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Not New But Some Questions....



First off, I would like to say hi to everyone here and thank you in advance for the welcome.  Well I have been playing this game on and off for some time now and I love it. 


Yes there is a but to the end:  I have 2 warframes right now but I am not sure what the idea of the game is about, and the reason is because both are having hard difficulties getting to higher(the later planets) levels and the enemies are tougher.  I understand the game gets harder but I pair up with others that one shot the enemy in the face and kill them with ease where it takes 10 slashes from my orthos before they finally die.  


I do understand about the mods and have alot of them, and increased alot of them to the max (some of the atleast, others need atleast one more upgrade).  All of my weapons and both warframes are at rank 30 ( I see that they cannot go higher than that) and I even installed Orokin(?) on weapons/warframes to maximize the points for more powerful mods.  I could be putting wrong mods on warframes that should not belong, however it does not change the fact that enemies die slowly compared to others.  I cannot even pass some of the void missions that are higher than 1.  


I want to know also, are there weapons or warframes that are not yet available to buy or make but have to obtain through playing, and I am looking for a new warframe (incase the ones I am playing are not powerful enough) that fits my style.


If you guys want to know the warframes I own, they are Loki and Ember.  Ask away anything.


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23 answers to this question

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You could be having problems by using primary damage types against enemies that are strong to said damage type i.e. impact vs. Grineer or Puncture vs. shielded enemies. This would have an effect, as well as what TYPE of mods you have on If they aren't elementals, welp there is your problem.

Plus you could just be using crap weapons. I thought the Dual Skana was godlike for awhile until I realized it actually sucks big time. 

Edited by (PS4)HypernovaGN
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I had trouble too when I started with mag, I never put a reactor on her because I didnt want to keep her. As soon as I got a rhino things got alot easier. volts good to, not so much for end game but easy to use and I used him alot to clear Neptune and Jupiter. Try looking up mogamu and peoples choice gaming on youtube, those two channels do build videos on most of the weapons and warframes and they'll tell you if there any good before you get them. Hope this helps!

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Your link goes to empty build...

Try this, though:

Simple build, no fancy Corrupted or Dual mods (besides Constitution), it gives you pretty long WoF, and gives range to all of your abilities. You can say, that that's a "basic caster build", it works on pretty much every caster, so I don't see why it shouldn't work on Ember.


And your weapons? Post a few of those you are using the most.

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OK I am slow, I figured it out thanks.  So here is my orthos, the grineer smite thing also has the corpus on another letter so I switch depending on the level/planet




And the mods are stretch, constitution, continuity, and steel charge.  I am guessing those are hard mods to collect.  I havebeen playing defense and survival over and over on the first 2 planets to get more mods/credits but it is very rare to see a new mod come by.


I actually want to try and get nekros but I heard he is only a support character, I dont mind playing that but if I have tanks on my team, I am useless it seems or maybe I might be wrong, its another reason why I went Ember

Edited by (PS4)lBlazeXl
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Constitution is Nightmare mod, so you need to do Nightmare missions and you'll eventually get it as a reward. Or you can wait for Nightmare Alert where Constitution will be a reward


Steel Charge is an aura, so you need to wait for the alert. But I think, that Rifle Amp will also do the trick.


Continuity drops from Sargas Ruk and T3 Corpus Defences, like Venera (try to get to at least 15 waves)


You can find Stretch as a reward from Defences and Survivals of both factions. Also most of the bosses drop it (Hek, Kela, Kril, Phorid, Raptor)


For Grineer try this build instead: http://goo.gl/koUE06
You don't want to approach their heavies with meele, since they can easily knock you down, therefore Corrosion will be better to kill grunts than Radiation.


Nekros is good for EDs and farming resources. Soul Punch is a nice damage skill, Terrify is a great CC, Desacrate gives you additional resources and health orbs from fallen enemies, and Shadows of the Dead is... Well... The minions are as intelligent as a $&*&*#(%& teacup is. They like to shoot walls. And they won't follow you, so they serve best as a bunch of decoys that sometime happen to actually hit an enemy. Just kill some heavies and deploy them near the pod, that's the best method.

Edited by Angius
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I have played nightmare mode before, lol any tips on playing those, I get knocked down everytime, it is almost impossible to do those missions.

And I usually dont approach heavies with melee unless out of reach shock attack that stuns them.  

What do you mean by corrosion or radiation?  Fever strike is another mod I have not yet seen either.  Damn so many great mods out there!


I love Ember but I am still trying to find my main Warframe.... Thanks for the feedback so far and some advice.  And I don't really like to look up stuff on the internet for a game, but this game seems long and hard not to search ways to get stuff anymore.  Any more info/advice would be great!

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No one's commented on this yet, but for your Orthos build; you really shouldn't be using Pressure Point, that only boosts damage on normal attacks, for Orthos, you'll want to be using Charged Attacks. Like-wise with Fury, only boosts speed on normal attacks. Sundering Strike is useless for you because it boosts your Puncture Damage by a % of your base, and Orthos barely has any to begin with. If you're going to use that type of mod at all, go for a +Slash one. Same for your Heavy Trauma.




Here's a build that I think is reasonably easy to get. Only some-what hard thing to find in there is "Focus Energy", a Nightmare Mod. But if you do the others first, that'll make getting it a lot easier. This'll make a massive difference in damage. Your old build did 420 for Charged attack, with .70 charge time. This one will do 1420 (almost triple) charged damage, and in .35 seconds (half the time). So this should make you overall do about 6 times more DPS. Please ask if you don't know how to use Charged Attacks.

