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Mouse sensitivity through the roof


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Hey people, i just started to play but my mouse is going crazy so i tried the lowest possible sensitivity but it's still quite high compared to other games, are there any ini. files that i can tweak? or are there other solutions?

I tried to adjust the pointer speed but that does not affect the game.

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My friend have the same problem, he have a hard time playing because of this. But it's only in-game, not in the menu.

I don't have this problem though, but I feel for you guys :(

Is there any fix for this? or do you need more information? if so what kind?

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My friend have the same problem, he have a hard time playing because of this. But it's only in-game, not in the menu.

I don't have this problem though, but I feel for you guys :(

Is there any fix for this? or do you need more information? if so what kind?

Well, I have a corsair M60, which has a driver and allows me to change DPI on the fly with buttons on the mouse.

If your mouse has any software associated with it try that (although I'm sure you have already).

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Well, I have a corsair M60, which has a driver and allows me to change DPI on the fly with buttons on the mouse.

If your mouse has any software associated with it try that (although I'm sure you have already).

My problem is that even on the lowest DPI setting at 200 it's still too high in this game. The slider needs to go lower, much much lower.

And we need a seperate slider for zoom sensitivity, cause that one is too high compared to the normal sensitivity again.

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This game desperately needs a numerical sensitivity option that you can set down to the decimal (Source/Unreal engine). It could also use a FOV and zoom FOV/sensitivity option so that if desired, you dont actually zoom and dont actually change sensitivities when you aim down sights. I for one don't want my sensitivity to change just to get better bullet spread.

A slider isnt good enough; I've matched my sensitivity using number values across just about every fps/tps I've played.

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yea, sucks. i put my mouse sensitivity to the lowest setting possible, and if i move my mouse from the left side of the pad to the right, my player spins 7 times. i can't imagine any combat situation where spinning 7 times with a single mouse swipe is necessary. i play some other fps games, none have this problem, so i know it's not an issue on my end.

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i agree, to an extent. i've found sensitivity while playing is fine after i cut it down far lower from the default, but it's still sluggish in the menu's.

a separate slider for menu sensitivity sounds like a fix to me.

I'm glad it seems fine to you, but it is definitely not fine for me. I've played shooter games for years upon years with the same sensitivity, I can not just change it to some random value. And as said before, my sensitivity is not even reachable because the slider does not go low enough, even with a top end gaming mouse tweaked for lowest possible sensitivity. I use a sensitivity of 37cm/360, which at a competative level is still pretty high (not that I'm competative), and the closest I get I think is around 30cm/360. This is not acceptable from a shooter. And your solution fixes nothing.

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My problem is that even on the lowest DPI setting at 200 it's still too high in this game. The slider needs to go lower, much much lower.

And we need a seperate slider for zoom sensitivity, cause that one is too high compared to the normal sensitivity again.

Already made a topic about this :)

Dev said Sensitivity is in their Queue: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/2435-new-to-beta-some-early-feedback-from-my-day1-gameplay/

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