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Suggestions - New Dojo Room & Operation Type


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Dojo Training Room

A training room where AI will spawn and you can just practice fighting them all you want. It could be a mix of Defense without nothing to defend & Survival without life support. Also there can be a option to research or have some way to unlock new enemy types. And there will be a panel in the room where you can set a timer of how long you wanna train. Like maybe some where from 5 to 30 minutes. In this panel you can also choose the amount (Needs a limit to prevent performance issues) or even what type of enemies you wanna face. Then you press begin to start training.There would be 3 room types:

- Grineer Training Room (Train against Grineer)

- Corpus Training Room (Train against Corpus)

- Infested Training Room (Train against Infested)

- Tenno Training Room (Get ready for this... You can fight against another Warframe AI! yeah its a Warframe but a AI. However you have to unlock Warframes to fight in the room by upgrading the room or something. The ammount of Warframes you fight depend on how many players are in the training room with you. The level of Warframes will be the same level as you.)


New Operation Only Game Mode: Command

Basicly it is like a Extermination game mode...

Except you can order the units of the faction you sided with around. This would add more strategic gameplay... Don't know how its gonna work with Co-Op but maybe each player has their own squad to command or something? Idk you guys figure it out. You can order units to do an action by clicking them... clicking a action with a pop up menu... click where to enforce that action. Heres some list of orders I came up with:

- Attack (Click ally, then target to attack)

- Defend (Click ally, then target to defend)

- Follow (Click ally, then who to follow)

- Guard (Click ally, select guard and it will remain stationary in the area to guard or defend)

- Scout (Click ally, click another room in your HUD other than the one your in, then he will go patrol searching for hostiles)

- Group (Click ally or allies, select group to form a squad, this will order the whole squad instead of a single unit)




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Interesting idea about the command however it is quite a variance from the structure of gameplay of the game. It's not a bad variance, however it is quite a different style and more towards unit control rather than the TPS style that Warframe is. It seems to side with games such as Starcraft, Star Wars Republic Commander, and various others I'm sure. DE may feel it'd slow the pace of the game down considerably as from my perspective Warframe is a fast paced shooter where you think less and act more, building up your knowledge of fighting through, well, fighting. Strategy can become very slow and thought out. Sure it is a load of fun and I love it but I think it wouldn't fit especially well due to the co-op function this game revolves so vitally around. this may cause issues if each person had a squadron to lead due to mass numbers of units around. It's a nice idea however it may be a little far fetched is all. That's just my opinion though.


Loving the imagination though <3


I do however agree with your training rooms idea. I have a thread in this forum which you may like to check out where I've noted down similar ideas. Do leave a comment there if you have the time to read it! - https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/188330-%E2%95%AC-improvements-and-additions-building-modes-new-rooms-and-objects-the-dojo-visuals-%E2%95%AC/

Edited by DreamCaster3
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Interesting idea about the command however it is quite a variance from the structure of gameplay of the game. It's not a bad variance, however it is quite a different style and more towards unit control rather than the FPS style that Warframe is. It seems to side with games such as Starcraft, Star Wars Republic Commander, and various others I'm sure. DE may feel it'd slow the pace of the game down considerably as from my perspective Warframe is a fast paced shooter where you think less and act more, building up your knowledge of fighting through, well, fighting. Strategy can become very slow and thought out. Sure it is a load of fun and I love it but I think it wouldn't fit especially well due to the co-op function this game revolves so vitally around. this may cause issues if each person had a squadron to lead due to mass numbers of units around. It's a nice idea however it may be a little far fetched is all. That's just my opinion though.


Loving the imagination though <3


I do however agree with your training rooms idea. I have a thread in this forum which you may like to check out where I've noted down similar ideas. Do leave a comment there if you have the time to read it! - https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/188330-%E2%95%AC-improvements-and-additions-building-modes-new-rooms-and-objects-the-dojo-visuals-%E2%95%AC/

One flaw in your comment. TPS not FPS

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Apologies it was late :P Still maybe you can see where I am coming from :) Fixed in post now

Yeah the game style of Command might bee too much of a MOBA... Is that what your saying?

Also I made more suggestions on another Forum for Operations:


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Already read your post. Interesting ideas... Like the editing/building mode.

I looked through your post too and I like the idea of the Assault mode. This'd be a Grineer vs Corpus Invasion on a selected planet right? So 5/5 to get a reward from either beating them off or destroying their fortress. I love how it combines Sabotage style mission with Defense. It's a nice idea and I support you on that :)

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I looked through your post too and I like the idea of the Assault mode. This'd be a Grineer vs Corpus Invasion on a selected planet right? So 5/5 to get a reward from either beating them off or destroying their fortress. I love how it combines Sabotage style mission with Defense. It's a nice idea and I support you on that :)

Thanks for the support then. I agree with your editing mode style at bird-eye's view. running around to build everything is a hassle...

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