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Dome Of Civilizations. Library, Arena And Hall.


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Mirage heard somebody coming in to room but what Thalia was seeing her doing was writing on computer about the technocyte. She looked on Thalia. "You came to disrupt my work and black me out again?" Mirage asked.


Meanwhile at Eva's and Lisa's room.


"If you say so" Talvi said and stroke Lisa's cheek. "Sleep well Lisa" Talvi whispered. Then looked on Eva.

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Thalia ignored Mirage, looking down at something on a table, the holopad with Halcyon's work.

"This is of Halcyon's writing, and is wrong." She said quietly to herself, then looking up at Mirage. "No, quite the opposite, I'm here to bring you out of the dark ages." She chuckled, the lights brightening as she smiled.

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Fili looked at Natalia, still stroking the Osprey's head.

"Geb can only talk using an ancient language that only uses beeps of two different lengths." She looked down at the Osprey. "Its all he's programmed to say."

"Oh." Natalia said, raising an eyebrow, "He hasn't been cussing at me all the time has he?" She asked with a grin, hoping to incite a smile from Fili.

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"Actually after your creator putted me offline and I talked with Dalagan and Darul about my research. I gave up on getting a cure to it. Since it would require technocyte to be either reprogrammed or create a medicine what makes skin become unable to be mutated by the technocyte" Mirage said she turned back to computer thinking about what she should write next. She had spoken like there was nothing else than words.

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"Actually after your creator putted me offline and I talked with Dalagan and Darul about my research. I gave up on getting a cure to it. Since it would require technocyte to be either reprogrammed or create a medicine what makes skin become unable to be mutated by the technocyte" Mirage said she turned back to computer thinking about what she should write next. She had spoken like there was nothing else than words.

"Well what if I have these special little robots, robots capable of dissecting atoms? Robots capable of reprogramming a virus?" She said, her grin only widening, a smaller swarm of nanites gathering in her palm.

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"Well the problem is that nano virus doesn't have leader unit. That is the difficulty" Mirage said as continued writing. Some gold wires were able to be seen on her armor. "Hmm..." Mirage hummed thinking about last things to mention. "Even if there is a leader unit for the technocyte virus... It would change all of us" Mirage said.


Meanwhile in Eva's and Lisa's room.

"Let's try not to wake up Lisa" Talvi whispered and moved on to massage Eva's back and sides.

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"Well, it doesn't need a leader unit, just a one to one ratio from these nanites to infested cells, one nanite, to reprogram one cell, done. You simply need to find out how many infested cells per square inch, and we can see just how much I can cure at once." Thalia argued, unable to find a way to illustrate her point.

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"Are you speaking about the Tenno technocyte or infestation one? I was attempting to find a cure to both you know. What comes on Tenno technocyte I would need to be able to subdue the void energy from a person and who wants to be a test subject... What comes on Infestation the angle how you see this. Might be a way but I am looking for cure and shield against that type of technocyte virus" Mirage said.


Meanwhile at room of Lisa and Eva.


"Well your sister can confirm it. Don't you Eva?" Talvi asked as placed his hands to be ready to tickle Eva if needed.

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"Alright, bring me an infested charger or something, and we can find a tenno technocyte patient later. For now, I'll see if I can cure and shield against a certain form of infestation." She offered, "I don't exactly know how well I'll be able to do it in the first place, so a tenno test subject is far from a reality."

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"Sorry but you will need to do that yourself somewhere else. The person who created you already ruined me once and I don't want it to happen again" Mirage said as she remembered Halcyon commanding something to start sending electro magnetic electricity what ripped the augmentations out of the places.


Talvi started tickling Eva "Don't you lie" Talvi said he tickled Eva for few seconds.

Edited by Revel72
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"Sorry but you will need to do that yourself somewhere else. The person who created you already ruined me once and I don't want it to happen again" Mirage said as she remembered Halcyon commanding something to start sending electro magnetic electricity what ripped the augmentations out of the places.

Talvi started tickling Eva "Don't you lie" Talvi said he tickled Eva for few seconds.

Thalia narrowed her eyes,

"You quit, I hear, and I come back, and give you a sure fire lead on an exact way to stop the plague, to reverse it, and you decide it's a better idea to hang onto a scar rather than let it go and move on? Halcyon and I are very apart, and he didn't create me, not even close, he created my sister, and my sister created my other sister, who later created me. Omega? He's a drone, completely under Halcyon's command, I am something apart, I am something sentient. If you are unable to recognize that, there is no hope for the ones you hope to cure. There is no hope for you." She said, turning to leave.

Edited by ultimatumcore
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"Actually come to think of it. It is not correct time to get rid of infestation mutations and the plague what they spreads" Mirage said "There is reasons what I come to think about and there might be even more of them" Mirage said.


(Crimson I posted Talvi tickling Eva because of she talking trash)

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"Actually come to think of it. It is not correct time to get rid of infestation mutations and the plague what they spreads" Mirage said "There is reasons what I come to think about and there might be even more of them" Mirage said.


(Crimson I posted Talvi tickling Eva because of she talking trash)

(( That makes no sense as an attempt at a sentence, but I'll take from it what I can.))



Thalia turned,



"More of them? So that's a better reason to get them cured..." She said, wondering what form of logic the Mirage used.

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"She did mumble that" Talvi said as stopped tickling Eva. "You can check from my memory if you want Lisa but I am being honest since you are Nyx warframe user" Talvi said as moved to stroke side of Lisa's head. He looked at Lisa's eyes. His dark blue and ice colored eyes observed Lisa's eyes.



"Well there is a lot of reasons. Much as I would like to eliminate Infestation and help the plague. There is a lot of reasons why I shouldn't do that" Mirage said "One reason is that Grineer, Corpus and Tenno has something to fight against together. People buys weapons and armor. People has a reason to be careful. Go ask from Garoy what happened to him once" Mirage said.


"Believe me I hate to fight against my nature but... I have to in this matter" Mirage said.

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"I don't know what you might be thinking but look through a helmet doesn't tell much to me" Talvi said "Besides believe me. Love is not full roses like you think you can ask from your sister what I have done" Talvi said as slowly lie down on the bed "Though I wonder how is your health right now when you have gotten rid of that bracelet what suppressed your powers and after you got Nyx Prime on you, I can see from your eyes that becoming Prime was slightly different than what you sister went through" Talvi said.

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"I have no idea. He was out of commission whole time on the rescue mission" Talvi said raised to sit "You still mad at me because of me activating the Mag Prime on you Eva?" Talvi asked "I remember you releasing a quite painful sounding scream" Talvi said.

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Volt wasn't in the room. This has already left. Mirage came in slightly later Talvi turned to Mirage "I swear he was in here when I brought him" Talvi said "Can be that he was healthy enough to leave" Talvi said walked to Lisal. "Who knows what he has on his mind Lisa? We can not force anybody" Talvi said.

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