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Pc Tethra's Doom: Results!


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Your option fair enough.

But DE decided it was an exploit and I agree with DE's decision to remove the alt account scores.

but it was not an exploit, there only excuse was "not in the spirit of the competition"


the only deciding factor of this event was who had the most 2500 point players, alts allowed players to push higher scores with individual effort and is arguably better then spam invites as this allows a clan of 300 players to compete with a clan of 800 and win

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For everyone thinking 2477/2480 could only be achieved using the Loki door glitch, here's my defense.


I drew a crappy map here for reference.



You cannot hack any of the consoles before the first ‘starting point’ console got activated. Once activated you had to wait for the dialogue face-cam to popup before the first, and every other console could be hacked. While hacking a console, the core would stop moving until you were done.


The only advantage teleporting yourself to the next console had was that you were able to hack the very first and the next one(s) at the same time, however this time advantage was so small, it wouldn’t matter unless you hacked all of the consoles at the same time which would be impractical since all players would be too far away from the core to defend and heal it.


Every 10hp damage tick to the core was worth 3 points. The damage tick occurred approximately every 1 second. The time difference between hacking 2 or more consoles at the same time compared to insta-hacking a console with cyphers was minimal, with around a max  1 second (depending on how fast/slow you insta-hack a console with cyphers. git gud).


So whether you abused this door glitch or not, the max point difference could only have been between 3 to 6 points.

You still had to defend the pod and deflect every piece of damage that it could have taken. Loki glitching wouldn't have made that easier.


Looking back at the video posted here earlier. A squad with an unranked mag was hacking the consoles manually. A Loki glitching through the door that could only hack 1 door ahead. They achieved a score of 2477. So wouldn’t you think it would be possible for a legit squad to achieve the same, if not more points if they brought maxed out frames/weapons and cyphers?


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Why nobody wants to accept it or see it, that Warbros are simply the best Moon Clan? 
Are you are all just jealous?


I'm from Eingreiftrupp and we are allways #1 in Mountains Clan and if you play long enough, you know how you have to do something. It's like when a babby starts to go.  If you can walk, you can also run. Perhaps all the flamen should first understand the game and then they can also run in a few months. 

We are experienced players, no bug abuser, cheater abuser or something! Rather than to flame you should simply try to fruition the tips from us.

Warbros #1 | Eingreiftrupp #1 | Krankegamer #1

Congratulations to all the good clans and each player who understand the game system :)

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For everyone thinking 2477/2480 could only be achieved using the Loki door glitch, here's my defense.
I drew a crappy map here for reference.
You cannot hack any of the consoles before the first ‘starting point’ console got activated. Once activated you had to wait for the dialogue face-cam to popup before the first, and every other console could be hacked. While hacking a console, the core would stop moving until you were done.
The only advantage teleporting yourself to the next console had was that you were able to hack the very first and the next one(s) at the same time, however this time advantage was so small, it wouldn’t matter unless you hacked all of the consoles at the same time which would be impractical since all players would be too far away from the core to defend and heal it.
Every 10hp damage tick to the core was worth 3 points. The damage tick occurred approximately every 1 second. The time difference between hacking 2 or more consoles at the same time compared to insta-hacking a console with cyphers was minimal, with around a max  1 second (depending on how fast/slow you insta-hack a console with cyphers. git gud).
So whether you abused this door glitch or not, the max point difference could only have been between 3 to 6 points.
You still had to defend the pod and deflect every piece of damage that it could have taken. Loki glitching wouldn't have made that easier.
Looking back at the video posted here earlier. A squad with an unranked mag was hacking the consoles manually. A Loki glitching through the door that could only hack 1 door ahead. They achieved a score of 2477. So wouldn’t you think it would be possible for a legit squad to achieve the same, if not more points if they brought maxed out frames/weapons and cyphers?


well the guys who think Switch Teleport glitching mattered mysteriously vanished.

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well the guys who think Switch Teleport glitching mattered mysteriously vanished.


Funny that.


Honestly surprised he didn't bail earlier what with all the evidence mounting up. There's only so many times you can ignore a post before you start looking like a fool because it's been said so many times it's only you left arguing it.

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back from my beauty sleep, just some points i feel like... pointing

Thread cleansed of unnecessary insults and dev bashing, any further posts of that nature will not be tolerated. Please keep it civil! :)

Congratulations are in order for Warbros for still being number one amidst adversity, well done. *tentacle salute*

eey, you a tentacle dude too, i like you now.


5 star post.


