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I'd [Lecta] See You Do Better [Melee 2.0 Edition]


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The Lecta performs even better in Melee 2.0, I'll be posting tips, tricks, etc. as I find them.




Table of Contents

•How does the Lecta shine?


•How does the Lecta handle?



   -Basic Combo

   -Guided Claw

   -Sparking Torture

   -Tumbling King

   -Double Spiral Uppercut (Hidden Combo)


•Other stuff that's fun to consider

   -Accelerant + Fire Lecta

   -Can a whip actually be a good weapon?

   -Adding unique properties to the Lecta




Melee 2.0 Updated Pic:






How does the Lecta shine?
•Totally sweet whipping action
•Hurts lots of jerkbags at once
•Hurts mentioned jerkbags with decent speed
•Excellent attack range
•Jump attack can turn even the most steadfast of enemies into stumbly-wumblies

•Jump attack stuns and electrocutes all enemies near you
•Lecta is a silent weapon, so it can stealthily steal sandwiches from unsuspecting crewmen, then strangle them for giggles

•Grants immunity to knockdown while whipping!

•Whipping greatly reduces knockback against you!

•Even if the Lecta doesn't have Electricity as a damage type on the stats panel, it can still proc electric stun!

•Status Chance rises to a staggering 70% with the 3 event melee mods (55% with only 2) making it an excellent utility weapon. There's a new mod that boosts status chance even more while reducing channeling efficiency but it isn't worth using.



How does the Lecta handle?
It isn't the hyper-striking murder-machine you might want, but I think the base attack speed is reasonable. The +30% AS from Fury doesn't make it that much more impressive, but I guess you can weigh whether AS (for faster chain multipliers) or more raw damage will benefit you more.

Suitably, the Lecta has a fluid feel when being used. Just to compare, the Prova has a sluggish swing, but feels powerful when it hits, with a solid THUD. The Pangolin Sword attacks faster, but the hits don't feel as solid, feeling more like "CLINK CLINK CLANK", or the sound of a dagger popping chainmail. The Lecta falls somewhere in-between with a snappy LASH LASH LASH.

By the way, even though the Lecta has an attack speed of 1.0 while the Pangolin Sword has an AS of 0.9, the Pangolin attacks WAY faster. Is this a bug? When used, I think the weapons' speeds are in good relation with each other, it's just the numbers displayed that are screwy.


It's my opinion that the Lecta is best used for utility, not brute force. Even at 40% status chance, it successfully and reliably held back Lv80 infested mobs in Defense. Of course your experience will vary depending on your Warframe. I always use my spunky orange Banshee, it's fun, but damn, Toxic Ancients totally ruin her day, avoid them at all costs!


At the very least the Lecta is great for stalling mobs so your team can mow them down from a distance.


Super Neat Bonus Fact: The image on Burning Wasp shows a Banshee with a Lecta. This is super cool because that's the only Warframe and melee weapon I use lol. If the devs changed the Banshee to look like my character, I'd probably start laughing like Vay Hek and never stop.






The timing for combos in Warframe is screwy. What works for one weapon may not work for another, depending on attack speed, animation, etc. I found that the timing for combos with the Lecta is similar to the Batman Arkham games, you press the next button just before the previous attack ends.


Basic Combo [E, E, E]

•The third attack of the basic combo will always inflict a status! Keep in mind, according to other players, the kind of status inflicted is randomly selected from all available status chances on your weapon. For example, if you have Blast and Toxic, you have a 50% chance of the status being either of those.


Although, I think in the Lecta's case you have a 1-in-3 chance to get any of those statuses (stati? lol) because Electric can still proc even if it isn't listed in the stats.



Burning Wasp Combos

Guided Claw [E, Hold E, E]

This is good 3-hit combo when you're in a mob and there may be one or two enemies shooting at you from a little farther way. To perform it, tap [E], quickly tap [E] again and hold it, then when the spin animation is ending, tap [E] again.

•First tap does a normal attack. If you don't tap [E] again fast enough to perform the following spin attack, you might do 2 normal attacks and then the spin attack.

•Second tap does a standing spin attack. You'll know it activated when you see a thicker ring of energy than usual around your body as you spin. Not sure if this move multi-hits all the way behind you, but would be useful if it did.

