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Reworking Trinity - Energy Vampire, Link, Blessing


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I posted a balance thread with Trinity before but I changed my mind on some things, so this is my updated one.


Pretty much everyone agrees Trinity has balance issues right now, and they are right. The problem is they only seem to think blessing is an issue and the other skills are fine, and that she should have more damage based skills. Trinity should be a full support frame and not a damage frame in any way. We already have a bunch of boring damage frames in the game, and turning Trinity into that would make me sad.


Well of Life

When Trinity first got reworked this was the only good change. Also works well with my idea for EV.


Energy Vampire

Problem: It is boring to use because you have to stand next to the enemy you use it on and wait. It also does damage, which doesn't make much sense on a support frame with a skill called ENERGY vampire.


Solution: I think it would help a lot if EV was rolled back to how it was originally. You would put it on an enemy and any damage you or your team does to them will restore energy to the person doing damage. This would also work well with the new well of life. The pulsing should not stun or do damage. Maybe it could drain enemy sheilds or something in a small aoe. It is called energy vampire after all.



Problem: Link currently does damage to enemies and is not really a support skill in any real way.


Solution: Link should be changed so it doesn't do damage but should split all knockdown effects that would normally happen to you to all linked enemies when targeted on an enemy. The damage resistance should be kept as well. You should also be able to use it to give temporary invulnerability to knockback to allies if targeted on an ally, or use it to revive from a distance. This gives Trinity a strong support skill without it doing damage.



Problem: The invulnerability should not be a godmode, it should be a way for people to escape a horde of enemies or escape from perm stuns after being healed.


Solution: Make it so the invulnerability only lasts a second. The second of invulnerability should be so your team can escape bad situations without being insta killed after being healed or knocked down. You could still use it every second but that takes a bit more thought and team awareness than pressing 4 and forgetting about it for 20 seconds.



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well, it is called energy vampire after all. but I did like the original EV better. that being said, I don't use well of life or energy vampire on my trinity. the damage kinda makes sense, and the stun is nice so you can see the target. if it were reverted back so that you had to shoot it to get energy, then there wouldn't be a range issue, which is why I don't use it with narrow minded. but if you plan on nerfing blessing, I guess maxed out narrow minded isn't a necessity


definitely need a couple seconds on blessing, at least. maybe not 10, but 4 or 5. if you want to waste mod capacity on duration, you can, and you could hit maybe 10 seconds or so of invulnerability. definitely not as spamable, but still could be used for that if necessary. but the real issue is fleeting expertise. it's just such a good mod, we wouldn't have all these balance issues if we couldn't cast ultimates for 25 energy and basically no downside (throw in continuity and constitution, problem solved)


I think link is fine. I do miss the old link, which is what used to keep trinity invincible, but unless we connect to 5+ enemies/allies, this new link would be utterly useless. I think blessing should give knockdown resistance if we decrease its duration, and also should remove negative status effects from allies


link doesn't really damage enemies. it redirects damage to enemies. but I think link in its current state is balanced. if you take away the damage redirection, you're really gutting the ability. knockdown resistance is nice and all, but can be accomplished with mods if you really want it. that being said, I would like trinity or some other frame with a support ability to be able to give the team temporary knockdown and/or status resistance. I don't think link should be that skill, though. the knockdown resistance isn't a passive aspect of that, it comes with the damage redirection. you redirect the status to an enemy, and if you aren't linked to one, you still get knocked down

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The Energy Vampire name and skill is rather muted. But I think it was changed due to "That One Guy With The Five Forma" getting all the energy, basically.

Your...comments on Link make me think you haven't actually USED it, though. It's to keep Trinity alive while she's focusing on others. Or at least should be, if Blessing wasn't a bit OP.

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Some people can't take invulnerability on Blessing.

But this is exactly what put Trinity in her niche.

What else can heal you? Rejuvenation? That starts heal after a 10 seconds without being under fire?

Oberon's Renewal? While it can be only a bit usefull on stationary mission (Defence mostly), cause orbs are simply flying random direction. Support skill, but with mechanics that maybe need an improvement.

Mag's Shield Polarize? And your shields will be depleted as fast they were restored under high level enemy fire. Still a great ability though. Half-damage/half-support skill.

I don't know HOW Blessing could be reworked without losing invulnerability, cause... you know... enemies scales, and even under 90% DR you will still get oneshoted.


"Game wasn't supposed to be played for a >1h Survivals, 70+ waves defences." Oh, sorry, why there's an endless missions, why enemies are scale and why there's enough people (check defence & survival leaderboards)who actually play for that long.



Link already has been nerfed from giving invulnerability, so leave the Blessing alone.

It's a purely support skill, that fits into Trinity (almost) FULL support niche.

Why "almost"? Cause Link deal damage to the enemies, but mostly it used with a suicidal weapons, than with an actual enemy damage. Though i say don't touch the Blessing, suicidal weapon Link damage can be changed/removed.



Edit: spelling

Edited by Riccoshot
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Just no!

Best posts 2014. Explains why you dislike the idea perfectly, thanks for the great feedback.


The Energy Vampire name and skill is rather muted. But I think it was changed due to "That One Guy With The Five Forma" getting all the energy, basically.

Your...comments on Link make me think you haven't actually USED it, though. It's to keep Trinity alive while she's focusing on others. Or at least should be, if Blessing wasn't a bit OP.

I said in my post to not change links damage reduction. I just think it doing damage is bad, and it should have more uses as a support skill instead. As for EV, it was easy to get energy off it previously. With a basic strun you could refill flow energy fully with 3 shots.


Blessing is a brain-dead power. It belongs to the chopping block and followed by Molecular Prime and Rhino Stomp.

Nearly every frames ult is a brain dead power. Not just MP. My suggestion on blessing was to make it so you don't just use it once and forget about it for half a minute, thus making it not a brain dead power.

Edited by marharth
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