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Warframe Idea, Leaving Room For Guys, So Add On Please!


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So, before I jump into it, lemme just say, this is suppose to be for melee 2.0. In Game, there are lots of people talking about making melee builds, but 90% of them just say grab Rhino and spam iron skin.. but some with some other ideas (even myself) want to experiment otherwise. For an example, try something with Saryn and her poison'd blade. Thing is Rhino is already overused, in my opinion, but now to be used as a melee build? Which mind you, he pretty much already is. Most Rhinos do just charge in with iron skin and just swing like J.B is behind them, and only way out, is through the mob... Or they are swing at him, take your pick. So you guessed it, he is a melee based warframe. I left some details out, open to the people with creative ideas to pitch in, and although I already know that there is a chance that someone will say something dumb that will ruin him if he was made and give that, but I'm still curious to see what you guys can think up. Now, we can get into my idea!


Name: Raiden (open to other idea's, Raiden don't really fit the messed up name theme of the game).


Oh! And before I go farther, remember. I like Rhino, just not that he is over used, so this warframe is for melee lover's and to dim down Rhino a bit, but Rhino can be played by anyone, so this guy is suppose to be for advanced players, and takes actual In Game skill to manage out in the field to do high damage without the weapons doing all the work for you (using your abilities) but as they say, high risk is high reward, so I'm going for a no pain, no gain, type of deal, yeah?


Brief Description: Once a great enemy to the Tenno, has join sides with them to better help the galaxy, with a warframe suit much different from the Tenno, but uses the same Nano-Tech. Shows same beliefs in honor, discipline, and restraint. Raiden has spent many years perfecting the blade over all things, making it as much of a part of him as his own beating heart.


(For the ones who didn't catch on to the "great enemy to the Tenno" (a.k.a ninja) he is a samurai based warframe)


So, as I said, I wanted to leave room for you guys, so I am only gonna put down his first move, or the just of it, and his "super" move?.. The last one that usually destroys everything in the room, got it?


Move 1: Perfect Cut. 

Raiden dashes forward, Slashing/Bashing (depending on the weapon the player has) a single target with his weapon dealing high damage, and can chain attack for more. If any other targets are in range, he can jump from target to target with his chain attack, and if not, then can continually dash around the single target. Each chain attack deals more and more damage, up to 4 attacks in all.


Unranked: Only first attack is usable. 25 energy cost. Rank 1/3: A second chain attack is available, and increased damage to first attack. An added 5 energy cost for the second attack. Rank 2/3: A third chain attack is available, and increased damage to first and second attack. An added 5 energy cost for the third attack. Rank 3/3: A fourth attack is available, with most damage, and increased damage to all attacks before. An added 5 energy cost for the final attack. Range can be increased with mods.

(That's 40 energy in all for the guy who can't count or keep track).


I know what you're thinking, Excalibur, right? Wrong, I'll admit, it was inspired by his slash dash, but, it has many of it's own twists. For one, Excalibur deserves his dash as a dash, that said, Raiden's is more of a fast leap forward, so only about 35-40% the range of Excalibur's dash. With the chain attacks, can keep going, and maybe? even suppase Excalibur's range with all 4 attacks if the targets were lined up. Also, 4 attacks. Excalibur has 1 attack that can hit however many targets are caught within, while Raidens is only the 4 that need to be within range. Also, to add skill involved with this move, to chain attack, wouldn't to just be to keep on pressing the 1 button. First attack, sure, but to chain attack, you'd need to put your crosshair on the target and press "E" or whatever your melee button is. I'm sure it would be affected to suit melee 2.0. That said, you'd need to be fast enough to pick a target, get them in your crosshair, and attack.


(Too much typing just to explain his damn move to people who just don't get it... -.-)


Finally, his Super Move!! 

Double Edged Blade!

Raiden focus's his power into his blade, to such a degree that harms even himself. He will not be willing to use anything but his blade while this move is active (which it must be active for at least 30 seconds), and will stay active to the point of death or energy drained if needed. Dedication! But will need a long break before he is able to use it again. Double Edged Blade will drain both Raidens health, and energy so long as its active. The ability can be turned on and off with the tap of the 4 button. Note that you'd have to use it wisely due to the 30 seconds that it can't be turn off, and the break needed before using again (long cool down time that starts when the move is turned off). This is so that players do not just go in and out in between fights killing mobs saying "Yippee ki yay mother-(Inappropriate word)" cause I just don't like foul language from ninja/samurai that are suppose to be better than that, right? But really, so they don't just take advantage of it to a ridiculous level.


Here's the catch, your health will drain faster then your energy, and costs an amount of energy just to cast it as well. So, say you got enough energy to last a minute (with mods and all if need by max level, I ain't doing the math) you have to watch your health. Even without mods, your health is what you should be watching. If you want to keep going, and have the energy, but not the health to do so, that's where the skill comes in. With each hit, you gain a little health. If you are hitting enough enemies, or a single target enough times, you can even end up healing yourself, if you that good, but its only enough health to really keep you going, so it'd be tough. Attack and speed, of course, is the benefit to this move, as you all have probably been wondering. So you hit hard, move and attack fast, but all the while, you're also slowly killing yourself cause you know. Samurai kill themselves when they are ashamed, and the fact that you can't use this power properly, means your character is gonna kill himself (although you can stop it, if you don't think you deserve to die over your failure).


So, higher the rank, stronger you're guy gets, but strong the health debuf gets. costs 85 energy to cast, and drains 2 energy every second, adding up to 100 energy before the move can be turned off. This move will cancel Rejuvenation and Energy Siphon's effect on you, regardless of whether its your aura, or a party members. 


The other two moves, for kickstarting tips, could be something like, to help stay alive, to close distance between Raiden and his targets, support to his melee, or adding on to his melee, so on so forth. Keep in mind, that he is melee based, as you just read! And with skill, should be able to stomp on Rhino in a one on one melee fight with the right amount of skill. Raiden also uses extreme amount of energy with his moves, resorting plays to use it with more caution than on other characters, but if used right, can make the usage more the worth it from doing very high damage, staying alive, and just having alot of fun in the midst of battle! 


Base stats, way I see it, would be something like this at start.

Health: 110

Shield: 90

Armor: 170

Power: 110-120?

Stamina: 80

Speed: Hell, I dunno nothing about speed stats, something bit faster then Frost and Rhino, but not too fast. 


Guess you could say, he is a bit of a fleshy tank, again, if used right. Well, my figures are giving out, thats my idea, I'd like to see you guys add on. His other two moves, maybe some other ideas on base stats, a name, and if you're good, even some concept art! Samurai warframe, that should spark some fun, creative ideas, with sunny skies, rainbows, and dead Grineer in the beautiful forests of earth, eh? Inspired by melee 2.0 and Rhino overuse, I ain't a potcher for dimming down the overpopulation of them, so don't be calling me one. 

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I personally think this is a bit too much like Valkyr and his 1st move seems more like Ash's blade storm than slash dash.Ha

Ha. Completely forgot about ash.. and as for Valkyr, she is still squish unless you same her last move, in which case, are still squish in between the times you use it. There was an aspect of her put into the idea, but he can be tough regardless, so long as you play him right

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