•Third tap extends the Lecta's business end to reach any pesky enemies on the edge of the battle, and deals a few hits to that target, instantly adding 3 to 4 hits to your combo meter (maybe more, needs more testing). You don't have to aim at a target precisely, just make sure it's near the aiming reticle and the Lecta will "lock on". (As a side note, this move is fitting for the Lecta's retractable design, especially since there's a little attachment on it that looks like a gun sight.)

I haven't found a situation yet where I consciously used this combo to target a farther enemy... not sure I ever will. The third attack can still hit nearby enemies, so it's never wasted. Would be cool if the third attack would always stun the target for 6 seconds or whatever, then it could be used more tactically instead of just on a whim.


The last attack always procs.



Sparking Torture [E, E, Pause, E, E]

The easiest way to perform this combo is to quickly tap [E] twice, wait for the second attack's animation to end, then quickly tap [E] twice again.

•First two strikes are standard whipping motions

•Third strike lurches you forward to a nearby target and follows with a quick horizontal swipe

•Fourth strike swings the whip over your head twice, I assume this damages all enemies around you and possibly multi-hits individual enemies like the finisher for Guided Claw.

I don't see why the move is called Sparking Torture, would be cool if it actually caused a significant amount of sparks to fly when the second two attacks hit. This would make it fit the name as well as giving us a very visible indicator that we've performed the move.




Coiled Viper Combos

Tumbling King [E, E, Pause, E, E]

This combo damages enemies and keeps you mobile because of the sommersaults involved, it's good for evasion (in theory anyway). Performed the same way as Sparking Torture. Quickly tap [E] twice, wait for that set of animations to end, then quickly tap [E] twice again.

•First 2 taps of [E] perform 3 basic swings

•Third tap causes a forward dive attack

•Fourth tap causes a smaller forward roll attack

You can end Tumbling King early by simply not pressing [E] the fourth time, you simply won't perform the final roll.


I think the roll attacks topple any enemies you crash into, and they also sort of "lock on" to a nearest target. It was hard to tell since my Lecta had Blast damage. Will test without blast.


If you tap [E] too early after the first two taps, you'll end up doing the Buzzing Sting combo, which is the same 3 basic attacks followed by the Lecta stretching forward.



Double Spiral Cut (Hidden Combo) [slide, Tap E repeatedly]

While sliding, keep tapping [E] quickly and you'll perform the slide attack, a normal whip attack, followed by kneeling spin attack (same animation as slide attack). I think it's kind of an exploit, like how you can do a double uppercut with the Furax in the same way, but it's useful in a non-gamebreaking way. Works with either stance.


Note: This may have been patched out, I can't seem to do it anymore.






Other stuff that's fun to consider


Accelerant + Fire Lecta

Give Ember a Fire Lecta and have her annihilate everything that moves with Accelerant.


Can a whip actually be a good weapon?
Thanks to crazy movie magic, most people associate whips with snappy lightning-fast strikes that can sever limbs. That's not real, but this being a game, let's say it's possible lol.

Another example, you probably shouldn't be able to physically multi-hit with a whip. Leather whips are single-target tools that rely more on sound than physical damage to get a desired effect, like herding cattle or training horses.

However, there are certain types of whips designed for war, like Meteor Hammers (which would make a sweet @$$ Grineer version whip). I think, theoretically, the Lecta works more like a flail in the game. Ultimately, I don't care if a weapon isn't 100% similar to a real-world counterpart.


Adding unique properties to the Lecta

This isn't just a call for buffing the hell out of whips, what I hope to see in Warframe eventually is melee weapons getting unique abilities to create more incentive for Tenno to use them. These abilities can only be used when the weapon is equipped. Lecta's design opens it up for a lot of ludicrously awesome abilities.


•Lecta can grip/wrap around an object and throw it at enemies

Imagine being able to fire the Lecta into an explosive barrel or wrap around a Crewman and hurl them at a mob, or even just out into the abyss of space!


•Chance to break energy shields

Adding a little more utility to the weapon, there could be a 10% chance on hit to instantly break an enemy's energy shield.


•Use Lecta like Valkyr's Ripline

We already have weapons that simulate other Warframe powers, this would be no different. Who doesn't want to be Indiana Jones swinging through infested derelict tilesets?


These could be implemented by bringing back something similar to the old charge mechanic, where you hold the button to trigger the effect. So for example:


To use the grip/wrap ability, you simply hold E for like 2 seconds and the Lecta fires at the item you're pointing at, similar to how the Kestrel works. Once the Lecta is attached to the object, you aim where you want to throw the object and simply press E again to send it flying.


