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Talvi departed towards Hospital too he knew that Lisa might not know where the patient is. Good thing that she goes there though Talvi knew that Nyx abilities will become useful to check what's going on the person's mind who is unconscious. He took from Eva's hand and smiled to her lightly his hand was slightly cold.

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After a while Talvi and Eva came to hospital. Talvi asked from Mihya where the patient has had been moved "He is in room 11" Mihya said then hugged Eva "How are you friend?" Mihya asked and smiled eyes closed. Talvi looked for Lisa to tell her where to go.

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Mihya opened her eyes color of the bright pink of her eyes had the gladness still. "Good to hear" Mihya said "Any news of Trinity parts?" Mihya asked from Talvi "Haven't been looking for those" Talvi said "Too bad well... I am just as glad even without it" Mihya said "That's the spirit" Talvi said. "Come on Eva let's go see the person. Lisa already went to there already" Talvi said person in the room 11 is still unconscious and in bed. Mirage was making a check "Mind lock... Damn" Mirage cursed.


Then she heard Lisa. "Oh hi young one. You came to see patient? Hmm... Actually" Mirage said.

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"Somebody mind locked this guy basically petrified him and I believe it might be done by Nyx. I was going to ask Taiji who uses Nyx Prime to come here and unlock the lock but since you are Nyx Prime owner and I believe you to be experienced on using this. I want you to open the lock" Mirage said mind read gave away fact that Neural sentry is speaking to Mirage about Nyx abilities and about Lisa who is in the room.

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The young Volt started to wake up. This raised to sit "Hell that took long time..." Volt said then looked on Lisa "Thanks Nyx Prime" Volt said "I think you should have a rest. Tomorrow we will make a check on your warframe in case that those Corpus did something to you" Mirage said "Alright" Volt said and lay down on the bed. He looked at Lisa.

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Mirage stroke top of Lisa's head "Come on lets leave the patient to rest" Mirage said as went outside of the room and waited for Lisa. "Please go... I need to think things through" Volt said. (She reminds me of my own daughter) Mirage thought but then she continued conversation with Neural Sentry.

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Mirage made a check on Lisa's state then did as Neural Sentry asked her to do. Make sure she gets to right hands. Mirage came to Talvi and Eva "Well it seems that Lisa fell asleep" Talvi whispered. "She needs some rest. Can you two get her to bed?" Mirage whispered "Sure. How was the patient?" Talvi whispered "This was petrified from mind and I asked Lisa to help the poor guy out of the trouble after she had done it. She felt tired" Mirage whispered. "Right" Talvi whispered.

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Talvi stroke Lisa's head gave her good night sleep "Sleep well Lisa" Talvi whispered then looked on Eva. Walked to couch and sat down "I hope you didn't mind that Melaney spent time with me" Talvi whispered as looked at Eva looking happy to spend time with his girl friend.

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"So we should let her die?" Talvi whispered "She needed money and she needed to learn core things of being Tenno" Talvi whispered. "I am not going to say that working with a rookie is great you know" Talvi whispered as went to Eva to wait for an answer.

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Talvi raised Eva to look on his eyes and gave her a long kiss "She will be thinking things through nothing else. We shouldn't think about her now" Talvi whispered after the kiss and massaged sides of Eva's thighs. "Your muscles painful anymore from the surgery?" Talvi whispered.

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The Osprey "woke up", flying up next to Fili's head, beeping rapidly. she opened her eyes and looked to Natalia, slowly dropping her hands from her ears. Her eyes displayed a mixture of fear and sadness, her voice betraying it too.


"I-I'm fine. I-it was just quiet, a-and he spoke to me."

"Sorry! So, mmm, how's the music coming along?" Natalia asked, grabbing for a conversation.

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Fili took a deep breath to try and calm herself, his voice being drowned out by the speech and beeps. "I-I'm downloading the songs to myself, so I can get through them faster."


The Osprey was still beeping beside Fili's head, causing her to grab it again. It continued to beep, causing Fili to rub its head. "Shh, its okay. I know what you were trying to do, its not your fault." She spoke in a soothing tone, causing the Osprey's beeps to lessen both in frequency and volume.

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"No this day has tired me up a bit since teaching Melaney demanded quite a lot of patience and will power from me. Also I had to do quite a lot of work to get things rolling" Talvi said thought a while. Went to Lisa and lie down next to of her. "I wonder what she is dreaming about" Talvi whispered.

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Fili took a deep breath to try and calm herself, his voice being drowned out by the speech and beeps. "I-I'm downloading the songs to myself, so I can get through them faster."


The Osprey was still beeping beside Fili's head, causing her to grab it again. It continued to beep, causing Fili to rub its head. "Shh, its okay. I know what you were trying to do, its not your fault." She spoke in a soothing tone, causing the Osprey's beeps to lessen both in frequency and volume.

"What do you mean, 'what it was trying to do'? As far as I could see all it was doing was beeping like an alarm clock." Natalia said, shrugging.

Not getting any answer from the door, Thalia walked away, fearfully heading to check in the hospital in case Kosha had gotten hurt, not seeing her around, Thalia noticed a weird reading, walking into the room where Morage was researching a cure to the Technocyte plague.

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