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Dome Of Civilizations. Library, Arena And Hall.


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"Possibly injured is number one priority right now Lisa. I am sorry. I promise soon as possible when this lad is on her feet. We shall talk" Talvi whispered to Lisa quickly. "Well bring her here so I can have a look on it" Darul said and Talvi helped Mesa on a chair and Darul brought down a scanner. There was major damage on helmet of Mesa's warframe. "This is not really a suit failure. This is more of a radiation caused damage" Darul said "How long the fix will take?" Talvi asked


Darul pulled out some resources to fix it after few seconds "Done" Darul said "I can see? Where am I? And... Who are you?" Mesa spoke in all confusion. "Talvi Tamane nice to meet you madame. I was the person who hauled you to a ship to here. We are at Dome of Civilizations haven of freedom seeking people" Talvi said Mesa tilted her head and stared at Talvi for a while. "What about rest of you? Am I getting forced in to a mission?!" Mesa started panicking and raised from the chair.


Talvi went up to her "So you must have had been a human. Don't worry Lotus ain't having power here but her words are respected and considered. Nobody ain't going to force you to do anything. Please calm down" Talvi said as grabbed lightly from Mesa's hands. "It is really you who got me out of the death trap... Please get me to home" Mesa said. "Well first I would like to know about yourself" Talvi said "First your names" Mesa said. Darul, Mirage and Is'Gol presented themselves to Mesa.

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"What about you...? Nyx Prime? I have heard bad stories about humans who have become Tenno... Never returned to their homes... And... I don't want that to happen to me" Mesa said "I know. What's your name then?" Talvi replied "Name is Melaney Fouhgre" Melaney said "Say Melaney why were you at that laboratory ship?" Is'Gol asked "Alad V managed to capture me when I had made my run for it from my home. I don't know why but I guess it is because of hand speed and aiming" Melaney said.


"Hmm... Born with weapon hands... I guess it wouldn't do bad to train you to be able to defend your home. Hmm?" Is'Gol asked "Excuse me?" Melaney asked "I said that why don't you then get yourself trained to defend your home? After all you are a Tenno if you don't want to do missions like we do... Why don't you be guardian of your home?" Is'Gol asked "..." Melaney went silent for a while. "Is'Gol. I don't think that is a good idea" Talvi said. "Let her consider" Is'Gol said normally.

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"Thanks... Madame Eva" Melaney said "You don't need to be so humble towards us. You pretty much one of us. Although you are more similar with Is'Gol and Darul. This Frost next to of me and that Volt over there" Talvi said "We are one of the oldest human Tenno ever in existed and we will press on being that" Is'Gol said "Some of us might have gotten blow or few but we are good to go all the time" Darul said. "What do you mean by saying blow or few?" Melaney asked "Well I lost my arm on one encounter. Do you want me to proof it?" Darul asked "No need" Melaney said.


"Suit yourself. Well what do you think about Is'Gol's offer? If you don't want to do missions like usual Tenno... Why won't you be guardian of your home?" Darul said "I will need to think about but... First I would like to get used to what I am" Melaney said "Remember you have freedom to be against us but don't do it psychically" Darul said. "I will remember that. Thank you" Melaney said and hugged Talvi "Woe ma'am. I have a girl friend already" Talvi said.


"It is not love... It is a thanks" Melaney said as they stopped hugging. "So what would you like to do as first then?" Talvi asked "Observe how you Tenno act and speak of course" Melaney said "Sorry but there is nothing really special about being Tenno or that is what I hear from Garoy as he had observed how we act and speak. He is a human so you can ask from him if you don't believe me" Talvi said. "Alright" Melaney said.

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"If you want to leave go ahead then" Talvi said grumble came from Melaney's stomach. "Well sounds like somebody's hungry. Maybe good night sleep after a good meal will get those nightmares away" Darul said "Good meal really sounds good but I don't have money for it" Melaney said "Well that is nearly same. Just ask if you need something. Though remember. Weaponry and place to stay you will need to attempt to get yourself" Darul said. "So I have to do a mission for it?" Melaney asked.


"Don't worry doing a mission for Dome is easy as putting sending an email. So it will not be a big problem" Talvi said (Somehow I just get feeling that something is totally going on its head) Darul thought "Really? That sounds impossible" Melaney replied "There can be exceptions. Mostly they are really easy" Talvi said. "So from who I should ask a mission?" Melaney asked "Either from Anrek if you look for book chase, Garoy for either blueprint stealing mission or resource depot establishment mission or Ingron for kill extermination missions" Talvi said.

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"What does those missions type means?" Melaney asked as got up from chair where her helmet was repaired. "Extermination is pretty much simple. Kill VIP or wipe out entire platoon. Book chase is about getting a rare book or in overall a book what Anrek doesn't have on library yet. Blueprint stealing... Well steal this data thing and get out of there and Resource depot establishment is making a new place to get some resources. Although there is some special missions available too" Talvi said.


"But before you will get worried about making some cash you should get training. Your warframe is gunslinger type. What would you like to do more? Run and gun or marksman ship? Run and gun style will allow you to dodge incoming shots while send out barrages and barrages of lead while marksman ship is head shots only pretty much unless you have capture mission and you will need to get somebody disabled to somewhere" Is'Gol explained. "Hmm... I would like to eat before that. Can somebody pay me my dinner and... How do I get this helmet off?" Melaney asked


"Just think about it able to be taken off like helmets usually or command it to fold back" Darul said Melaney took helmet off revealing orange haired woman with blue eyes. "Now that wasn't so difficult now was it?" Darul asked "It is just new to me" Melaney said "Baby steps Melaney. Baby steps to safer future" Talvi said.

