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Dome Of Civilizations. Library, Arena And Hall.


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"Speaking about how you are not deciding about what you do so much. You wait to hear that somebody orders you to do something" Nida said "Being yourself is living and deciding what you do is one part of it" Nida said as started fell asleep.

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Nida had fallen asleep. Sounds like it might be quite late right now. Nida was finally smiling that the mind problem was finally over and was not being caused by somebody. The room was silent only Nida's slow and gentle breathing was heard as she slept.

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Talvi smiled too "It seems that you are not upset how long I took" Talvi said "Although I do wonder why you don't speak France so much. Is it a bit shame to let go from such old language?" Talvi asked. "Intelligent art oratoire, lisse avenir" Talvi finished.

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"Avec optimisme vous ne avez pas seulement tricherie moi" Talvi said "Car la non voudrais vous" Talvi said and walked in front of Eva and gave hug looking at her eyes. "Mais ja respecte vous autant que moi-méme" Talvi finished and gave kiss to Eva.

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"I love you Eva but be honest. You make more road clear to others and yourself but remember. Brave is that who talks but is wise also if this knows who to and when to talk" Talvi said and gave kiss to Eva's forehead. "I hope you will not lie to me anymore since I don't lie to you" Talvi said.

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"I think we should call this a day. It is quite late. Though I do wonder where Nida and Lisa are. I didn't see Nida in the meeting and Is'Gol didn't want t tell me why. Also Lisa has had been missing for a quite a while. Are you not afraid that she might have ended up on Jack's hands again?" Talvi spoke as stroke Eva's back with left hand and right hand stroke back of Eva's head.

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"My apologies" Talvi said "May I enter?" Talvi asked from Eva as still looks on her eyes. He stopped hugging her and moved her hair aside. "I still remember when your eyes used to be colored red and your hair partly red. Color representing owner's mood" Talvi said.

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"Was Thalia created here too?"

(OOC: Don't remember if this was mentioned or not before. If not I'll edit)

((It wasn't))

Natalia shrugged,

"I assume as much, but I'm not quite sure. It's weird, but, Thalia was truly originally created to manage Urza's extra nanites. When Halcyon created my body, he made a slight mistake, which was remedied, but had already done the damage. The nanites didn't have a protocol for not reproducing, that's how Urza came to be, the excess was left behind, and she replicated from that, I got a protocol to stop them from creating more of themselves, but both Urza and Thalia never did, so her nanites are still cancerously reproducing, stored within the dome. You should be able to see them if you reach out, but I wouldn't suggest doing that." She explained, finding a guard, "Would you happen to know of where I could find a foundry?" She asked hopefully.

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"She never asked for it, and it seemed like she wanted them to continue forever, they build energy reactors when they need them, the only problem might be if she's away from Thalia for a really long time." Natalia said, looking back at Fili. "Also, Urza's been kind of, evil, for a while now. So I didn't have many chances to talk to her about it."

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"She used to be, it looks like, she probably would've betrayed you if she had the chance. But I don't know, maybe something changed her, she was definitely hostile to Halcyon and I before she went Earth, and is now less so." Natalia explained, walking into the library to turn and pull Fili away from it. "You wouldn't happen to know what happened to her on Earth, why she changed?" Natalia asked to keep the conversation moving.

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Fili looked back up to Natalia before speaking. She'd wanted to correct her on the betraying part, but figured instead to tell the whole story in order. "When I went to Earth, these people found me and took me away. They were the same species as Watcher, and their leader was actually a look alike of him, but purple. They took me into a cave, chained me up, and began stabbing me.


They... made me lose control again, and... and he..." Tears were starting to form, Fili working to wipe them away. "He killed them all, only the look-alike escaping. Urza was there, but she was disguised as you. She actually stopped another Tenno, named Zephyr, from aggravating him. Urza had me convinced that she were you, and I stuck with her, until she attacked me.


She restrained me and entered my mind. She was searching for something... but I don't know what. She stopped before she got it, leaving. Later she came back and apologized, clearing up that it was her and not you. After I basically said I couldn't trust her, she said she'd look over me, and left. I didn't see her again until... you know."


She looked down again.

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"It must've been you then." Natalia murmured, "I'll meditate on this, but something about you is very special Fili, without you, I wouldn't have a sister. So then, don't go in the library, for any reason." She warned, "There's something, someone in there, who doesn't feel right. It's like his very soul is blackened." She added, walking through the dome to search for a foundry.

In the library, the Primal Frist Prime had heard Natalia's approach, and had opened his eyes to see her walk in and out of the library. Another of those abominations, he stood, stepping towards the door and stopping, looking back down at the book he had picked up, he turned and placed it back on the shelf, leaving afterwards, silent as a shadow.

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"I-" Natalia started, interrupted,

"I was, and she fears me, because she knows her sin." Issued from behind Natalia, who jumped, surprised. Turning in mid-air to see the primal Frost Prime.

"Oh-uh, hi." She said timidly, and the Frost Prime simply watched her, speaking after a moment.

"Why do you mock me? Does it please you to destroy my legacy?" He asked, his voice cold.

"I...don't know what you mean?" She asked, and the Forst Prime was silent, simply, gesturing at her warframe.

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Natalia stammered, wondering why the Frost Prime made her so afraid, she drew a breath, seeing mist condense in front of her, at which point she realized how cold it was. She stepped away from the Frost Prime, she composed herself, and looked him in the eye.

"I do not mock you, imitation is the deepest form of flattery."

"Only if you are able to imitate my strength, he responded, beckoning to her and heading to the arena of ancients. Natalia found herself moving, following him, despite her still debating whether she should.

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"Yeah... Sure... Allow somebody come close of you when you are sad that would be the moment where you would have avoided me all the time" Talvi said "I think I shouldn't have returned your memory. You were quite a beast when I gone to call you Valleria" Talvi said "When all the self confidence started disappearing when you told me that you are Harina then few days after that you tell me that you are Eva. Heck you have given me a feeling of that you have amnesia" Talvi said.

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"Don't worry after that there really didn't happen anything that brutal until you got your memory back" Talvi said "It was better to meet the what you did on past while you had your memory down. Though pretty much every time you got angry at person you started crying or became ashamed about it. Don't know why but I ain't judging" Talvi said and closed Eva's eyes.

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Fili followed, still holding the Osprey, which beeped occasionally to generate sound. She walked up o beside Natalia, and gave her an extremely worried look.

Natalia looked worried back at Fili, only able to move her head and neck, which confirmed that the Frost Prime was somehow controlling her warframe.

"This person, I think Halcyon's told me of him. Not directly, but-"

"So you know the tinkering fool." The Prime interrupted, Natalia had assumed he was too far away to hear her, but had evidently been wrong, she tried testing it,

"Yes." She responded in a whisper, and the Prime nodded,

"You seem timid, but you have not to worry, I will simply test you, and if you are true, then it will show, and I will reward you." He explained, entering the arena and directing Natalia's warframe into the center of the arena. He then turned to Fili,,

"Young tenno, I must ask that you remain outside, or, if you insist, you may watch, but you would be required to take an oath of silence." He said, his tone far softer than how he regarded Natalia, evidently not wanting her to fear him.

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