Edited by TaintedDream
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Like-wise with Fury, only boosts speed on normal attacks.

No, Fury affects charged attacks. See, fury shortens the recovery animation after a charge so the whole attack takes less time before you can do it again.

You can see this most prominently on something like the Galatine, where its recovery time is almost as long as its charge time.

Edited by Cpl_Facehugger
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What I mean by Corrosion and Radiation? Well, Heat + Electricity creates Radiation. You have Heat and Electricity mods on your Orthos, so it deals Radiation damage - good against Grineer heavies, but weak against regular grunts. Corrosion got +75% bonus against them, so it's better combination to use (Electricity + Toxin)


Tips for playing Nightmare? Don't even think about doing them solo untill you have high-end gear. Join PUGs or ask for carrying on Recruitment tab.


If you want a frame that is easy to get, noob-friendly and won't die on first Railgun MOA you meet, get Rhino.

(inb4 Rhino iz for noobz Loki masterrace Warbros #1)

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Haha, thanks.  Ok so, the reason, (dont make fun of me) that I dont use the charge attacks for Orthos is because I like to use regular attacks, charge attacks for me was too slow and barely did damage(so I thought).  The regular fast attacks was pretty good and I was actually doing very well with it and the reach made it easier to get a hold of those at a distance.  I was using the skana and it was amazing and then I unlocked the dual fangs, but I have to be soooo close to the enemy to use them and I have squishy warframes so I would just go in for one kill and run away, but I will give the charge attacks a try.


As for Frost/Rhino, sure they are tanks but I am not that crazy to use them, I like strategy and complexity, this is why I chose Loki first and was looking at other warframes that not everyone will play.  I am not entirely sure about trinity but Orberon and Saryn look pretty good.  I might also want Nova since her attacks look impressive.


As for the elements.....you can mix certain elements and create addition effects?  That is insane and awesome all at the same time.  I had the heat one  because of ember, and the shocking touch  only because it was another element mod that I increased.  No I wont even play Nightmare alone, I barely could even play it with people.  What are PUGs?  Sorry, not used to all the words here, I had to learn what a potato was the hard way :/

Thanks again Tenno, you guys are awesome.

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PUG is a group of random people, basically what happens when you select "online" and join random group without creating a session with selected players (friends, clanmates)


Oberon has some great CC and useful healing ability, I can recommend him.

Also the most recent frame - Zephyr - is a great choice with her mobility, bullet deflection ability and her awesome shields.


And yes, you can mix elements, each enemy is weak against some of them, and strong against another. You may want to check on Wiki under "Damage 2.0" to read more about it, penalties, bonuses, procs, etc.

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Wow thanks.  I just did look through it and saw the differences on them.  Idk, I might be going for Nova but I am not sure.  And some of these blueprints are hard to find for the pieces.  Thanks again.  I will still want more advice of different Warframes that I should look into.

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The best Warframe to get right after the starters is Rhino, in my opinion. You will be invincible when you fully upgrade Iron Skin (ofc not forever, but it takes you through more than the half of all missions). Get Kunai as secondary weapon and Galatine as melee weapon. Kunai is maxed out one of the best secondary weapons, not including clan research, for me. And Galatine is, when maximizing charge and attack speed and charge damage, the strongest melee weapon, when talking about damage each hit ofc. Galatine allows you to solo basically any Infestation mission, and combined with Rhino's Iron Skin you'll be a true Infestation Slayer. As primary weapon Karak is a good one and easy to get as well. It's nicely balanced but don't expect a damage outburst. It still does it's job. These 4 things were my way to play, after Loki, and I was able to do the most missions alone. Later you can think about getting more advanced with damage Warframes like Nova and Ember or tactical ones like Banshee and Vauban, which are very useful in the end game missions and teamplay. But first you should get away from Loki and step on solid ground.


Here the information that you need:

Rhino blueprint - from market

All Rhino parts blueprints - from Fossa mission (Jackal boss)

Karak blueprint - from market 

Galatine blueprint - from market (requires Rank 3)

Kunai blueprint - from market (requires Rank 2) 

Edited by (PS4)Eneokun
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Wow thanks.  I just did look through it and saw the differences on them.  Idk, I might be going for Nova but I am not sure.  And some of these blueprints are hard to find for the pieces.  Thanks again.  I will still want more advice of different Warframes that I should look into.

Not really. Regular frame parts blueprint are easy to find.

It's the Prime versions (namely Ember Prime, Mag Prime and Frost Prime) that are difficult to find.

Took me a month of playing 12 hours a day to find Mag Prime and Frost Prime parts and blueprint to build.

Remember, it's not the frame but what mods you put in it that makes it good.

Also, a well modded weapon does a better job than a well modded frame.

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I already have the karak, its a great weapon, and I like Rhino but I would like to steer away from tanks like him and Frost.  I am actually in the process of creating Volt or Nova.  I cannot decide which seems could even though both seems like a formidable Warframe.  What does prime do different than the actual counterpart?  And I need more credits to increase my weapons, it takes forever lol.


Thanks again for the help you guys.   

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I already have the karak, its a great weapon, and I like Rhino but I would like to steer away from tanks like him and Frost.  I am actually in the process of creating Volt or Nova.  I cannot decide which seems could even though both seems like a formidable Warframe.  What does prime do different than the actual counterpart?  And I need more credits to increase my weapons, it takes forever lol.


Thanks again for the help you guys.

Go with Nova. Volt is cool for late game farming, but Nova is a powerhouse - sort of like Ember but much better at killing.

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