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I Think I Won The Event....


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Have a Trinity for invulnerability and healing, have a Mag set up for spamming shield replenish, have another two high-shield frames and everyone use lethal mid-long range weapons for optimal performance. To pass the event, simply join a squad from Recruiting and within 3 attempts or so you'll probably have succeeded.

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I think that people bragging about winning the event on the first go might give the DE's the wrong idea that the event is in need of a more grindy nature rather than a challenging one. 

I'm not opposed to bite-sized events really, it keeps the game slightly spiced up for a short amount of time and gives people the opportunity to test out tilesets, missions and different conditions. 

Personally I believe that this event is alright in terms of introducing people to a new mission type. I wouldn't call it an 'event' though, more like a 6-day long alert or invasion mission of a sort.

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I think that people bragging about winning the event on the first go might give the DE's the wrong idea that the event is in need of a more grindy nature rather than a challenging one. 

I'm definitely not saying we should need to do it 100 times to get the rewards (u mad, Gradivus Brakk winners?), but doing it... once... seems a bit sparse. There's grindiness and then there's instant gratification. There's also a middle ground.


Edit: Oh, I forgot. Digital Extremes. The clue to the lack of middle ground is in the name XD

Edited by thegooseking
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I like how there's a good number of people complaining that by the time they get to do the event, it won't be "easy".


Really guys? Do you really want it just thrown at you on a platter?


I'm definitely going to do the event again after the buff.

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I'm definitely not saying we should need to do it 100 times to get the rewards (u mad, Gradivus Brakk winners?), but doing it... once... seems a bit sparse. There's grindiness and then there's instant gratification. There's also a middle ground.

Truth be told the game is all about grinding so I wouldn't be too surprised if they nerfed the whole thing to a 'Do mission X, Y times for candy.' event.

I'm also against instant gratification especially since the DE's put some amount of work on this and in their shoes I'd want to see that something I worked on entertained for more than, let's say, 24 hours. 

You know what would be awesome though? If this event were just the root of a series of missions you'd have to do instead! Like using the core on another mission and that easily high score you got were to be reduced depending on your performance on each subsequent mission.

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i like this event. i dont really know why. but the leeching escort and stuff ? totally my thing. i dont want to spit on the ankyros prime but the design and the feeling feels quite wrong :'( can i haz a furax wraith with a 400 charged punch if i have a total of 10k pls ? :'(

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Why are people complaining at how easy an event is? Don't be selfish just because you have high level'd gear. What about new players and casual players? People who have no time to play this game or people who work? Be thankful for the event and please stop complaining. 

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767 first try.. this events kinda easay

It's on a lvl 11 planet, what exactly were you expecting? Better easy now than months of complaints before DE tones down the difficulty of the gamemode to where appropriately equipped players can handle it while overgeared sods insist there's no issue, a la Earth post Eviscerators.

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Hallo all,

I just finished the hijack mission with 736 points on my first try (thanks also to my team mates). I think I've won the event :D

I can't wait for my shock mods and gorgon wraith :3

Anyone else finish the event?


I went solo as a Mag and made 715.


But I thought it was pretty neat. But then I was using top-spec equipment to get it done (Froma'd and Reactor'd Mag, Catalyst'd Snipertron Vandal, Catalyst'd Stinger with Reactor'd Carrier). WAAAY over spec'd for that level of map.

Edited by PlebbyMilliner
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