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Trade Etiquette: What's Your Idea Of It?


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I tend to give away mods if I have extras and someone in mission says they have been having trouble finding them. If someone does this it's ok to see if they may have a few other mods you need but be polite. Also never ever go begging for plat from a generous soul. I had this happen and next time it does the person will get nothing.

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Sometimes I tell my prices upfront in the trade channel but most of the time, no.


In my region at least, demand is pretty low and it's not unusual to say WTS *something* 15 p only to have 2 other players saying WTS *the same thing for 12/10p*.


When you dont say your prices upfront, people come in private to ask and it's fine. I dont mind if they ask 10 others sellers but they have to make an effort for it.


I also tend to no sell the things that are already sold by multiple sellers in the trade channel. If a lot of them are trying to sell Split Chamber for example, why try to sell mine at the same time ? I'll try later.


Finally, I note the names of the resellers somewhere. Do what you want to do, but I wont sell you anything. I farm everything I sell.

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The trading channel keeps me reminded of one thought:"Why am I still playing?"

Then afterwards

I alt+4 and play my new favourite online game. Some of you know what game I am talking about but I do think if some elements of this game is implemented in warframe... The, it will be epicness...

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My trades always go down like this:


Me: "Selling Intensify (5p), Continuity (10p), Rejuvenation Aura (5p), etc."


Buyer: "I'll take this." *occasionally haggles*

Me: "Cool! My dojo or yours?"

*it's almost always mine*

*invites buyer, starts trade*

*puts in items first, waits for buyer to accept trade before I do*


Me: Thank you very much!

*waits for buyer to disconnect first*


So yea, I like to think I'm pretty polite about it.

Edited by xSapphire
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I've only done a dozen or so trades, but all have gone on without issues.  I am respectful in both PM/Forum as well as in game as well.


I won't bother with offer type sales though.  I imagine a lot that don't bother with it might just be lazy, but there's also some really common prices so it can go both ways really.


Sales threads that take the time to put down what they're looking for saves a lot of time & hassle later.  I want this, this, this, and this, and together that's 50p, lets meet in game.  No back & forth bs.

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Some of the player interactions are downright nasty, and going head long into trade feels like a damn swim in shark infested waters.

I have had very good interactions and some horrible ones. Greed has taken a foothold in the trading game.

I am still waiting for my Auction House?

At the risk of the derailing my own thread, I have to agree with you that this market system generally affects the game in a negative way(at least in my opinion), not just the rng/prime issue but also the greed. I've had plenty of good trades but I've had a couple really bad encounters that just make everything sour and sometimes it kinda saddens me to see people act that way in a game I've come to really like and it makes me worry about its future community health. But I guess those kind of people will be around anyways no matter the system (auctionhouse could really put a lid on it though...).  


Barter is an entire branch in social psychology.

I wouldn't try to dive too deep into it unless you want a headache or are trying to become a Corpus.

Hey now, I really like the corpus! I find them the most intriguing :P Although I think I would pass on becoming one...although I got a real soft spot for Darvo >_>



Back on topic, so far I find it really interesting to especially hear why people choose to list prices or not, and how people deal with prices being/not being listed. I can see both sides of it, although personally I still lean towards naming prices up front.


It's also interesting to see the sides of the new part prices. On one hand taking out the potential for hours of farming and having to get new keys is a strong incentive, but on the other it boils down to rng (unlike actively creating something like a max serration).  


And on the issues of reselling, I think pretty much everyone can agree that's really scummy. 


Usually if I have several ongoing trades prior and someone has to wait on me to trade, I cut my price slightly or give them an extra mod/platinum to thank their patience. I've had one or two people do the same to me and that's an especially nice feeling. 

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Usually I'm the one selling stuff. 


But when I start it off, I talk to the person, put my price, have some conversation with them about Warframe, and when they want to leave, we both say our "thanks and have a good day" sort of thing.


I'm the one trying to be a talkative marketer sort of guy. I feel that the seller needs to initiate these sort of things; it's etiquette. The buyer doesn't need to. 


But the players that say "PM offers"... Well... I'm just not gonna ask them. Or bother with them. OR even mind them. :D

Edited by ikillyou8196
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In my case, I have a fuckton of mods. If i were to list all of them, I would probably get kicked for spamming. SO I say, "I has a fuckton of mods. Let's work a deal." They PM me, I see if i have it, and I sell it if I can. The etiquette of getting a "Set" price for a mod is ridiculous. I bargain, and it works.

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I hate when sellers demand I make an offer when we talk. I don't know the value of their item to them, just the trending market value, so I usually just say 1 plat and maybe a drawing of Darkwing duck. 

What usually makes me cut people a deal?  Every friday I go through all of my trades and give people free stuff.  Today I gave away the full mag prime set and the full rhino prime set along with giving some new kid some nightmare mods for his weapons.  Fridays just work for me

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