To use the Ripline ability, you simply have to be Channeling first before you hold E to trigger the Ripline.

Edited by DarkTails
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This is the Melee 1.0 Post for S#&$s and giggles:


With that new Melee mod from the current event coming, I think I can finally pump-up my Lecta enough to turn it into a mob-murdering machine. Well, more of a mass-status-inflicting tool at least.

What does the Lecta have?

-Totally sweet whipping action
-Hurts lots of jerkbags at once
-Hurts mentioned jerkbags with decent speed
-Good range
-Jump attack can turn even the most steadfast of enemies into stumbly-wumblies
-Can stealthily steal sandwiches from unsuspecting crewmen
-You're immune to knockdown while whipping! Holy crap! Whipping also moves you closer to the target so it fights knockback too.



Other notes:

-I read some nonsense on the wiki that says if you increase the attack speed (Fury, Berserker, etc.) the attack range is cut dramatically, it doesn't feel like it to me but whatever.

-You can ignore the charge attack, you'll be doing more damage with normal attacks anyway.


-Ignore critical damage, too low of a chance to bother.



On to mods (with catalyst, not forma'd yet)
-Pressure Point
-Spoiled Strike (Fury negates the -Attack Speed)
-Virulent Scourge (60% Status Chance)
-Voltaic Strike (hopefully it also gives +60% Status Chance)
-Other mods are elemental as needed


Melee Prowess is junk here with only +15% Status Chance, don't use it.


If my math is right, this should give you a 22% Status Chance per hit, so like 1-in-4 or 5 hits will cause an effect. Used on mobs, there's a good chance at least 1 will be affected with every lash, and you're whipping it fast baby, so that helps. Cram some Forma into it and you can rack up the damage quickly too. My Lecta is doing alright in T3 missions with only a catalyst.

Anyway, point is, would you use something like this? The only other melee weapon I really like is the Kestrel so I guess I'm biased toward utility melee...

And while I'm at it, hey DE, how about changing the Lecta's charge attack to something useful, like these:
-Guarantees you'll inflict a status chance
-Breaks energy shields in one hit
-Grabs an enemy and flings them into the next nearest enemy
-Can grab environmental objects and throw those at enemies

Edited by DarkTails
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I admire your efforts to do something remotely useful with a weapon which is normally anything BUT useful, and I look forward to seeing your results.


Unfortunately I think the weapon itself is just a weaker version of the Prova (which isn't that good either, really, but at least it has some charge damage to work with).


As much as I wanted the whip weapon to be as badass as Ivy's Valentine blade in soul calibur, it doesn't seem to be able to stand up to it in theory.

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Yessss, the first forma gets plugged into my Lecta in a few hours :]


Tested my current Lecta on T3 Survival, it was handling mobs decently til level 35ish, then suddenly stopped being useful for raw damage lol. However, it was stun-locking mobs, including heavy units like gunners and ancients, with fire and electric procs the entire time (level 50s). And since you can't get knocked down or knocked back very far while whipping, it was easy to stay on top of the mobs


It's pretty fun with my Banshee, you can keep enemies in a constant state of panic

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The Scoliac is not the Lecta, using a different weapon defeats the purpose of trying to use a weapon I actually like.


if you are going to use whatever you like whether or not its useful then whats the point of discussing it?


not saying i disagree, i just want to know what the point of this topic is

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if you are going to use whatever you like whether or not its useful then whats the point of discussing it?


not saying i disagree, i just want to know what the point of this topic is


I don't know how to respond to that without sounding vaguely hostile, but I'll try anyway lol


We're talking about ideas for the Lecta here, that's all.

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Here's a shameless bump to remind people the Lecta lives lol


Also, I currently don't have whip stances, so my Lecta is suffering, but I'll post useful stuff about using it once I find them.


By the way, Status chance has doubled, so thanks DE for listening to me and that one other guy who uses the Lecta rofl


EDIT: Holy crap. I don't know what DE did to the Lecta but it's freaking awesome now, even without a stance. I was totally surrounded by Corpus, no shields, and like 100 health, and with some sweet ninja moves the Lecta completely cleared the room xD

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-Added Combo tips to first post

-Will add proper intro later


Also, by some fluke of nature, I ended up trapped in a tiny storage room and Harvester spawned inside, with the door sealed shut. Amazingly, the Lecta alone whipped it into a pile of gooey circuits, thanks in no small part to that sweet status chance boost rofl

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