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Talvi turned to Eva "Do you want me to go after her or do you want to go?" Talvi asked if Lisa looked for Volt she found out that this had departed to his home. (I really would like to talk with Mirage about things what she has done) Talvi thought.

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"Where would you need boy friend? Like life is already full of work already you know. Nithana used to have boyfriend before this became her husband and she can admit that it was kinda painful to have such a strong bond with somebody from opposite gender"" Argon said 

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Oleran looked at Lisa. "How did you?" Oleran asked confused but then paid attention on Lisa's Orokin Emblems. "Hmm... You are a Nyx Prime owner too" Oleran said (Sounding like Duke from Tales of Vesperia) "I guess I shouldn't wonder if somebody manages to get a hitch like you who I am" Oleran said. "My name is carved on the steel by darkness and I hoped that by stepping on to light I would banish that steel to eternity where I would never see it again" Oleran said.

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"Was the Ash having energy color of purple and main color leaf green?" Oleran asked then he moved on what Lisa's compliment. "Your compliment receives warm welcome young one. Stay in the light so the darkness shall banish like a dust in the wind" Oleran said as stroke Lisa's cheek.

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"34" Oleran said "That was my friend Argon great person but I think my stress is not a rope what would be ties around his hands or are they? But those ages disguises themselves in to mirrors to make me question what is behind them. While I am being fooled real question is what I hide from them" Oleran pondered.

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"Hmm... A boyfriend. Faith on me have. As more than 16 years it has had been from my first relationship and I was a fool back then... Used by a nothing more than insolent being and waste of healthy life. Bringing toxin through the ears then through mouth. Until was putted down for good" Oleran said "These bounds are difficult whoever you are. Do not touch on this subject unless you know somebody who you can trust from bottom of your heart. Listening guts and will is not enough in this" Oleran said.


"In relationship it is so easy to one side use another as this advantage and in this war. It is more common than spending time with more than 2 of those kind of people... Do not make same kind of mistake. Both sides need to feel comfortable on being with each other. I guess it might be just matter of time when I will see either Eva's or Talvi's heart broken but that is not now. It will be then when it will happen" Oleran said.

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Oleran stood up from the chair after lowering Lisa to ground "Your understanding and lending an ear has made me feel better. Thank you young lady and I hope your heart will not be anymore broken by wrong kind of a man... Hmm... Is'Gol could use somebody to talk with him. My thank you again. Let me allow you to tap in to wisdom what guide me to path to a man what I am" Oleran said and laid his hand on Lisa's forehead allowing her to learn about sturdy blocking with a shield or heavy weapon. "Is'Gol is at winter garden you will find him from there" Oleran said and left.

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"She did mumble that" Talvi said as stopped tickling Eva. "You can check from my memory if you want Lisa but I am being honest since you are Nyx warframe user" Talvi said as moved to stroke side of Lisa's head. He looked at Lisa's eyes. His dark blue and ice colored eyes observed Lisa's eyes.



"Well there is a lot of reasons. Much as I would like to eliminate Infestation and help the plague. There is a lot of reasons why I shouldn't do that" Mirage said "One reason is that Grineer, Corpus and Tenno has something to fight against together. People buys weapons and armor. People has a reason to be careful. Go ask from Garoy what happened to him once" Mirage said.


"Believe me I hate to fight against my nature but... I have to in this matter" Mirage said.

Thalia sighed and left the room, heading toward Natalia's room, wanting to talk to her and see if she understood why Thalia was feeling mad at everything. She stepped into the room, figuring her sister wouldn't mind, and saw two people, one, she was okay with, perhaps even happy to see were it not for the memories carried by her, the other, someone she wanted dead, very dead, she let out a low growl at which point Natalia turned, raising a hand and pinning Thalia to a wall with shackles made from nanites, fastening and tightening to the wall so as to restrict her movement.

"Now Thalia-" Natalia started,

"BETRAYER! MURDERER!" Thalia roared, struggling against her bonds even though she didn't want to be let free.

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A Frost walked up to Lisa wiped his right hand to seize the snow storm "Who are you?" Frost asked as crouched on head level of Lisa.


Talvi had talk with Mirage who then explained Talvi what had happened. Melaney came to Eva. Her helmet on her left shoulder. "I would like to talk with you a bit" Melaney said.

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Frost gave a slight laugh sounding sigh. Picked up Lisa and went to make an igloo pulled out sleeping bag for Lisa to stay warm in. "Your warframe doesn't keep you warm?" Frost asked mind read gave out that this Frost is Is'Gol.

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Is'Gol gave Lisa a sleeping bag "You should have gone worn on the warframe before you came here. Sorry but I am a bit too old for you. Who sent you here?" Is'Gol replied on Lisa's words.


"I came to thank you for letting your boyfriend to teach me the basics and spend time with me. I hope you didn't become upset about him spending time with me to have me learn things" Melaney said and bowed to Eva.

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"Thank you Eva... Your attitude has spared me a chance to live" Melaney said and hugged Eva.


"Hmm...  You mean Oleran then" Is'Gol said started to think about good boyfriend for Lisa but he really didn't know Lisa well. Is'Gol took Lisa on his lap and he lie down on the snow ground in the igloo. While Lisa was in sleeping bag in warm Is'Gol wasn't even feeling cold in his warframe. He embraced Lisa "You feeling cold in the bag?" Is'Gol asked.

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"Good girl" Is'Gol said as stroke Lisa's shoulder "You didn't start whining" Is'Gol said as stroke side of Lisa's head with other hand took off the helmet to see Lisa with his own eyes. Looking at Lisa's eyes.


Melaney stopped hugging "I will go meditate now. Thank you Eva" Melaney said and looked on Eva's eyes. Her blue eyes are just staring on her eyes.

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"How?" Melaney asked "Did that man gave you that ability?" Melaney asked.


Is'Gol was slightly smiling and allowed Lisa to sleep on top of him. "You can sleep on top of me if you want" Is'Gol said as stroke Lisa's back and gave a kiss on Lisa's forehead. The kiss was cold.

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Melaney sighed from being relieved "Dear lord I was afraid that man had done something unpleasant for me" Melaney said she spoke Italy asking from Eva "Aren't you not afraid to use that ability?" Melaney asked.


Is'Gol covered Lisa with the sleeping bag and fell asleep soon too "Nyx Prime on hands of a young woman who has positive way of seeing the life" Is'Gol whispered before he fell asleep.

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((That's confusing))


Melaney cleared her throat. "You are not afraid of using that?" Melaney asked.


Is'Gol just sleeps since it is quite late for him too. He kept Lisa on his embrace in case that she feels cold in the sleeping bag what is quite thick.

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Talvi was secretly sneaking behind Eva as Melaney spoke "That is so incredible" Melaney said "And Alad didn't ruin your eyes?" Melaney asked feeling slightly jealous towards Eva of her odd ability.


Is'Gol held Lisa lightly so she wouldn't feel cold a lot but let air move in the sleeping bag so she wouldn't sweat too much because if she would sweat it would mean she would feel cold much more faster.

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