 So much REKT.

and i hate the snip, no idea what you quoted


So, you are admitting this account is an alt of a warbros member afterall?  Yeah, thought so.  No bias here chaps.  Nope.

check all my threads and posts previous to this thread, you'll notice anything not regarding this event has been PS4, this is because the toaster that is my computer can't run warframe. in fact, i wasnt aware of warbros until yesterday afternoon when i found by pure chance their thread (was looking for a different one and saw a warframe one, said neat! and went in to see what was up)


i'm literally a third party spectator here, dunno how much less bias you can get.


In the real world, we call these double standards.

and you know morte, when someone like vaserus, which also condems warbros for their methods, tells you you're being biased, you should probably take a step back, a quick breath, and look at what you're doing again.


i gotta say the fact the alts were excluded was extremely short sighted


players could only get roughly 2500 points at most, which means the winner is always going to be the larger clan

event scoring has gone backwards, a 350 player clan full of active members is instantly inferior to a 351 clan full of active members, the only way the 350 player clan can beat the 351 player clan is to add 2 more players or create 2 alts


it is inherently bad design to force clans to add more players to compete


this also the stupid almost communistic (i cant think of another word to use) point cap means there is a maximum possible score you can actually get, which means there is a point where all your extra effort means nothing


if your going to make a grind event then let people grind, putting point caps on players is not equality, you should be striving for equity in scoring because as these events have shown some players are more equal then others


your inability to put more time into an event means nothing, real life isn't a hugbox and nor should this game


alts should not have ever been culled, from any clan ever, if you dont want people playing alts then give players the ability to score higher then 2500 by repeat runs

if you don't want a grind event then figure out a way to measure player skill


i figured this would have ended at Cicero, the Cicero event was terrible and so was this, warbros is quite literally won the event twice

this guy, like me, sees the problem with the event, alts was the logical conclusion to bolstering your score, after those were denied, massive spamming of new members was the next logical conclusion


Idk, if they boasted it, posted there name all over the forums, threads getting closed down due to mentioning anything negative about them and being try-hards about getting noticed (steam tags etc) then probably.


Funny enough.  CMs numbers barely changed compared to Warbros when the alts got removed.  So I can't see anything CM had done wrong.  Warbros however.  Many.

CM lost... what, like 50k points i think it was? i didn't save any of the screenshots, then they lost another 30k or so points at the end, maybe CM alted less, but they spammed recruit from the very beginning. look however, nobody from warbros is calling them cheaters. it was obvious it would happen, warbros had to do it too to ensure their number one place, as i said a few quotes back, it was the logical conclusion to this event heck, even members from the number two rank, you know, people who would feel the most sore for their defeat, are defending warbros methods, why? because they did them too. look no farther than


um....hi, I'd like to point out that the doors are hackable before the core gets there...i ran banshee in the event. Ahead of the pod..way ahead of the pod. unlocked the doors.. then ran back to the pod to support the group. I scored 2467 I believe it was. well, my group did. 


I've sat here and read this entire entry tonight. I have  to say something: I love to screw with Warbros, why? because it amuses me. I like to push their buttons. Sometimes, i have a valid reason to do so,  other times,  well,  I'm just looking for someone to troll, and well they're the biggest kid on the playground...At the same time, Im also gracious and mature enough to be able to recognize and acknowledge when they do well. 


Now, with that said,,why are you here? This thread is about congratulating the winners of the event. Yet for 5 pages you've managed to derail it into a hissy fit. You really feel like arguing with them about their win? fine, do what you will, how ever this isnt the time or place for it. 


Before you go trying to tell me im a member and all that, Im  not, Im In Crescent Moon, the current #2 clan in the event. I'm Not sure what you hope to accomplish by this masquerade you're currently putting on, How ever, do you think maybe we could get back to what this whole thread was supposed to be about at some point? If you personaly believe they do not deserve the win, then thats your business. If you believe honestly that their comback victory (which was quite impressive btw) is illegitimate then take it up with the company. 


I guess what im trying to say to you is..have some dignity man. Theres a time and place for everything. 



wow that's cheap very low

not really, it's annoying, but it was a problem from the event, adding numbers was to be expected, and you can't condemn CM or warbros or anyone else for doing it.


also a little fun fact about the scoring, let's look at the top three ghost clan scores:

1              24914    Judicators Deadly Squad

2              24887    Tenn Os

3              24860    Iron Death Squad


why don't i see you complaining about any of these, these are the scores of 10 people, just by dividing from 10 you'd get scores above what you consider "legit", why aren't you complaining about these? do i need to point out that you seem to have a problem with warbros#1 and only with warbros?


mod disclaimer: i don't consider any of the above scores as cheating or anything, they used the tools they had in the game, just like every other top ranking clan did, don't go giviing me an infraction and post deletion for pointing fingers, as'm concerned anyone that didn't hack fought fairly.



and one last note morte, you said that the survival event was a step in the right direction, of an event based only around skill, well.... guess what i'm going to say now...




just drop your warbros vendetta, it's just not sportsmanlike when everyone else should be, in your eyes, just as bad as warbros. warbros is only bragging because... well, they won! and winners get to brag, as someone said a thousand pages ago


"be number one, that will stop warbros from bragging."

