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Interception Could Have Been Handled Better


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okay so its been out for a while and i haven't complained, why now? its because they made me play it for the event. so i had to experience this utterly ruined dream.

i am a fan of the conquest matches in battlefront. i love that form of battle, and when i heard they where adding something like that to warframe i was thrilled. but the mode itself was a huge disappointment.

WHY DE WHY!? i am disgusted by your butchering of my favorite gamemode type of all time.


lets look at what they did right....


the name is cool...ish?


well enough of that. lets look at what they did wrong.

1. you don't put CPs RIGHT NEXT TO EACH OTHER!!


3. the point of conquest missions is to progress through the level and taking CPs as you go. NOT SICK ONE TENNO ON EACH AND SIT THERE FOR TEN MINUETS TO WIN!!

4. the CPs should not be all on THE SAME FRIKKIN TILE!!



okay here's my arrogant opinion on what a conquest mode should be like.


first the tenno harry Larry Barry and Jerry drop in on the map. then they proceed to capture the CP  (which toatly should require over or at least half your party to activate capture but only require one to stay) (and it should be in a huge room with no cover for the guys at the CP capturing range because that will add difficulty and add room for the sniper who's at the way back) then the grineer attack. BUM BUM BUM... okay so its not really unexpected. anyway the grineer fan out in a huge semi circle firing big barrages of bullets. anyway harry larry barry and jerry take over the CP where they have ammo restores and auto health dispensers. then they proceed to the next CP. so they are able to put it to neutral. but that makes the grineer send out a strike force that is 25% stronger and swarm the CP. and seeing as the grineer are stronger that means harry larry barry and jerry can't hold the position and are beaten back. and in all the shooting harry takes one for the team and goes down and larry be like "nooooooo!!" and runs out to revive harry. but they shoot larry, but he's got a revive on him so he's okay. so they run back to their cp where the leftover troops from the grineer pursue them after then. which they fend off because they have those support things. and so this goes on for a bit and then they win/fail but you get the picture?


anyway the spawnpoints should be behind a wall that has multiple exit points allowing them to form a semi circle before engaging the tenno.


Yay or nay?


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I grew up on the battlefront games, It was vaguely similar but not much else. They didn't 'butcher' the game mode; if you want to play it so bad, go play battlefront and stop yelling at the devs.

Edited by Nightframe
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I think the issue is the mobs are just so low level they die without putting up a fight. It takes close to 15-20 rounds if that the right word for them to even be a tough fight or even need to work together for most good players and teams.


Putting the points further away from each other wont help since even working together we couldnt take back the points and keep the points long enough to matter later in the waves (15-20). Since it takes far longer to take a point for players then it does the npc's it would be a loosing battle. I think what would help is to better spawn points for npc's which you stated. Right now they are more like shooting fish in a barrel which makes it easier and boring to a lot of players.

Edited by gamefreak9149
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I didn't think "Oh hey, this is like conquest on Battlefront" I thought "Oh hey, this is like domination on Unreal Tournament."


I guess I'm old :\


I'm still waiting for how it plays on high levels before I judge interception. The whole reason it isn't challenging is because of the low level of enemies, and the whole reason the enemies are low level is because the only interception missions are on Earth, on nodes that can and will cut off the entire solar map for newer players if they are geared towards endgame players.

Edited by KaikelX
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