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[Warframe Concept] Ares, The Warhound (Ultimate Inspired By Livestream #24 And Lama Dog)


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Ares: The Warhound, Master of the Pack


Themes & Inspirations: Ancient Soldiers, Greek Hoplite, Roman Legionnaire, Heroism, Tactics, War Dogs, and of course, Lama Dog!


Description: Ares is a heavily armored Warframe, built to be in the heart of combat. Much like his brother Warframes Frost and Rhino, Ares is very large and solidly formed. Lacking much ornamentation, beyond some battle scars kept as trophies (or intentionally carved). The Warframe has a natural war-torn and very 'Organized Chaos' look to its appearance. Though symmetrical, and obviously deliberate, the armor plates making up Ares exterior armor are more like wielded-on slabs of metal and molten rock. Giving him a very rough and primordial appearance, though Ares still has a very sculpted, functional and lethal design. Drawing inspiration from Ancient Rome and Greece, especially apparent in the construction of the helmet. From Ancient Rome, a heavy and peaked crest runs along the helmets top and back. The only thing, besides Tenno-style embellishments, that keeps Ares's helm from completely resembling a classical Greek Corinthian helm, is the lack of any eye-slits.



Health: 150.0 (450.0 at rank 30)

Power: 100.0 (150.0 at rank 30)

Armor: 300

Shield Capacity: 100.0 (300.0 at rank 30)

Sprint Speed: 0.95

Stamina: 80

Polarities: 4xScratch, 1xD, 1xV

Aura Polarity: D


Powers: Ares's power set mostly reflects his ability to get straight into combat and to cause as much chaos and destruction as possible. Some of these abilities can be very double-edged, but I tried to make them both balanced and synergize well together. I wasn't too concerned with the actual numbers, they're more placeholder and to give an idea of the Warframe's limits. Some of the abilities do tilt more towards defense and support, rather than offense. So Ares is also a mild support Warframe too, especially with his ultimate. Read on to find out how.


First Ability Ideas: Cleave the Universe!

Battle Fury

25 Energy

Ares super charges his melee weapon. The next 3/6/9/12 (Increased by Continuity) melee blows he makes causing focused waves of energy to strike out a nearby foes. Staggering them and dealing 25%/50%/75%/100% (Increased by Intensify) of his melee weapons damage to all enemies hit by the wave. The power has no duration, and can only be renewed once all the strikes have been used up.


Supreme Cleave

25 Energy

Ares strikes out in a 7 meter wide arc. Creating a giant wave of destructive energy that quickly travels 5 meters in front of him. Staggering foes and dealing a combination of 150/250/450/650 (Increased by Intensify) Slash, Puncture and Impact damage to all enemies hit by the wave.


Second Ability Ideas: Otherwise known as, 'Why Ares needs lots of Armor!'


50 energy

Ares leaps high into the air, suspending himself briefly and drawing the enemies ire. He gains 10%/15%/25%/30% damage resistance while airborne, and absorbs 25% (Increased by Intensify) of the enemies damage into himself. At anytime, or until the powers short duration is up, the player can then send Ares rocketing forward to slam into the ground. Knocking enemies down and dealing 100/200/300/400 (Increased by Intensify) Blast damage, plus an extra amount of Fire damage equal to the amount he has absorbed.



50 Energy

This power affects both Ares and his enemies within a 5 meter radius of him for its 2/3/4/5 second duration (Increased by Continuity). For himself, Ares increases the amount of damage he deals by 50/100/150/200, while receiving 10%/15%/20%/25% more damage. Enemies also within the power's radius descend into a bloody brawl amongst themselves, overcome with rage. Focusing on attacking those closes to them, in most cases their own allies, but they will still attack Tenno if they are closer. The enemies affected also deal 30/80/130/180 more damage, while taking 15%/30%/45%/60% more damage themselves.


Third Ability Ideas: Who loves utility? Your squishy teammates, that’s who!

War Banner

75 Energy

Ares plants a holographic War Banner, inscribed with the symbol of the Lotus and his clan, inspiring his allies and demoralizing his foes. Those within the banners 10 meter radius (Increased by Stretch) have their weapons damage increased by 15%/25%/35%/45%, or decreased if they are hostile to the Tenno. Ares may have multiple banners active, but affects do not stack, with each lasting 5/10/15/20 seconds (Increased by Continuity).



