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How Exactly Is Weapon Damage Calculated?


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I've been running with a Rhino and a Boar shotgun, both around lvl 20. It seems to do good damage against robot enemies, but most Infested simply shrug it off. I managed to unload an entire ten-shot cartridge into a lvl 22 Ancient Healer's face and only took off around 20% of his health bar. Most of the individual pellets only do 1 damage apiece.

Here's a couple of shots of my loadout for my character and weapon:



I guess my question is if anyone has datamined precisely how damage is calculated? Does having both frost and electrical damage on my shotgun make it worse? Are some enemy types more vulnerable to different elemental typesIs damage more heavily affected by how many levels the enemy is above your warframe or above your weapon? Or do they both weigh equally?

I'm curious if this information is explicit anywhere. The game doesn't do a very good job of explaining it.

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