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Dome Of Civilizations. Library, Arena And Hall.


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Fili got back to Natalia's shoulder and continued her crying. Only after a while, when she'd died down, she spoke.

"I'm sorry... I-I'm sorry for being so useless. I-I'm sorry that I can't fend for myself."

"I'ts alright, you shouldn't have to fend for yourself, normal beings, normal tenno, they fight because they were created to, and later because they chose to, you, we have no idea if you were ever created for that, it might be that the combat AI was just in case, but it might've been hoped that you would be a test, a prototype to see how you do. You can't know that you were created only to kill, because no one knows why they were created, and if you think you know why, you're usually wrong." Natalia said, referring to Thalia.

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Fili broke off again. A few tears still came down, and she was still sniffling. She wiped her eyes before speaking.

"Thank you Natalia... f-for being with me. If it weren't for you, I-I don't know where I'd be. I think I wouldn't even still be around."

"I try," She said, smiling, "What should we do now? Not much is going on, good thing too. Oh! The songs, how're they coming along?"

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She finished wiping her eyes one last time. "Can... can you teach me how to defend myself?"

Natalia thought for a moment, and then smiled.



"Sure. I imagine it would help, what with the combat AI only appearing after some amounts of pain." She said, "You might want armor, not a warframe probably, I'll see what I can cook up for you." Natalia added.

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Nida was doing some tricks she remembered from long time ago back from the old war. She was nervous for some reason. Is'Gol had let her be away from meeting. (I wonder... What is going on in my head? Ever since I had some free time... I just can not get back in to work... I feel like something dragging me away from it or something but I just can not figure out what) Nida thought (I don't even know would my kind of Tenno even deserve to have a warframe anymore) Nida thought.


She did few magic tricks with game cards. (What is bothering me...) Nida though while Talvi and went to follow the meeting.

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Nida happened to be near of swamp garden she opened the door as she had heard somebody saying hello. She opened the door and went inside started to look for who said that. (I hope I could find somebody who would be able to help me with my stress) Nida thought as looked around feeling sad.

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"You are okay now Lisa don't worry. Only if I would say same about myself" Nida said as kissed on Lisa's forehead. Nida really didn't care about her clothes since she really has thoughts everywhere on her head and it is one big mess what Nida doesn't like. Nida nearly sounds like not being in her own body just like she would be gone.

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Nida pulled Lisa out of mud. "I wish I could lie but... No I am not okay. My head is full of thoughts and I just want to stop the train of thoughts but I just can't the brake for it. That would be how I feel right now. I need somebody to help me a bit on this by talking" Nida said seriously sounding in deep thoughts what are troubling her.

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Fili smiled, happy that Natalia had agreed to help her. "Thank you" she said.

She was curious as to what Natalia has in mind for armour if it wasn't a Warframe.

"I can help make the armour if you want"

"Sounds good," Urza nodded, "Now, the most important part...  what color do you want it?" She joked, activating a hologram projector and looking through available materials. Ranging from rubidium to stable isotopes of Uranium.

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"It can," Urza said, swiping through the list to find a cobalt color, applicable onto most materials. "It depends on what you want, heavy plates, light plates, form fitting? It's up to you, though I'd probably go for light plates if you were going to use the nanite swarm to attack, if you want training with weapons, I would go for the form fitting." She explained, going through various armor designs, ranging between practically anything imaginable.

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"To do both would be form fitting with light armor plates over it, it would be interesting, and I'd need to know where you deploy the nanites from, but it is quite possible. The material would be best if not every heavy, so I'm thinking along the lines of ferrite. Halcyon has extra armor plates consisting of ferrite and Iridium, that way it's strong and able to withstand high temperatures while also remaining ductile and not easily shattered, we could go with that, but I don't imagine you needing the temperature block, it's not like you'll be falling from orbit on a planet anytime soon." She chuckled, "A soft ferrite, that way we can demonetize it and fold it easier." She decided, "It shouldn't be too heavy, but I have to tell you ferrite is mostly Iron." Natalia finished, inputting the design and beginning it's render process, once finished rendering, it would project a life sized model of the armor.

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"I can release the nanites from anywhere, but I usually use my back." She noticed that she was still uncovered where she had plugged in the cord to download the music, working to cover it again.

She looked at Natalia when she explained the suit resources and how it would be made, smiling at her joke. She looked rather dumbly, not understanding much of what she said, nodding at the end. "Okay."

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Natalia noticed Fili's 'dumb' expression, and explained,

"Iridium shatters, but is hard to melt, Ferrite gets dents, but is easier to melt. You wouldn't haplen to Know where a foundry might be? I can do this myself, but it would be easier to have a robot do it for me." She said, sitting on the edge of the bed as the holoprojector rendered the feet and then calves, using 8 K holographic resolution. It would take a while.

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"I thought so." Natalia said, tapping her chin. "Well, waiting around her'll don't nothing, let's find a foundry whilst this renders, it'll take a while, and you know how it can get when it's quiet." She continued, standing and stretching her limbs, heading for the door with a yawn.

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