75 Energy

Ares summons a ring of hard light tower shields in a circle around himself. About 8 shields (Increased by Stretch) are created, with the power's radius affecting the total number of shields. Made up of individual shields with their own health totals, each section of the wall has 200/300/400/500 (Increased by Intensify) shield points. Completely solid to enemies, but allowing Ares and his allies to come and go as they choose. At the initial activation, any enemy caught inside the ring will be flung out, only taking minor Impact damage (Unless, of course, you've thrown them off a cliff). Ares may have multiple Phalanxes active, with each set of shields lasting 5/10/15/20 seconds, but their areas of effect cannot overlap.


Ultimate: Beware, here be walls of text!


Unleash the Hounds (Please, no 90's song references!)

100 Energy

Ares summons 2/2/3/4 bio-synthetic War Hounds to fight at his side. These loyal, bio-organic constructs will maim and kill any who dare attack their Packmaster. Whether it be with Fang and Claw, or the Hounds very own guns. Yes, they are armed, and pretty decent shots at that. Protective of all members of the Pack, the Hounds also accelerate shield regeneration for Ares, themselves, and allied Tenno when they are near. Possibly, they could even revive other players or at least prolong the time needed for them to bleed out. Each Hound also has their own base stats, while adding 15%/30%/45%/60% of Ares's health, shields and armor to their own. The Hounds have little issue keeping up with their Packmaster, as they can wall run just as well as him and even stick to walls. Yep, they're also Ninja Dogs.


Stratagems: Once summoned, Ares can alter his Hounds behavior whenever he needs too (Press the four button again). Setting them to Defensive or Offensive Stratagems. On Defense, they will stay close to Ares, creating a protective diamond formation around him. Attacking foes primarily with their guns, while focusing on restoring allies shields. In Offense, they will break away from Ares, actively seeking out enemies to massacre with Fang and Claw. Primarily targeting wounded enemies, knocking them to the ground, then pinning and mauling them to death. In either Stratagem, they will still try to rescue downed allied Tenno. With Ares being able to direct them himself, if need be (Press Use key once over downed ally, a Hound will begin reviving them, but much more slowly). For the various Hounds, given which Stratagem they are set too, the actual combat behavior of each is very different.


Duration: Unleash the Hounds will last for at least a few minutes, easily 180 seconds or more. Even before a Continuity mod is added, by its nature, it would be a prolonged power. Alternatively, the Hounds have no duration at all and only leave to repair themselves after taking critical damage (Or I suppose, if DE is mean, they DIE). Either way, each Hound lets out a howl to let the player know they've been defeated, and Ares can only re-summon his Hounds once all of them have retreated. (When summoned or retreating, would be cool if they used air vents to enter and escape. And in open areas, pull a Section 8 and hard drop in!) Too make up for this long power duration, Unleash the Hounds should have a lengthy and dramatic cast time.


Description: The Hounds look effectively like heavily-armored mastiffs or rottweilers, your classical 'War Dogs'. The Mabari war hounds being a good example many will be familiar with. Massive jaws, huge neck, broad shouldered and barrel chested. Bred and trained to pull armored knights, or in this case, Grineer Marines to the ground. However, unlike your average dog, Ares's Hounds have either been genetically modified or are synthetic constructs that merely resemble dogs (Or Infected with the Technocyte Virus?). Both in appearance and behavior, even though they are far smarter and a thousand times more lethal. Their forms have a definite techno-organic look to them, heavily armored in chitin or scale-like plating. Besides the bio-weapon look, the only thing to distinguish them from regular canines is the gun they have mounted on them below their chest or over a shoulder.


Respectively, each Hound will have a name and be color-coded for easy recognition. Preferably, they would each have a semi-unique appearance and also share a few of their master Warframe's color palette. To keep confusion to a minimum when multiple Ares are in the same party. Customizable appearances would help with that too, but... well, workload.


The names of the Hounds are Dread (Deimos), Fear (Phobos), Discord (Enyo), and War (Polemos). Respectively to each Hound, their main colors are Grayish White, Pitch Black, Dark Green, and Crimson Red.