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I enjoy the fact the one thread we're allowed to gloat in has been derailed by whiners that didn't have the organization we did while our own posts simply stating Warbros #1 because we are have been removed and several of our members forum banned for posting just that. But I'm sure this will be moderated and the wall of whining left intact.

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-snip- This is a long &#! post.


Nice post. This and 


Why nobody wants to accept it or see it, that Warbros are simply the best Moon Clan? 

Are you are all just jealous?


I'm from Eingreiftrupp and we are allways #1 in Mountains Clan and if you play long enough, you know how you have to do something. It's like when a babby starts to go.  If you can walk, you can also run. Perhaps all the flamen should first understand the game and then they can also run in a few months. 

We are experienced players, no bug abuser, cheater abuser or something! Rather than to flame you should simply try to fruition the tips from us.

Warbros #1 | Eingreiftrupp #1 | Krankegamer #1

Congratulations to all the good clans and each player who understand the game system :)


It's a shame that if everyone were like these two there would be no delicious tears to bathe in after these events.

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Well this is simply what happens when you make collective event scores.

No clan should rely on mass recruiting for a win, if you're going to do that then you may as well make an event based on signing a petetion.

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Well this is simply what happens when you make collective event scores.

No clan should rely on mass recruiting for a win, if you're going to do that then you may as well make an event based on signing a petetion.


Agreed. Though I can think of any other fair way to scoring for competitive events. 

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Agreed. Though I can think of any other fair way to scoring for competitive events.

Assuming you meant can't

Disallow alts, allow additional runs to add points for leaderboards (not event rewards), and anyone who joins after the event has started is ineligible to contribute to the clan's leaderboards.

EDIT: Forgot the larger numbers part. Use a weighted average based on the number of eligible members when the event started (to avoid clans kicking inactive/low scoring members).


EDIT2:  The weighted average might be worse than a straight score with the first three conditions as at that point it becomes a matter of clan member's dedication and teamwork anyway (members would be able to contribute more by doing more runs).  A weighted average would just complicate things and encourage clans to be overzealous with activity standards which kind of ruins the camaraderie of a clan.

Edited by (PS4)Quikdrawjoe
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Assuming you meant can't

Disallow alts, allow additional runs to add points for leaderboards (not event rewards), and anyone who joins after the event has started is ineligible to contribute to the clan's leaderboards.


When DE decided that they did not want people to grind scores, to make the number of people in a clan the main drivers of score, rather than skill/perseverence, alts became the only way for non zerg clans to compete. if you take away the one person=one capped score provision, you have no need to worry about alts because no one in their right mind will take unranked Mk-1, Lato and Skana over potatoed prime weapons and zorens if they wish to be competitive. I disagree about discouraging new accounts, because events are supposed to attract activity and give people a reason to invite their friends to give Warframe a shot. To be sure, crafting an event scoring method is difficult, but every misstep should be counted as a way in which it can be improved.

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um....hi, I'd like to point out that the doors are hackable before the core gets there...i ran banshee in the event. Ahead of the pod..way ahead of the pod. unlocked the doors.. then ran back to the pod to support the group. I scored 2467 I believe it was. well, my group did. 


I've sat here and read this entire entry tonight. I have  to say something: I love to screw with Warbros, why? because it amuses me. I like to push their buttons. Sometimes, i have a valid reason to do so,  other times,  well,  I'm just looking for someone to troll, and well they're the biggest kid on the playground...At the same time, Im also gracious and mature enough to be able to recognize and acknowledge when they do well. 


Now, with that said,,why are you here? This thread is about congratulating the winners of the event. Yet for 5 pages you've managed to derail it into a hissy fit. You really feel like arguing with them about their win? fine, do what you will, how ever this isnt the time or place for it. 


Before you go trying to tell me im a member and all that, Im  not, Im In Crescent Moon, the current #2 clan in the event. I'm Not sure what you hope to accomplish by this masquerade you're currently putting on, How ever, do you think maybe we could get back to what this whole thread was supposed to be about at some point? If you personaly believe they do not deserve the win, then thats your business. If you believe honestly that their comback victory (which was quite impressive btw) is illegitimate then take it up with the company. 


I guess what im trying to say to you is..have some dignity man. Theres a time and place for everything. 


This is a quality post.  Your sportsmanship brings honour to your clan.

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Ghost #9

Galactic Super Squad Turbo Space Tokusentai Elite Megaforce Champions from Space Australia


Best name ever. Will you be celebrating at Space Quiznos, perhaps with the majestic Space Duck?

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