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Dome Of Civilizations. Library, Arena And Hall.


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Talvi comforted Eva. "I hope you wouldn't be this sensitive though. I have to say it is kinda weird to see that you little sister has more confidence than you" Talvi said "But you are special as what you are Eva. You can change if you just want it" Talvi said.


Sorry for delay my mother send me to grocery shop -.-

Edited by Revel72
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((That pretty much everyone of your female characters needs love... Do I sense some loneliness from your text?))


"Don't worry nothing was broken and we didn't hurt ourselves" Talvi said as raised to sit "You are quite a pacifist though. Nothing bad on it just be ready to raise the weapon when time comes" Talvi said.

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((Revel, it might be best to not read too far in to things that are said, it's annoying, and likely to be incorrect. Under most circumstances RPers don't want people trying to dig into their characters to find out what their character sentimentally means to them. Especially when it come to RPing intimately.))

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((Ultimatum... Man that "intimately" word feels so wrong to my eyes when I gone to think the word too far. Just a hunch though. It just feels weird))


"Well one way to spend some time is to find your sister. What do you think?" Talvi asked.

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They passed by the swamp garden but there is mud foot prints what hasn't been cleaned up. Talvi noticed one of them being Lisa's own she seems t have rolled on the ground. He saw few guards. "Excuse me do you happen to have seen somebody visiting in here? Green eyed young lady" Talvi asked "We did and hell that was awkward. She was with another Tenno but I don't really know what warframe she is using only thing is I remember is sweet voice and hair was dyed to brown" One of the guards said. 

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"No. I just brought her here to wash up. She sunk quite deep on the mud. Her clothes are at room in left I think they should be dry by now" Nida said and stood up. Stretched her muscles. "I wonder how my team mates are doing" Nida said.

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"To where?" Talvi asked and looked on Eva for a while he was able to see that she was upset on something few seconds ago. "And with who you spend time with?" Talvi asked. "I was slightly worried about where you have had vanished" Talvi said.

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Talvi looked at Eva for a while looking quite confused. "Um... Magician? Sorry Lisa but magic is just fictional concept created by our imaginations and Nida being that person. I am quite sure that is not correct. Unless you have proofs to correct me" Talvi said as looked back to Lisa.

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"Has she been drugged or something?" Talvi asked from Eva. "One thing what I know is that Nida doesn't use any kind of drugs or wouldn't force anybody to use. She is kind person" Talvi said as walked with Eva and Lisa to their home.

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"Hmm... I don't think it would be possible..." Talvi said to himself he held Eva's hand lightly. Talvi didn't notice that Nida was actually following them to make sure that Talvi and Eva wouldn't believe what Lisa said about her. She preferred to be known as Nida. She doesn't know how her team mates would react that she is actually Amaldina.

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"What her team mates has said that she isn't or something is missing from story or something is not right on the person" Talvi said "But it is not my duty to find out who is really who though" Talvi said "I wonder what made Lisa say those kind of things" Talvi said,

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They arrived to door what is Lisa's and Eva's room door. "This is the door what hides behind you two's apartment. Better not to raise attention from this although I am really confused still about what Lisa has said about Nida" Talvi said "You will need to show us Lisa that you are right" Talvi said

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"What is it?" Talvi asked as looked on Lisa. Nida was hiding behind corner and listened what is going on. "Eva can you open the door so we can get some clothes to Lisa. It is embarrassing to her to walk only tower hiding her body" Talvi said "And I am not looking forward to have Lisa sick either" Talvi said.

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"Okay..." Talvi said "How did I upset her now?" Talvi asked and gave Lisa her clothes. He is still wearing his common clothes. "Better get something wear before you catch a disease" Talvi said and thought a moment why Eva did this to him. He does care about her sister but did it go over the limit.

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"Fever would be most common one if you would have kept walking with only towel around you" Talvi said "Did you went inside of Nida's mind to find out something like that what you said about her?" Talvi asked Nida knew that Lisa might say what she believes her to say to Talvi. "Or did you sleep and had dream about it?" Talvi asked.

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Nida came out her hiding place and came to Lisa and Talvi "Is this true Nida?" Talvi asked "It is. This young lady helped me to find out who I was before an accident" Nida said as stroke top of Lisa's head. "Well I suppose I should hear everything about this then" Talvi said "I want you to stay silent about this to my team mates. I don't want that same terror to happen to me again" Nida said.

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Nida picked up Lisa to hug her. "It would be better to us speak on my room" Nida said and smiled she stroke Lisa like she would be her daughter. "Well... That is something" Talvi said and Nida lowered Lisa on the ground. Walked towards her own apartment.

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As they were inside of Nida's home. Nida close the door "Have a seat *deep breath* I hate do this but I must" Nida said and encouraged herself. Talvi took a place to sit Nida waited Lisa to sit "I haven't seen everything since Lisa stopped displaying the memory of mine after the accident when Baije rescued me" Nida said.

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Natalia looked worried back at Fili, only able to move her head and neck, which confirmed that the Frost Prime was somehow controlling her warframe.

"This person, I think Halcyon's told me of him. Not directly, but-"

"So you know the tinkering fool." The Prime interrupted, Natalia had assumed he was too far away to hear her, but had evidently been wrong, she tried testing it,

"Yes." She responded in a whisper, and the Prime nodded,

"You seem timid, but you have not to worry, I will simply test you, and if you are true, then it will show, and I will reward you." He explained, entering the arena and directing Natalia's warframe into the center of the arena. He then turned to Fili,,

"Young tenno, I must ask that you remain outside, or, if you insist, you may watch, but you would be required to take an oath of silence." He said, his tone far softer than how he regarded Natalia, evidently not wanting her to fear him.


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Fili didn't correct the Prime, nor did she want to. Despite his softer tone, she still had fear on her face.


Being quiet would've meant that she'd be at the mercy at his taunts, but she knew she couldn't leave Natalia alone. Fili nodded and whispered to the Osprey to be quiet. After a worried beep, she whispered to it again, after which it fell silent.


Looking down and not at the Frost, she moved into the arena and took a seat.

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