Deimos, the Saboteur: Guards left flank, impedes enemy ability to fight and harm the Pack

Health: 100/150/200/250 (+ X% of Ares's Health)

Shield Capacity: 75/125/175/225 (+X% of Ares's Shields)

Armor: 75 (+X% of Ares's armor)


Krann Launcher: Fires micro-mines that both freeze and concuss (Impact and Cold damage)

Fang and Claw: Combination of Moderate Impact, Low Puncture and High Slash (Mostly tries to tackle foes, focusing on crippling, but will use claws if cornered)



Defense- Prevent enemies from reaching perimeter! Lay down defensive mines between the Pack and potential enemies, engage breaches with extreme prejudice!

Offense- Seek to down and cripple enemies! Once successful, move on to other targets! Leave the flattened and weakened foes to the rest of the Pack!


Phobos, the Marauder: Guards right flank, seeks to eliminate enemies for good

Health: 100/150/200/250 (+ X% of Ares's Health)

Shield Capacity: 100/150/200/250 (+X% of Ares's Shields)

Armor: 90 (+X% of Ares's armor)


Ordo Scattergun: Fires clouds of super-heated shrapnel (Slash and Fire damage)

Fang and Claw: Combination of Low Impact, Moderate Puncture and High Slash (Always goes for the kill, uses claws simply for the speed, but prefers going for the throat)



Defense- Even on the defensive, seek to inflict injury and death upon enemies who threaten the Pack! Dead enemies cannot fight!

Offense- Go for the kill! Seek wounded and vulnerable enemies to finish off! Only good enemy is dead enemy!


Enyo, the Sniper: Rearguard, provides covering fire for the Pack

Health: 100/150/200/250 (+ X% of Ares's Health)

Shield Capacity: 75/125/175/225 (+X% of Ares's Shields)

Armor: 65 (+X% of Ares's armor)


Malafar Rifle: Fires high-velocity, corrosive bullets (Puncture and Corrosive damage)

Fang and Claw: Combination of Low Impact, High Puncture and Low Slash (Always goes for the throat, focusing a single target and making heavy use of her jaws)



Defense- Maintain Perimeter. Remove enemy ability to threaten Pack. Target enemy support units. Cripple enemy defensive and healing abilities. Clean up the crippled remnants. Perimeter Maintained.

Offense- Cover the Pack. Seek high position for optimal field of fire. Target enemy Alphas for assassination. Dirty work, someone has to do it. Clean up the disorganized remnants. Pack Covered.


Polemos, the Tank: Point guard, keeps the enemies attention and protects the Pack

Health: 150/200/250/300 (+ X% of Ares's Health)

Shield Capacity: 150/200/250/300 (+X% of Ares's Shields)

Armor: 125 (+X% of Ares's armor)


Barrad Shield: Creates a high-density magnetic field (Magnetic and Impact damage)

Fang and Claw: Combination of High Impact, Moderate Puncture and low Slash (Polemos mostly just throws his weight around, using his shield and bulk to batter enemies into a pulp)



Defense- Lack ranged attack, project shield to intercept enemy rounds and munitions. Keep Pack perimeter secure at all costs. If enemy breaches, remove with extreme prejudice!

Offense- Even on the attack, seek to protect and aid the Pack. Defend wounded and vulnerable members when needed. Otherwise, engage in full out assault. Draw the enemies ire, draw them out, then eliminate them. Best defense: Offense.


Alternative Names: Snowflake, Tickles, Bubbles, and Mr. Wiggle-Butt. Truly, Fitting names for Ares's favored Hounds, the Dogs of War!




Army of One

Activated, 10 Energy Per Second

Standard super-soldier mode: Invincibility, lots of damage buffs, slow-mo, testosterone poisoning... yadda-yadda-yadda, you guys get the drill.


Alt. Helmets and Syndana

Gladius: Pretty much looks like the helm straight out of Gladiator. Though, obviously, given the Warframe and Tenno spin in its design.


Cerberus: This helm is designed to emulate the appearance of Ares's Hounds. Having a blunt 'Snot' for a face plate and triangular 'Ears' much like his loyal dogs. Inspired by 'the Hound' from Game of Thrones.


Sparda Syndana: Unique to Ares, this Syndana actually attaches to his head. Replacing the crest with a long, almost exaggeratedly flowing plume you'd see on a Trojan-styled helm. Alternatively, could just be a whole new helmet.

