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Dome Of Civilizations. Library, Arena And Hall.


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Fili looked with Natalia for a sign, though she tried for a conversation to keep it from the quiet.

"Have you ever been here before?"

"Yea, Thalia actually lived here for a while, this is where my body was created, where Urza was created, you could say this is my home, not that I know much about it."

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For a while Nida showed resistance against Lisa's entering to her mind. At outside it looked like that Nida is paralyzed but she is actually keeping eye on what Lisa is doing in her mind. Lisa should see that all memories has had been scattered all over place and nothing is on correct place. There is an interesting memory was found.

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Lisa should see her now sitting in a bench of the memory. Nida is on the stage. Place seems to be some kind of theater or something but for some reason Nida is called Amaldina. She seems to be doing some kind of magic tricks. Making people smile and wonder how she does the tricks. There was no gadgets seen or any other kind of vision tricks. After the show Amaldina head to her backroom. Lisa was able to walk through the walls.

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At Amaldina's backroom there was some military people asking her to join on the army to use her magic tricks on harmful purposes were it used against enemies or not. She declined and was about to be forced to it. She managed to escape thanks to a distraction caused by theater staff. This memory is from times before old war. Amaldina was on her common clothes and drive away from theater with a car. Lisa should see that she is sitting in back seat of the car. Amaldina was driving quite long time.

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Soon car parked in on yard of a house in front of garage. Nida is living alone. She went to open the door after looking around and checked her house from outside. She didn't have anybody because of protecting her identity. She had checked her house nobody in there. She sat on the couch thinking about what just happened. Then she slowly started to cry. Lisa is not able to do anything since this Nida's memory. Amaldina really looks like what Nida is now. Must be that they are one same person.


Amaldina started to speak alone to herself a monologue. "I somehow guessed that some day this would happen but... I wasn't ready for this... I don't want to use my discoveries to harm somebody. Magic is meant to make people wonder and be happy about the moment. I guess somebodies are scared of me" Amaldina said to herself.

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Amaldina heard door open. Lisa should see that Amaldina head to pick up handgun from kitchen putted it to pocket after turning off the safe from it and then when near of the door. Somebody who Amaldina had entered to house. Since this is memory Lisa was not able to do anything to what is going on. Amaldina made sure that pistol is not able to be seen. Then went to check out who came inside but soon as she came to kitchen door frame she saw something what Amaldina didn't like.

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There is a foot print near of the front door what Amaldina saw to be exactly same as one of the military men at the theater. (I have to get out of here. Now if they knows where my home is. It will be only matter of time I end up on their hands) Amaldina thought she went to garage and from there to her car. She picked up sub machine gun looking like weapon. She went inside of the car and again she was on the run. "Where should I even go?" Amaldina asked from herself.


Reception tower replied. "Okay marking the landing pad B-3 to your use. It is marked with yellow light. When you have landed wait that the landing pad lowers to room where you can come out"

Edited by Revel72
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After few hours of driving Lisa notices that Amaldina starts to have difficulties to stay awake. Leading to that one of the military men shot on her car's engine cutting down the escape but with quite dramatic results. Amaldina's car flipped few times like it would have hit an invisible object that flips car from right side on the roof. Amaldina had blacked out from hitting her head on the steering wheel. Military men approached the car with caution.

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The military men didn't even see Lisa since this is Nida memory. Soon shooting started somebody was attacking the military men shooting down one at time. Woman with sniper came to the car and checked is there anybody alive. This woman is Baije. Nida's first friend what she ever had. She helped Amaldina out of the car but this is time when both of the women didn't even know each other. Lisa should see that Baije picks up Amaldina's weaponry and departs to somewhere. After few minutes of walking there is Baije's motorcycle.


And they departs with that.

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"It is alright Lisa" Nida said as saw Lisa's reaction seems to be that Nida's mind problem is finally over. Crisis of remembering it seemed to be. Nida picked to her embrace. Stroke her head. "You are nice person... Thank you" Nida said sounding glad from having her mind problem finally solved.

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((I see))

The primal Frost Prime took the ship forward, easing it into position and stepping off the pod, his innate chill condensing most around him as he walked through the dome. He came to the library, choosing a book and placing it on a nearby table, sitting in front of it and regarding it's cover, not opening it, not touching it, he simply wove his fingers together into an ancient chakra form. Closing his eyes, he meditates on the books cover, thinking deeply about how it affected the universe and it's workings. The cold seemed to ebb away as he meditated, eventually coming to normal room temperature, he held it there, finding the pinnacle of balance in temperatures in the room.

Edited by ultimatumcore
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Nida pulled Lisa out of the mud. "Be careful young lady" Nida said and lowered Lisa on sturdier ground. "Let's go before anybody finds out that we have had been here. Before that I hope you haven't lost anything in there" Nida said as stroke top of Lisa's head.

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"What the heck you are doing on working ground? And you too? *sigh* Just don't do this again since you never know what might have had been left in here what may cause danger" Guards said. Nida picked Lisa up and departed to Lounge. "Well what would you like to do?" Nida asked.

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Nida went to where she remembered her room to be. Then unlocked the door with the code. After the door opened she walked inside the room was following the standard look of the lounge apartments but with few additions. Nida had made herself few bean bag chairs and pillows. Nida went to change her clothes since the ones she has are on mud.

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Nida washed Lisa's clothes quickly then putted them to be dried it should take few minutes. "Well I wonder what Lisa even attempted when she went in to my memory" Nida said to herself as got to common area where her made furniture are. There is few towels for Lisa's use.

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"Much better before I met you. Thanks to you I don't have that problem on my mind I think it was identity problem on my sub conscious" Nida said as went to sit on a bean bag chair and took comfortable position. "What are you going to do next? I thought your aged would be more less reliant on older aged people" Nida said.

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"Good to hear that you have somebody to spare your time with" Nida said as pulled out a thin blanket out of nowhere and laid it on top of her. "You are not going to get on anything if you don't decide things for yourself" Nida said as laid her head on the bean bag chair's hill.

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