and the forefront of the game now.

-Between now and Spring 2015, btw, we will probably get more mission types, possibly more planet-specific missions.

-Beta Exit will be celebrated with 2 new frames, bringing current total to 24. Prime count will be at 8-12.

-Game will receive less updates and weapons but more events and special offers. Between Spring '15 and start of 2016, there will be 18 unique events, 2 per month.

-There will be 6 more frames between Spring '15 and 2016, leading up to 30 frames. There will be 14-16 primes at this point.

-Weapons...there will be a lot. Under 250 total though.

-Game will still have monetary shop options. This is a free-to-play game, the only other way DE could make money is through ads, and I really don't wants ads. Do you?

And that's it, my step by step process that I see DE doing it. Not sure of the likelihood but I have high hopes for this game.

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J.Joker I presume they are not a challenge any more,no new loot as well as low difficulty even in Nightmare mode for Veteran players that is why more are required.The Stalker could absorb in his body the rest of the enemies you mentioned(after this fusion he could still be beaten with a few maxed Ogris shots).

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I can see only 2 options.


Looking at how DE is developing the game, how they implement new ideas and stuff...


Option number one - Warframe will become a great game. that is IF the devs manage to find a way of keeping us interested. Which means if they add more interesting content, improve gameplay, add complex lore, introduce new gametypes etc.


Option number two - It will pretty much stay the same. Stuff they add will get boring easily. That's what's going to happen if they won't add something game-changing. If we'll keep getting tons of new weapons without a good reason to use them (and grinding them to lvl30 for mastery isn't too much of a reason) Warframe will just stop. Stop developing, stop improving.


They have so many possibilities. I just hope they won't waste them. Or it won't be too late.


Good luck DE. You'll need it.

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In 2 years, i predict warframe will remain a reasonably successful RPG. We'll have more maps, a hero roster resembling that of dota's, more and better game modes, and a massive PVP system, such that a significant amount of players will never even touch missions.  PVP and PVE will be generally seperated, and will probably have two significantly different playerbases which hate each other.


The community will become even more spoilt and whiny than it is now, but DE will be rich enough to happily put up with it. New paid mechanics on par with the genius of catalysts will be unveiled. The shop prices will not significantly change, and people will still complain about them. People will also still buy them.


I expect warframe will remain largely as it is now, just bigger and more challenging. The endgame will become painfully difficult even with maxed out weapons, and there will be equal portions of people demanding nerfs, and demanding it be made harder. DE will find just the right balance that generates the maximum amount of total complaints from both sides, and leave it there. It will be good.

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