Edited by MadMoonDog
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I meant real 'tank', that is slow and uses brute force and survivability, not slapstick valkyr with insane armour value that doesn't make sense. But yes there are other tanky frames and valkyr is one of them.



It's not been long enough for it to be years. 


Why does everything gotta be taken literally here?!

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A bit too OP, but I'll have it yes! Ever since frost and rhino we haven't had another tank warframe released in years!!

Could you say why you think it's OP? Like I said, I wasn't too concerned about numbers when I wrote the powers and stuff down.

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Well can't find the energy to reread the whole thing but when I read it, it seemed like some of the powers e.g. war banner, phalanx, are kind of similar to rhino and frost's abilities. I admit they are somewhat unique, but you know, just feels like they'd be considered as reworks of those (by people). Also some of your powers do too many things at the same time whereas present warframes' powers do at best 2 things at a time. This occurred because you detailed them a lot.


Tank warframes are known to lose out at higher levels due to their damaging abilities capping off so some of the powers that took this into consideration were nice.


I liked Carnage/Rabies a lot.


Now to come to my favourite part... Release the hounds... now who wouldn't like that. But the problem remains that they'd be too OP for lower levels. Then at higher levels, because the hounds are AI, and warframes survive as opposed to enemies because of their abilities to react to threatening situations abruptly and appropriately, the hounds will too easily gain aggro from enemies and be butchered.


What I can suggest is the hounds would be made of pure energy, like Nekros' shadows, so that they can't die and can be re-summoned defying logic. But this would take out most of the fun of the power.

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Well can't find the energy to reread the whole thing but when I read it, it seemed like some of the powers e.g. war banner, phalanx, are kind of similar to rhino and frost's abilities. I admit they are somewhat unique, but you know, just feels like they'd be considered as reworks of those (by people). Also some of your powers do too many things at the same time whereas present warframes' powers do at best 2 things at a time. This occurred because you detailed them a lot.


Tank warframes are known to lose out at higher levels due to their damaging abilities capping off so some of the powers that took this into consideration were nice.


I liked Carnage/Rabies a lot.


Now to come to my favourite part... Release the hounds... now who wouldn't like that. But the problem remains that they'd be too OP for lower levels. Then at higher levels, because the hounds are AI, and warframes survive as opposed to enemies because of their abilities to react to threatening situations abruptly and appropriately, the hounds will too easily gain aggro from enemies and be butchered.


What I can suggest is the hounds would be made of pure energy, like Nekros' shadows, so that they can't die and can be re-summoned defying logic. But this would take out most of the fun of the power.


I uh, actually intended for them to be similar to Frost's and Rhino's powers. They are very Tanky power types, and there are no other Warframes with abilities like theirs. I mean, the standard party for Void defense runs always includes a Frost. Almost no exceptions. May as well give people more variety to choose from. When it comes to War Banner and Rhino's Roar, I probably should have kept the numbers lower. The Banner's are static, unlike Roar, so I was hoping that would balance it out. Maybe just put a limit on how many can be active.


Wrath does do a bit much, could probably just remove the damage absorb and resistance. Carnage could be made to only affect Ares, or just enemies. Or it could be slotted up into his 3rd ability, I suppose that would solve a few issues...


Release the Hounds being OP for lower levels... well, every Ultimate is OP for lower levels. Once you upgrade it enough and have the right mods, but a lot of low level players don't quite have that. I get what your saying though, in that at low level the Hounds might be too strong. But what I didn't put down were their weapon damage numbers, I didn't really have a clue what those might be. But I imagine they'd be much lower then, say, Warframe weapons. More in line with Sentinel damage potential. And, unlike with Sentinels, the only way to boost the damage is with mods and leveling the power.


As for the drawing too much aggro, that's why I put in the offensive and defensive stratagems. That would allow the player to control the Hounds actions a bit, solving a few of the A.I. issues. Considering that DE is putting in Lama Dog, who is going to need such advance A.I., its why I sgguested the power in the first place.


I really don't want the Hounds to be made of energy, or invincible. It really would take the fun out of the power, and make it just another “I Win Button”.


Well can't find the energy to reread the whole thing but when I read it” I need to figure out Spoiler Tags... :{


Edit: Got it!

Edited by MadMoonDog
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