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Lock Out - Gamemode Idea.


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greetings tenno!! i had the other day a brilliant idea for a gamemode.

we all know the best places to level our gear. survival or defense. now i want you to imagine a combination of the two.

because of my generally bad internet i find my self doing a lot of solo-ing. now there are two problems with this, 1 survival is made much more difficult and it is hard for me to make it past 10 mins going solo. 2 defense and mobile defense are also made difficult mainly because i cant be in 50 places at once.

im sure there are plenty of solo-ers out there that understand what i am saying that is why i recommend the following.


1) survival,defense, and mobile defense will be kept.

2) new gamemode "lock out" will be created.

3) how will it work?

 b. as i said earlier it will be a combo of survival and defense.

the premise of the game is you are locked in the ship or whatever location you are at. you will be face by endless enemies which get gradually harder (survival) the aim of the game is to stay as long as you can extraction will be available  after 5 mins.

a.help will be available in a few ways: you can play co-op with friends online as well as activate power ups and defense (turrets, light level reinforcements) as you play you will add up points to purchase these items.


results will be much like survival or defense (mods keys etc)


hope you guys like the idea. (feedback would be much appreciated)


thanks for listening


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