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Talvi agreed to pay a meal to Melaney as they were eating the TMC passed by to went to eat too.


"Since you seem to be pretty much only one I can trust... Who are these Is'Gol and Darul exactly?" Melaney asked "I can not really say everything since it would be their death some day but believe me. If you get trained by one of them and follow their path. You might stand alive as long as they have. They survived old war and got out of it darkness keeping their names in polished steel what has had been leave aside for a long time" Talvi said.


"That really didn't answer the question" Melaney said "What I say is that they are legends. Best on their line of work. Is'Gol is their leader. Darul is their professor of mechanical things" Talvi said "How did you meet them?" Melaney asked "I met them on a mission to get few Tennos out of a prison. While I was freeing the prisoners. Is'Gol, Baije, Ridan and Darul had went to recover their weaponry. Then we met at cross fire where I had the Tenno prisoners protected by the snow globe while I was fighting on nearly open ground" Talvi said.

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Fili looked back up at Natalia and nodded slightly. Ignorance is bliss, she got from that. "Okay..." She quietly spoke.

Fili looked at the table, and moved to the seat, releasing the Osprey, who took a position beside her head. She sat at the chair and rolled up her sleeve, a section of her metal casing parting, a small swarm of nanites emerging out if the sleeve, coming together to form a cord, which she then plugged into the computer.

Natalia, idle, walked to the bed, flipping onto it on her back, looking at the ceiling in silence.

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Whilst Fili downloaded the music onto herself, things had grown quiet. Even the Osprey had taken to Fili's lap, initiating a sleep simulation, its wings slowly creaking open and closed as substitute for a rising and falling chest. Quiet...





She flinched




She cringed




She covered her ears, shutting her eyes.

Edited by IceDragonofAmber
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As Melaney and Talvi had finished the meal. Melaney still looked sad. "You blaming yourself about what you are right now?" Talvi asked after a bit of thinking "Maybe..." Melaney said "What matters is this moment. Think about what if you would have become one of those monsters" Talvi said Melaney winced as she thought about it. "Besides you are using one of the newest warframes currently" Talvi said "Thank you for cheering me up Talvi" Melaney said.


"You might want to sleep now do you?" Talvi asked "I don't know. I don't really feel tired at all" Melaney said "Well how about we go pick up a mission then?" Talvi asked "What would you recommend for a new person of this?" Melaney asked "Depends. Do you have grudge towards one of the factions?" Talvi asked "Towards Corpus... A lot after what Alad V did to me" Melaney said sounding slightly agitated. "Hmm... I guess we should go ask from Garoy then" Talvi said.

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Soon Talvi and Melaney happened to come where Eva is smoking... "*sigh* That's about it on keeping her fresh and away from smokes and drinks. It seems that once spoiled can not get rid of it" Talvi said "You thought she is absolutist?" Melaney asked "Well nearly I made her quit drinking but smokes will be much more difficult. I hope you will not take that same path" Talvi said "At my home we really didn't have money for those" Melaney said "Good you haven't gone through what those can do to you" Talvi said.

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"Do you feel good about smoking? I am not really up to have a girlf friend who doesn't live healthy life. There is much more better ways to relieve stress. I think it is unnecessary to say that you are now already having illness because of smoking. You might die to cancer on lungs" Talvi replied

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Walked up to Eva giving her electric smoke. "The smoking is just as bad to yourself as to everybody around you but there is something what can be pretty much same as cigarettes. Electric cigarette" Talvi said. "Maybe that would be good first step to get rid of cigarettes?" Talvi asked.

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"Yeap" Talvi said "Anyway now I forgive you from smoking. I need to take Melaney for a mission. Where is your sister? She slipped out before she was able to talk with Melaney" Talvi said "You mean a Nyx Prime?" Melaney asked "How did you know?" Talvi asked "I have had been mind controlled once by a standard Nyx it took this a while to break my defense but this Nyx Prime just felt odd. Instead of breaking into me she calmed me down" Melaney said "Well you do know the reason why" Talvi said "Yes" Melaney said.

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"Well we will be on our way to a mission so Melaney can get her money problems out of the way" Talvi said "Shouldn't I get a weapon though?" Melaney asked "Those can be dealt with once we come back in here. For the mission time I can lend you a weapon" Talvi said they went to speak with Garoy. "Hmm... There is actually one mission what I need you twos help on" Garoy said "Well what's the matter?" Talvi asked "Well the thing is that it is a rescue mission" Garoy said.

"Hmm... Sounds like we can get some allies Melaney" Talvi said "Yeah... The Corpus has captured Two of your kinsmen thanks to harvesters. These two were requested to get some blueprints of few things. This is your mission will you take it?" Garoy asked "Tenno rescues are quite difficult they should do excellent as first mission" Talvi said.

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Gardener came to garden where Lisa and Eva are. "Oh come on..." Gardener sighed and went to help Eva out of the mud. "I will need to dry that mud lake soon and make it to be lake. At least better place to soak than a mud lake" Gardener said.

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"That is highly about you Lisa. Since I am not you. I think you should go to visit at hospital. Actually all of us should go there" Talvi said "I would like to speak with Eva face to face for a while" Talvi said to Lisa and carried her to other garden. "Your face talks more than your words can explain and that is worst sign of that something is wrong" Talvi said to Eva with empathy. "I am your boyfriend Eva you can trust me" Talvi said.

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